—-6-day Meme War General —-
All emergency meme centers are active
This is not drill
We’ve found the Deep Hogg Meme Base
Cockroach Urine Edition
—-6-day Meme War General —-
All emergency meme centers are active
This is not drill
We’ve found the Deep Hogg Meme Base
Cockroach Urine Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Red pill pic
What if we bug their office?
Door is definitely a match for the meme lab.
What if you just rang the doorbell and took some photos when they opened the door to see what top secret
meme magic they are whipping up on their computers.
can we send a singing telegram?
its imporntint
What if we rang the doorbell and then ran away before they could answer it
Firebomb it
Do it
Can we get boots on the ground to confirm status?
FL anons get out there
why the fuck is the address censored, fake faggot.
He is a crisis actor, but fuck you for not posting real shit. post address or not at all.
it is already confirmed
Address gets threads deleted immediately new nigger
Because the mods are removing all posts that aren't censored.
fix it
Take a huge shit on the door step!
/pol does realize they are probably reading these very threads right? Thus diminishing the impact that any actions discussed on here may have?
fuck right off shill
trying to get the thread deleted without doing the lifting yourself
Fuck off cia nigger.
You realize how terrified they are knowing we will find them wherever they go because these cunts are such narcissistic cretins they have to video record everything they do for social media brownie points
Kys, shill.
They messed up
To confirm the cucks saw it, now that it's there
Glow much?
Someone order them 20 pizzas from every place that delivers
>no toppings
>no cheese
>no sauce
> not even in the CIA
The Democrats firebombed a Republican HQ in NC
Y no revenge???
The 12th is Holocaust Remembrance Day.
We should mark the occasion.
Thats a video doorbell, be careful
That is what they all say.
>Y no revenge???
>2012 meme
Yup thanks for confirming that
and most importantly
>no tip
that's the point David
now finding a picture on your door is scary
but what's more scary is them telling you how they did it. of course you'll try to run, hide and distract us
but the thing about Jow Forums is the ride never ends and you're here forever so we'll find you again
No, it needs sauce so it can trigger flashbacks about their fellow students' blood
my OC from the last thread, pls r8
lol mad lad. Just sauce not cheese
Hello FBI what are you doing here? Haven't you heard Jow Forums is board of peace.
I think I am going to get banned again because I posted in a thread spammed by bots. welp, Back to Jow Forums and Jow Forums
ps. Mods are fucking faggots
> have a sticker on the wall that says "facts matter"
> literally all of their arguments are based on emotions with no facts
When will these kids snap guys? Surely they must be regretting this decision.
Lazy ass niggers the address is all in the archives. I don't get why it was okay to post threads for 3 days looking for this thing and then delete half the posts that dox it.
>Jewish lawyers from Miami threatened the hacker known as Jow Forums? OHHH now I understand...
Fuck it
>no toppings
>no cheese
>no crust
Just sauce in a box
You had better on the former thread but not bad
Is that possible? Can it be done? Any anons ever attempt such a thing?
working for the feds must be fun huh
>mail slot
lets write them a letter
Dear Meme Lab,
Me too, if that's the case. Back to pic related.
user's fresh OC that I liked
She Will Not Divide Us
That's how they work.
I’m also confused about why this is such a big deal today. My only guess is the April Fool’s spam kept it hidden from enough untrained eyes.
I've been waiting for someome to post this again. I lost the hard drive I had it on. I've been wanting to redo it and present it to several people.
Thanks m8.
my grandpappy used to say that pride comes before a fall.
The international community banned the use of chemical and biological weapons after World War 1 and reinforced the ban in 1972 and 1993 by prohibiting their development, stockpiling and transfer. Advances in science and technology raise concerns that restraints on their use may be ignored or eroded.
Pic related
Look what I just found. The NRA has a plethora of free news letters.
I hardly ever get to witness such threads :(
Good shit
I'm still here anyways. I think we are good. Got muted there for 15 minutes. Maybe mods will not be fags this time, I just wanted to bitch before it happened.
this one was from Finland I think
Throwing urine is what leftists and Antifa do, shill.
Not to mention that these kids peaked in high school. It's a fall that will last decades
>suicide which would never be prevented by gun laws
There's a .72 correlation between gun ownership rate and suicide rate on a state level though. Although I know there are other factors that come into it.
this skinhead needs to be stopped
Fuck off with the piss stuff and vandalism. These kids don't own the office. Doing any of that just hurts the property owner.
Is there a doorbell cam on the meme lab's door?
you should be fired for this post
yup. obvious kike is obvious.
yes its called "ring"
Guess you missed the last meme war
Welcome newfriend
fuck off
Someone buy a box of 556 ammo and mail them 17 of them.
Snake this is a solo sneaking mission
Thread theme youtube.com
Was the money for the office donated or did the property owner donate it?
Not advocating property damage
>Doing any of that just hurts the property owner.
I have the archive link
I don't get it
Do video door bells record video? If so each door bell has potential to be HWNDU if video gets uploaded.
just print out a 6 ft x 3 ft copy of the 2A and cover the door with it
On April 1st, in 24 hours anons produced more memes based around 5 arbitrary candies than the left has produced in their entirety since Nov. 8th 2016.
April Fools Day was a show of force. That Jow Forums hasn't lost a step or weakened. IF anything it showed just how motivated and eager we are for a fight.
And during all the chaos, during the same 24 hours that produced thousands of candy flavored memes, Jow Forums did the unthinkable. Anons actually managed to find the 'Secret' Florida office of Hogg and the NEW ShareBlue.
If the third meme war must come, then woe to the enemies of Jow Forums. Anons have never been more ready.
With a caravan of illegal immigrants at our doorstep and the call to remove the 2nd amendments and the midterms around the corner... The time for the next meme war has come, lads.
Take the first step: Download photoshop or Gimp or whatever so you can contribute NOW
say hello to the fbi for me
lay off the sauce
>Was the money for the office donated or did the property owner donate it?
There were a lot of docs posted yesterday as to (((who))) was on file as the persons renting the space and similar. There were about half a dozen blatant Jew names.
I think it’s like a game camera that texts you pictures
>/pol does realize they are probably reading these very threads right?
of course newfag.
556 is what most ARs are chambered in.
holy shit
great. so now we get to see every fucking florida user stick a sharpie in pooper and press the buzzer
I have been having way too much fun with this.
this sounds iconic lets do it