Who was the most literally who President?

Who was the most literally who President?

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benjamin harrison

Grover Cleveland, Zachary Taylor, Chester A. Arthur; someone along those lines I guess.

I know this one but can’t remember his name

There was a cunt they called the dark horse forgot what his name was.

>Grover Cleveland

>not his name lol

Millard Fillmore.

Zachary Taylor was based

this is the right answer

Van Buuren

Obama in 50 years

Woodrow Wilson

>Tool of the Banking Dynasty


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Franklin Pierce

john hanson

Pope Joan

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Millard Fillmore. Even people of his day said that he did basically nothing while in office.

He wuz a kang u no

He wasn't really unknown though. Just horrible. Basically brought progressivism, globalism, and a socialistic tax code to the US. The tax code, and globalist policies were ultimately what led to the great depression.

He is famous for being the only president who is not a descendant of King John of England.

Rutherford B. Hayes

First president born a US citizen.

woodrow wilson destroyed europe with his cuck agenda of killing european empires and their colonies

fucking anti white piece of shit

Where the fuck is Poppy Bush?
He ran the CIA
Then he ran Reagan
Then he ran himself
Then the CIA ran the Clintons and Obama
He was the modern grandmaster of evil

He killed JFK so he's hiding in the pic from him


But Zachary Taylor was the hottest

lmao the right can't decide whether Wilson was a KKK Grand Wizard or an anti-white piece of shit.

“Silent” Cal Coolidge

Millard Fillmore


Rutherford b Hayes

I hate Obama so fucking much.