Why doesn't he just enact martial law or something?

Why doesn't he just enact martial law or something?


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he has :)

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Wrong. The only thing the president has full control over is going to war or not. Pretty much everything else he has to work with congress. It's why every president has failed to do everything they said they would do while campaigning

Why not just shoot them? They're a goddamn invasion force.


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Or hell let armed patriots do it and call off law enforcement. They'll get the job done.

>president has full control over going to work
Stop giving us a bad name and kys

crypto military junta and martial law are not the same

It really is retarded that all he does is complain on Twitter.

Congress handed him a shitty omnibus bill, and what did he do? Signed it.

When he directly has power, he fails to use it or he uses it incorrectly. When he doesn't have direct power he just uses Twitter.


Literally the most cucked nation on Earth.

If these fuckers just wanted asylum from Honduran and Salvadoran gangs, they could stop in Mexico. It's clear that they're coming to the U.S. for gibs.

>not realizing he's buttering up the people to the idea of dissolving congress entirely

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Usa yes

No that's still Canada

well obviously he doesnt want to look like a hypocrite for attacking obama for his executive actions, or at least he doesnt believe in them. But hopefully he'll reconsider.

i hope martial law gets declared when that cravan of beanniggers gets here
its literally an invading army

>The only thing the president has full control over is going to war or not.
A potus cannot declare war without congressional approval, brainlet.
Why do you think Obungo performed drone strikes WITHOUT declaring war?

>go to war with mexico
>during war napalm caravan
>mexico must give up a 25 mile depopulated strip below US border
>repeat until no more caravans or no more mexico

he needs to stop pussyfooting around and fucking take charge. if he simply can't then he needs to come out and say openly that the deep state has total control and he can't do shit until they are removed from power. but this wishy washy bullshit needs to end. shit or get off the pot.

He can mobilize federal troops/military to protect our border. Its his constitutional mandate

I like how he keeps it real.

You can't declare martial law over this though obviously. We have checks and balances in place for a reason, The President doesn't have all the power to do whatever he wants.

We need to fix our immigration laws and fast.

the thing that pisses me off the most is his complete 180 on these DACA niggers. not only a complete 180 but he actually wanted MORE illegals to be able to stay. that was just spitting in his base's face

No martial law, but he absolutely can take control of an individual states National Guard. The liberal tears should he take Californias would be glorious.

I Supported Trump from day 1. By time the omnibus was signed I said fuck Trump. My plan is to vote Dem for the next 2 cycles, and I mean the farthest lefty fuck I can to push the country into a civil war. We can not rely on the Useless corrupt repibs to follow up on anything. Voting for a challeger of a republican is just voting for an ass puppet the same. No the only way is to vote every republican out of politics and hope for the best in a war. While the niggers kneel Our brothers will stand against the gibmedats and their Gov, and the rest of the pussified beta world.

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remember kids obvious derailers and concern shills get paid according to replies.

he made an offer that he knew they would not take. don't think he was serious.

Any non citizen wich crosses the border should get a mandatory minimum of 25 yrs even as a child. Anyone caught crossing with drugs or other contraband death penalty.

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yeah the whole "republicans care about daca, the dems don't" thing is fucking stupid. I know he's trying to piss them off but its not a good strategy. he needs to kick the daca beaners out ASAP and make an executive order banning companies from hiring illegals and banning illegals from getting welfare. arrest all who fail to comply. oh and maybe he should start building the fucking wall too.

if he doesn't build the wall, or lets the daca beaners stay, or lets the caravan through the border, he is a one term president. you won't even have to vote dem. people will just stay home. everyone knows the war is coming and wants it to just happen already.

the republicans wouldn't give two shits if we voted in a super liberal president. Hell they'd probably like it, as it would give them the opportunity to move further to the left themselves. In case you hadn't noticed the republican party has been gradually been moving to the left for decades.

They would impeach him if he did this, but it would be worth it to wake people up.

yup.. no constitutional trials in most courts boyeee.
gotta get that passport,birth certificate,ss number, and fly the stars and stripes. on your vessel carrying your sovereign person.
you gotta know it all by heart.
0 consitutional rights with that flag flying.

it's not red,white,blue & gold.

it's red white & blue.

That is why we must vote them out completely. Im not sure if it is even possible.

the gold is just a fancy decoration, if we were under martial law it would be alot worse dude.

jesus christ, gribble. The gold fringe is there for decorative purposes.

Fun fact: there are real people who believe this. They are called " retards."

"Those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants into this country." - Barrack Obama

Sup fags.

Why would we want to end up like Europe?

Trump might SPARK something from this;)

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>Canada has tough immigration laws
Good one.

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NG is a function of the state. He would activate Reserve components.

I don't want to end up like europe. The establishment republican party does though. that's all I was saying

DACA is going to happen against our will and the wall is no longer an option. The omnibus made sure of that. Its construction will be held up in courts for the next 20 years because of his signature on that bullshit. Fuck him. Id suggest to him that he commit suicide in the oval office before one of his pissed on core snipes his ass at a rally.

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"People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as someone who entered the country legally... When we use phrases like undocumented workers we convey a message to the American people that the government is not serious about combating illegal immigration, which the American people overwhelmingly oppose." - Chuck Schumer

pr kys

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no, it's an Admiralty flag.
within the walls of Admiralty = Admiralty law.
not constitutional law.

i want us to declare war on mexico and name all the illegals in our country as enemy combatants

He can't a lone get rid of DACA kids, so he played 4D chess and tried to make a deal with the Dems which he knew they wouldn't agree on to make the Dems look bad. It worked. Dems were dumb to shoot down the 2nd deal which kept 1.8 million DACA kids here. Trump gave them a gift and they rejected it all because the plan included a wall too

Can we all just meet them at the border and make our own happening? I'm tired of waiting.

How brightly you glow.

>He can't a lone get rid of DACA kids

Yes he can. It's being held up in the courts now, but once trump ending Obama's Executive order allowing those fuckers to stay here gets up to the supreme court DACA will end. You are correct though Trump was just trying to use DACA to get the wall. Now we'll just have no wall and no DACA.

Because they're going to build the wall whether you like it or not. But they'd prefer that you want it.


They can impeach, but if they can't convict it is meaningless. I can't imagine this caravan is going to be popular to most Americans. Especially since they went full Leftist Retard with their demands. Let the Democrats impeach him. Let them go all in on this caravan and gun control. Make it a total media circus. Whip up Republican voters into a frenzy. I want 2018 to be a monstrous Red Wave that will bury the Democrats for a generation.

wtf does that mean anyway?If he would ask I would clean my rifle and head that way, i think the national guard would respond quicker. But no he will roll over as the caravans get larger and more frequent. As long as he rolls over he will not protect Americans or the borders which they defend.

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The illusion of government is gone. This is Trump facing global, and interplanetary forces here.

They need America gone quick, before we wake up finally to whats ACTUALLY going on in Europe.

This is the craziest fucking time to be alive boys.

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So he can bypass due process for confiscating guns but he can't do it for deporting illegals?

What a fucking zionist cuck.

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Immigration laws need to change . Allow people who want to be and die as an american in. More taxpayers is a good thing for economy. There is lots of land in the midwest to develop. What needs to end is the gibs strangling the taxpayers . And the criminals who come in with no intention of being Americans.

That's no longer relevant in the nuclear age and the retirement has been bypassed. When you have 15 minutes to respond to a missile attack you can't wait on Congress.

>There is lots of land in the midwest to develop
All you're saying is you want the Whitest part of America to be less White.

the left and never-trumper rino's think getting trump to turn his back on his base will demoralize us. dead wrong

I dont believe you supported Trump, but he has tried too much to appease the dems already while keeping the country at peace that he lost his own. Little did he know you can't settle with these people.

If the wall was built then the migrants would try to subvert the barrier Which would be criminal or turn back. As it stands the laws allow for some give because there is no physical barrier to stop someone from just wandering into US territory.

It really is, this is a trial balloon. If this goddamn horde gets in every fucker from here to Sao Paulo will be walking to Texas. Mark my words there will be significant numbers of left wing protesters and supporters on the U.S. side of the border when this group gets closer, this is going to be a real showdown in the media and if Trump fucks this up this country and his presidency are both dead.

When he didn't enact martial law on day one, I knew he wasn't the one we hoped he was.

So you will support him even if he continues to do the opposite of what he promised?

That sounds pretty cucked.

It isnt about race its about ending the gibs. Without gibs only the real hard working people will come. Also no spanish should be allowed in public schools. If hispanics are making more babies its not a country issue its a low test issues.

where is the law that says if the flag code is broken the constitution doesn't apply?

I was expecting he would against all those riots.

This needs a massive twitter campaign yo reach the potus and ask he declare martial law, use the NDAA & insurrection act to arrest the 9th Circuit, the government of Cali and build the wall. Trump 2020!

I had hoped he repair the rift between the repubs and dems to get our Gov working again. I supported Trump but the anti Trumpers in the republican party must be punished for not backing him. Bannon was right when he said the movement was over and we would have to find another way. Trump will not get anything acomplished that he campaigned on due the unholy alliance between the dems and never Trump repubs. Honestly the Dems still have full control.

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He can nationalize a State's national guard and use them against that State.
whatshisface did it for muh integration

>It isnt about race its about ending the gibs.
So you'd be fine with America being 80% Chinese in 100 years since the Chinese are hard working?

>trying to push the blame into the congress for allowing this to happen

What a joke.

Are u baiting me jtf?

Answer the question.

After seeing that pic, I'm just worried that Trump might flip the switch and allow those bastards to enter.

nah, Trump saw that "caravan" on fox news and he's legit pissed. something might come of it

Your statement is 100% correct, however the retarded can't tie their own shoe's yet...

If the president can't get shit done due to being cockblocked, your political system has more serious issues than I imagined.

Just two Apache helicopters. Just two.

Because he understands that, just because he CAN do something, it does not mean he SHOULD.

This alone is Making America Great Again, and is the starkest contrast possible to President Dindu.

Refugees in Europe do the same thing. They skip plenty of countries in order to go where the gibs are at.

I think Trump is still trying to fight from the inside, but does not realize he gave away the farm. I as a voter was complicit. The only way to stop the full integration of the US citizen with the global agenda is war.
No longer his choice. Crooked Dems and Repubs are fucking over the citizen looting the way out the door. They know they are all on the way out. All Trump had to do was say no for 4 years to fuck them all over.
We all are outraged, but cannot stop it. As a citizen if you started shooting at them you will die in a mexican prison or a us prison for stopping them from breaking the law. We will be un-loobed and watch as those beaners grin walking by CNN Cameras. Trump gets the blame. He could speak the truth. Not one of matter, not even him.

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Rotten and corrupt from head to toe.

Not quite, our republic is designed to prevent that. His justice department has the ability to do something about it, the problem I think he's talking about here is that we can't just gather them up and ship them out, we have to house them and put them through a system that will probably take a long time.


He hasn't thought that far, give him time.

>Mexico and Canada have tough immigration laws

Lol, it's a lot more difficult to get into the states as opposed to Canada. Dude really needs to stop lying.

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Damn you're right, we should have voted for hillary or jeb, then everything would be better.

no he fucking can't dumbass.
the same constitution that libs bitch about for keeping them from stealing our guns is the same constitution that says he doesn't get to do whatever he wants.
the executive has "enumerated powers", just like the other branches.
you can't just follow the constitution when it's convenient.

Ahh who cares how its paid for. We have to have a physical barrier for the laws that are on the books to be enforceable. They were designed that way for a reason. They are literally standing a fence that was built and stored in the 90's. Jow Forums missed it altogether.

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>Lol, it's a lot more difficult to get into the states as opposed to Canada. Dude really needs to stop lying.

When you're white it's hard to get into any country for some reason, I wonder why.

Just shoot them all and blame a weird spic jew who was bullied in high school.

So... WHO can actually do things in your republic? Humans still have hierarchy, you are saying the president isn't on top so who is?
If the voted by the people president can't get shit done it means neither people nor the pres have any power.
It isn't democracy, it isn't junta, it isn't monarchy, so what is, oligarchy with the kikes concealed on top? Btw your republic still votes reps in a democratic manner within each state. What do the reps do? Shit on their voters?

i keep telling you folks, nothing is going to change until youre willing to spill some blood.
you waste your time on this website every day hoping something is going to change, well its not.
You have to go change it.

looks like he is preparing to bend over and blame everyone else for it

Corporate entities ( elites ) control the US and all Govs. How are you on this board and not realize that. It does not matter who is elected.


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