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If you think radical islam will ever have a reformation, you haven't paid attention to many muslim theocrats.

This wasn't Christianity....it called itself Christian, but it was not Christlike...so therefore, not Christian

We use islam as a proxy for race, you stupid fuck


Reminder that Muslims are right when it comes to capital punishment and the treatment of thots.

>What is the New testament?

ah yes, comparing a mass shooting to a genocide in terms who's worse, BRILLIANT !

Honestly we gotta go back to this

that's hot

Christianity was never anything even remotely close to islam. And fuck your retarded meme history, faggot.

Hurr Durr Christianity was just as bad a THOUSAND YEARS AGO as Islam is right NOW!

Take that, bigots!

Both are equally bad, also, insert your emote into your rectum f4g

>unironically bitching about a religion that lets you have 4 wives
literally fuck off

Now imagine the spanish inquisition as everyday life, then you have Islam.

Then become a Mormon you goatfucking wannabe.

Filthy heathens


>daily reminder that the French revolution killed more people over a couple of years than the inquisition over centuries
>daily reminder that at that time the inquisition trials were less barbaric than secular trials
>daily reminder that people saying "Christians did that too" are never Christians
When I'll hear: "we shouldn't judge radical Islam because revolutionaries and commies did terrible things too", I'll start listening.

Enjoy your ban.

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Christianity is worse now, at least Islam still controls its women and degeneracy

Here's a hint, faggot. The middle ages were terrible because of GOVERNMENT.

The inquisition did literally nothing wrong.

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Reminder that the Spanish Inquisition was surprisingly modern in its accusations and trial process.

Reminder that relatively few people died because of the Inquisition.

Reminder that the Crusades were in response to direct threats from Muslims.

shut up nigger you have n0 say in this

It was.

Past tense.

>Muslim theocrats exist so there will never be reforms

The Inquisition was actually relatively mild. Look up the European Wars of Religion.

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Witches and heretics deserve to be tortured and killed
Fuck off, you're probably a freemason

If you think they're still the same, you don't know how to use Google.

>Christian History
founded by a pacifist who never ordered anyone killed, it took centuries before it was corrupted enough that politicians could use it to start wars
>Islamic History
founded by a salesman turned politician turned warlord, who literally personally ordered mass murder, enslavement, and sexual slavery, kicking off a legacy of bloodshed, mass murder, mass enslavement, and state-sanctioned gang rape that continued endlessly. All of Islamic history can be described in terms of which group they were invading and oppressing to a degree that makes English imperialism look like a burger franchise.
The average person could name the handful of periods where Christianity was dangerous. Any single century of Islamic history is responsible for more people killed than the Salem witch trials, inquisition and Westboro Baptist Church COMBINED. Yet people can't be bothered to study Islamic history because muh cultural sensitivity.
>hurr durr the crusades
the first crusade was declared after the Islamic horde had conquered 2/3rds of the Christian world. And the fuckers have the goddamn nerve to cry like bitches feeling sorry about being fucking victims.
>equally bad
one person wants to slap you in the face, the other wants to stab you repeatedly. You're like, 'aduuuur well I don't like either of those so they're both equally bad.'
you're a fucking moron and you are the cancer killing civilization.

Gervais is only slightly more intelligent than a stoned Seth Rogen.

Wrist suspension is my fetish.

This is hot

It never ceases to amaze me how little people are taught about the crusades and the events leading up to them. It's almost like schools purposefully obfuscate history.

> Inquisition
Literally didn't do anything wrong. The institution was founded to give people a fair trial and prevent them from being lynched by the dumb and superstitious street mob after being accused of being Jews or other kinds of subhumans.
> Crusades
All they did was defend and reclaim territories.

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I'll be honest, I expected a Swedish, French or Canadian flag.

>You ever thought Christians 600 years werent like muslims now
>Your wrong

>If you think this isnt getting saged OP
>Your wrong

christians do it all the time you fucking tard

Praise Jesus, and death to Islam.

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1600 Vs 2018!!!!!!!!! Time to pick on the Timeline

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the only difference is Islam is still fucking things up in 2018. they still live like dark ages

also sage

Just a note
By "fair trial" i mean what was understood as a fair trial at the time, which was far less just than modern law.
Still it was far ahead of any other law in the rest of Europe and the Islamic world. It is documented that many criminals would just start to shout heresy when they were caught by the authorities just so they would be sent to the Inquisition and not to the local authorities where he would most likely get instantly beheaded, while the Inquisition would investigate his crimes and sentence him to a more suitable punishment.


Retardet as double digit IQ argument

t.atheist that has read both bible and quran

*tips Fedora *

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Yes, exactly, HISTORY, like hundreds of years ago... While Islam is radical RIGHT NOW.

no true scotsman

/k id feelsgoodman

>thousand years ago
>15th century

Every nation back then tortured, it is not related to religion. Also, it´s quite overstimated, the spanish inquisition for example barelly kiled 100 people in all it´s existance.
The anglo created the meme to fuel dutch rebelions in spanish land

the correct number is around 2000 in its entire existence i believe, which needless to say is rather tiny

Inquisition killed couple hundred ppl in Germany in its whole existence

Snowniggers still practicing snownigger practices.
No surprise all of these came from ex-barbarian places known today's Germany and France.

>Abrahamic and Semitic religions still being practiced by Euros
Not practicing the faith of your ancestors instead.

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you haven't been paying attention to them

enjoy ban


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Exactly. Back when humans were retarded Christians did that stuff not in 2018 with our advanced society. Muslims are stupid cucks who still do that stuff.

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Thing is Christianity is splintered while Islam isn't.

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So what was Islam doing during that time? What are they doing now?

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Select one

>Want to learn more about the first Crusades
>Google search
>Only results are 'dem muslims was gud boiz, Seljuk Turks dindu nuffin'
Objectivity and facts are archaic, patriarchal concepts I guess

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But the Spanish inquisition was a response and a reaction from Islam conquering and ruling over Spain.

Christians tortured you to save your soul. Muslims torture you because they are jerks.


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>The inquisition
>4000 deaths
>Over 300 years

Icicles kill more people in a month than inquisition killed in 10 generations

Are they also right about chai boys and fucking goats?

>Christianity isn’t taken seriously anymore
>Society instantly goes to shit
Really makes you think

Is this where Jew sponsorship of Islam shows?

>Islam isn't splintered
nigger they literally murder each other in the streets, in every country they live in. There can be no peace with those cunts

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Is this supposed to gain my sympathy for the Muslims that torture, rape, and murder 11 year old girls in Britain?

The inquisition is such a fucking meme because leftists can't accept that modern political violence is so extreme that it has no historical precedents.

There was no Medieval Cheka, people only gave a shit about taxes and public order.


thats impossible, these people arent true Christians we are the religion of peace.

this is exoteric christianity, not esoteric.
you have to be a truly retarded, trashy, subhuman to believe christ consciousness has anything to do with treating other human beings who have done you no wrong like that.
truly retarded.

Pretty cool scene. Do you have any shots from the front?

No I mean theologically their on the same page while Christianity is divided.

not true, Khajirites believe that every unrepentant sinner will burn forever for instance, even the basic split, Sunnis and Shi'ites are different because Shi'ites have 2 extra pillars added to the 5 Sunnis have

And Islam sees the rest of the world as conquering its territory.

Khajirites were so fucking radical that they had to be violently stamped out except for Ibadis, which are the mildest of them.

not all christians!

Turns out christianity wasn't ever like radical islam, and what you're referring to isn't anything like radical islam

if you think the sins of the past justify the sins of today, you're actually retarded.

>the Inquisition weren't faithful, based as fuck, and honorable men stamping out demons and their puppets

oh i know, they are the more entertaining of the bunch

So are you saying islam didn't exist back then or are you saying that despite christians drastically changing it's okay for mudslimes to continue to be the same uncivilized barbarians they were?

Stalin,Mao, Pol Pot, Ceaucescu, Kim Il Sung

Who worships Zeus? Also, you cannot make a choice between religions, they are all the same.

And this matters because?

>not LARPing in the woods and pretending to worship trees based on manuscripts and observations from ancient Christians

Who gives a fuck about 400 years ago -- it has zero relevance to the present.

The Muslims spread by the sword. The Middle East was part of Christendom, not generally by forced impositions. Hierarchies often do evil if left unchecked. Fanatics of any stripe, especially atheists, cannot be given free reign to power

And then Christianity was reformed around 500 years ago

Still waiting Islam, still waiting, anytime this century would be nice

This this fucking this. And 4000 is the upper limit.

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the difference is Christianity had multiple reformations and Islam is still stuck in the 13th century

Yeah, lets go back to the stone age and have all that shit all over again.
These fuckers dont even have secularity you mong.

>ancient Christians are like modern muslims
mudslimes are still committed such atrocities, you waste of organic matter

>set of rules and regulations regarding torture that were more appealing then regular law at the time
>criminals would go out of their way to be tried by the inquisition
>reputation ruined by the Anglos and their black Spain myth

its almost like OP used the word "was" because he understands past tense. how can that be though when the meaning of the thread is so fucking gay and retarded?

>implying that homosexuals, adulters, blasphers, and unruly children don't deserve to be stoned to death.

pic related was based as fuck

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