Convince me to leave as a legal Mexican in the US

Convince a legal and successful mexican from an immigrant family to go back to Mexico. This should be interesting.

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Other urls found in this thread:

if ur legal no 1 cares

what are you sliding?


not your personal army fag

Thanks mate


Alright, i'll stay here then.

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My maid is Dominican. Nice lady.

Meme. That will NEVER happen. But keep posting those cute pictures. It's adorable.

If you're legal and integrated nobody gives a shit.

You're one of us, so shut the fuck up and quit trying to get attention for being butthurt.

This is not a personal army request. This is an attempt to start an argument, which is a 100% legitimate type of OP.

>Legal Mexican
No problems there m8

> As a legal Mexican in the US


You're here legally.

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Don't worry user, you fit right in!

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>he doesn't know about the RWDS

If you don't leave you will never fuck anzu in the afterlife


you stay

If you're legal you're not Mexican are you? You're American

That's not Anzu, that's someone else.

Wow, didn't know pol was so tolerant and civic nationalist.


op is retarded

Legal Mexicans are bros. I just wish more of you opened restaurants that served authentic food, rather than catering to white peoples love of TexMex.

You obviously consider yourself and your family Mexican. Your country needs you. It is crumbling quickly. Due your duty to your nation Mexican, return and Make Mexico Great Again.

Can we finally solve the reason questions in life?

What's the meaning to life?
Is Anzu a girl or a trap
Is god real

I mean comon, I wish we could finally have definite answers to these questions

wtf i thought you people were supposed to be nazis wtf are you doing.

Fuck you texmex is sacred

All spics.

who cares your legal your one of us

Are these crappy posts the best hogg's meme team can produce?

No girl could be as cute as anzu, therefore he is a trap.

I'm "Mexican" I consider myself American. I've thought about moving to mexico my family still has land over there. Personally seeing my nice old white people neighborhood get filled with Mexicans who blast their corridos all day and night makes me embarrassed to be Mexican. The way things are going here it will be like mexico in another couple decades.
Then again I'm legal I didn't choose to be born here and I love this country but God damn we at least have to weed out the fucking drug dealers and criminals. All my fucking cousins drive drunk, use or sell drugs if you really are Mexican you know the is true the Mexican community is only slightly better than the black community.

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How close do you look to pic related in your op?

they are fucking shills or from the_donuld fuck off go home

If that's you, let's have some master race green eyed white mexican babies.

T. Green eyed white chicano by way of Jalisco

you're a mestizo, you said you're legal, you still should go back and teach your people not to be rapists murders.

Oh hey it’s this thread again. Same girl too.

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free helicopter rides!

Confirmed OP is a faggot AND a Mexican

You seem pretty white so you can stay, but its not your country.

go home spic man

I don't look like that but i am completely Iberian. (Girl here btw)

If she's legal, She could be Mexican-American or Chicana.

Will never happen he said without realizing history is cyclical

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What do you call yourself? I am an.....?

I'm an ethno nationalism who belives in splitting America up into 4 ehtno states were each Ethno state pays people yo leave and has about 10 percent non-white for genetic diversity. (The other ehtno states belong to the other races.) Tbh if you had a whole ethno-state for your people and got paid to leave I think you would but I think it's more likely due to your looks you would be part of the ten percent that would stay.

Wow, the replies in this thread sound robotic.

>I'm an ethno nationalism supporter

I don't believe history is cyclical, i believe it's linear.


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How so?

>Jow Forums
Are you getting your real news from CNN?

why are swedes so racists?


Fuck all the cucks in this thread.
Go back to Mexico spic.

C'mon this a nazi/white nationalist board with a libertarian appendix.


>Girl here btw
You know the rules, tits of GTFO

Then you don't know much about history.


>i believe it's linear.
It's not. Certain pattern repeat themselves over and over

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Answer me. Do you say you are an American or a Mexican?

I'll post a pic of myself if this thread gets more replies.

How so? History is linked with technology which is practically a linear improvement.

Normally I'd say no, but those numbers check out.

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Ever think maybe were sick of slide threads and that's why it's so robotic. People get tired of this crap. I would spend an hour explaining how ethno-states can work and how every nation was one a one point. I could explain how race heritability effects IQ and pollitical opinions but what's the point. I could even explain how some ehtno-state supporters can be non-racist and just believe certain races are better at certain things but why waste the time.
Guys like this who are morons and OP will never get it.

>wtf i thought you people were supposed to be nazis wtf are you doing.
We are a board of peace that's welcoming of all peoples regardless of color.

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If you're serious, then I would say that you should leave because your heritage is not this country. Your lineage is not of the founding stock of this country, your ancestors didn't fight in the Civil War, etc. Meanwhile, Mexico is the country to which you are ancestrally tied to. It's in dire need of political and social reform, but Mexicans are too busy dicking around in America to make any positive change. I'm sure whatever qualifications you have plus being bilingual could get you a decent job in Mexico City or wherever. Moving back to Mexico also ensures your children don't get sucked into the modern consumerist garbage culture that is prevalent in America currently

if you have experienced what we have you would understand

>Implying Nazis didn't have many different races in their ranks including blacks and Asians.

>History is linked with technology (?)
>Technology is linear
>Therefore History is linear
So you don't know about fallacies either. Pray tell what are you successful at, sucking dicks?

pic related? then u'd have top notch brazilian dick waiting for you here

>successful Mexican
you have two pickup trucks?!

There's nothing wrong with Legal Immigrants.
I'm against Illegal Immigrants, and you should be too. You worked hard to get here, You had to have skills, passed a citizenship test, or are the offspring of someone who has. You've been screened and it's determined that you're a candidate for successful integration. I want more of you, and less criminals.

They did not. Show proof.

Why would I want an american to leave the country?

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IDGAF so long as you're not screaming LA RAZA and waving mexican flags.

Definitely a not-see

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based /thread


Nobody will care about the talented tenth of the third-world once shit hits the fan. We're not obligated to convince you of anything -- you have your own people and your own land(s).

>the majority of Americans on Jow Forums are faggot civnats

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>your ancestors didn't fight in the Civil War, etc

Yeah, but a lot of white people immigrated after the civil war.

>Meanwhile, Mexico is the country to which you are ancestrally tied to.

Actually, my ancestry tied almost wholly to Spain.

>It's in dire need of political and social reform,

True. But this is such a deep problem that one person can't solve it. Those who immigrated illegally are almost powerless. At best they are cannon fodder for a failed revolution.

muttland is a worse shithole than yours paco. millions of americans renounce citizenship and leave permanently. most of my mexican friends have already left this cursed land. you can live like a king in your land or be a slave to globalist despots.

In Brazil you can get sick and have a free healthcare, therefore better than USA

In Brazil you can fuck all the tight blanda w/o being sued, imprisoned, or paying a fortune. human sex rights are still protected in brazil, unline gaySA

In Brazil you can get a free university degree without fighting in a "freedom" war

t. braziliano

Why not be around in your ancestral grounds?

Is it because white people make amazing societies?

Any bad experiences you want to share?

>not your country
go finish your math homework user.

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Jow Forums es un forum de paz! Somos una comunidad respetuosa que hacemos chistes irreverentes. No nos gusta la falta de libertad de expresion que apoyan los marxistas e izquierdistas. Si respetas y valoras la Constitucion de EEUU y los valores de sus fundadores eres bienvenido hermano.

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There's plenty of proof including pictures of soldiers. If you're too lazy to search it up it's on you.

You should read up on how Hitler greeted Jesse Owens during the 1936 Olympics, compared to how he was greeted by his own President.

Except niggers.

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Why? Are you one of those obnoxious liberal cunts complaining about corrupt power structures or something?

>Hitler greeted Jesse Owens
I'm pretty much sure that was a shoop user?

as a brazilian who escaped to the USA I can tell you.

the USA is a much bigger shithole than brazil and mexico combined!

Heres what life is like in the US is like:

1) wake up
2) start rushing
3) commute
4) work
5) eat garbage
6) watch garbage
7) sleep
8) repeat

you make money but you never see your friends, neighbors, the quality of life and work-balance does not exist. It's a living capitalistic hell. Americans are always baffled if/when they ever live abroad and they realize that not everyone lives like them LITERALLY RACING FROM PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK TO SERVICE THE MASTER DOLLAR.

it's pathetic. I wish my parents never dragged me here.

Your kids wont be safe.

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Fuck you, spic.

This guys wrong OP. Your kids have less than a .001 percent chance og dying by a school shooting. And soon there will be added security so don't worry bout it.

Lo and behold:

Thank you Norway.

Didn't they only do that when they got desperate for soldiers? They still thought they were subhumans anyway,

Sorry, he wasn't greeted, my memory betrayed me. But he wasn't treated any better by his own President, nonetheless.

Why do you identify as Mexican?
You are American godamit, act like it.

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