The real tragedy is that where americans seem to be free to talk about everything...

The real tragedy is that where americans seem to be free to talk about everything, most time is spend talking about right wing ideas.
I wonder if that is linked to direct profit of shareholders or if the link is not that proportional, if it at least does not threaten the status quo like left wing ideas would

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> tfw OP thinks people stay in the same income brackets for 30 years

Income inequality will always exist in a capitalist society. As long as the people at the bottom rung have their basic needs met. Who cares?

This is the big scam of the US, the richest keep fucking us over to enrich themselves while they keep us distracted with partisan politics and stupid distractions.

What's the percent of businesses that fail compared to 1978?

Leftists rely on censorship and control to spread their idealism. Free speech allows all opinions to be discussed and measured together, hence people will have more conservative ideals.
This is something you new shills will come to see during your engagements here.

>was getting caught part of your plankovich?

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So the reverse is true? You don't need extra millions for more than a house or two and a few cars, that money may as well go to people who work 40+ hours a week and struggle to pay medical bills or can't own their house.

But I don't blame minorities.

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Productive use and the efficient allocation of capital is the purpose of capitalism.

The paradigm always seeks to preserve and generate the wealth of the wealthy. But the capitalist principle (perhaps the most important component of capitalism) demands no one has sognificantly more than they can productively use.

That is the truth about capitalism. That at its core it believes all resources belong in common to the people and are given to those whom can use them most productively (or at least productivly enough to pay the taxes etc on them.)

This idea that the wealthy should be eternily so and that their children should inherit without taxation is a bad omen. A reversion to depotism.

At what level of wealth should we start the appropriations, commissar?

> the supply of cheap labour has nothing to do with wages

Productive use brainlet.

This idea that the wealthy should be able to hoard wealth in amounts far beyond their needs at levels of taxation below the nominal rate is absurd.

It functions as nothing more than a significant wealth transfer from the poor to the rich.

It inneficient and wasteful and destructive as is a overly burdensome tax scheme.

While you want the benefit of labor going to the producers, you also dont want excessive accumulation just as you dont want excessive taxation.

Why have you been posting the same half dozen bad memes all day?

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but jews are a minority

>le Gold standard

Do we have to argue about bi metalerism next? Maybe we can pontificate on the nature of the aether

I wonder (((who))) has all this money. sage
You mean Income (((parenthesis)))


>at its core it believes all resources belong in common to the people and are given to those whom can use them most productively
That's dead backwards, capitalism's core is the private ownership of resources from which production and exchange follow.

bosses are free to make whatever they want pinko, if you don't like it then make your own business and pay your employees better
oh wait you can't because competition is stifled by leftist corruption and nationalizations too bad haha

I am a boss, so get back to work poorfag.

Concentration of wealth is a byproduct of a big state be it left wing or right wing.

Hi shareblue

Not in media and finance tho! 2000× over representation!

I blame monitors for the crimes they commit not my job choice

>This idea that the wealthy should be able to hoard wealth in amounts far beyond their needs at levels of taxation below the nominal rate is absurd.
We have common ground on the tax avoidance issue you refer to. However, you're still talking about "their needs" as if you are an expert in "their needs." You aren't, get some humility.

jewish bankers arnt the problem, import more people willing to live 10 to a bedroom and work for 3$ hour goy

It's because the ruling class hates the truth. We need to establish GLOBAL MARXISM

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My point is counter to the original idea of a minimum need being met, if one can judge a "minimum needs" level of wealth one can also judge a "you have more than enough stuff" level of wealth.

No Im correct. (Literally inexerable
From from our economic system and laws).

Private property is given as a measure of productive use. Work is the means of extracting the use, and taxation and inflation are the methods used to ensure the allocation is being efficiently used.

Whatever property is not used productively is forefiet either through taxation, inflation, or siezure.

The absolute indefinite eternal right to unsused and unproductive assets is retarded. Imagine a king owned 10,000 acres he let lay follow and 10,000 people had to live on one acre. The king has no right to that land. God gave it to all men and it is mans natural right to take it for the benifit and use of all.

That is the true nature of capitalism. And it all stems from the universal and common ownership of the market and resources (why we are able to regualate and why regualation is necessary)

Youre welcome.

>import a bunch of competing laborers to devalue to salaries of workers
>oy vey stop being racist and let us import some more

>Well if my boss would quit hiring Mexicans at a fraction of the wage I'm asking for I'd force him to hire me at a higher wage.

Is what I would say if I did manual labor.

>switch from currency backed by gold to literal IOUs
>businesses still grow because they have a steady supply of money from banks, who get money from the Fed, which can now print as much money as it wants consequence-free
>meanwhile the value of the dollar is constantly being diluted, meaning that rising salaries are meaningless
Nothing to see here, move along goyim.

I am an expert. In fact in more than one niche area Im probably one of the foremost experts in the world.

The ruling classes are communist jews.

Red herring fallacy.

Why are leftist Cucks so intellectually dishonest?

I dont think my boss was working in 1978.

If your lame europoor ass started working in 1979, and you are still making shit money, I have to ask, what the fuck is wrong with YOU?

Private property means you, a private individual, can own shit. This is the core idea in capitalism no matter how badly you struggle with it. This differs from feudalism where nobles own shit, communism where the collective owns shit, managerialism where the managers own shit, and the various other means of organizing property in society. Please read a book.

Why do Righty morons beg for more trickle down that never comes?

Last night my monitor showed me CP, the police smashed down my door and beat me and it was ME who went to jail.
Fucking monitors.

Those are supposed to be the principles of the American system but you're not talking about capitalism, mate.
has it right even though it's the typical misleading capitalist wording.
This concept of ownership is only (((private))) because it's an individual living within a society while staking a exclusive claim on that society's resources

>competition is stifled by leftist corruption and nationalizations too bad haha
odd way of saying "corporate lobbying"

>which can now print as much money as it wants consequence-free

Go ask zimbabwe about that. GDP and monetary supply are inexorably linked.

The biggest joke about it is that the mythical rothschilds would love a gold standard.

PS all the Gold in the new world didnt make spain rich.

Left-wing ideas ARE the status quo.

What if boss's income increase wasn't possible if he wasn't employing said minorities?

The two are not independent

We need to reduce the supply of labor, Probably by killing people off, Then companies will have to pay more to get workers, or Automate, Either way it is a win/win. Also if you are too stupid to invest your money, I have no sympathy for you.

You can own shit, as long as you can pay for it.... which is what ive been saying.

Go ahead put your money in a mattress wait 50 years then check back with me. Well discuss if Im right. (I am)

A smaller paycheck won’t shoot me for $5 outside a gas station

No shit, kikes are to blame but you're kidding yourself if you think that darkies help matters when they're roaming about raping and murdering honest people.

>countries that experienced communism don't want to have anything to do with it
>countries that didn't beg for it

Why can't people learn on others mistakes?

>40 job apps a month
>2 two (2) job apps per business day

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> Go ahead put your money in a mattress wait 50 years then check back with me. Well discuss if Im right. (I am)

I don't know or care how you think this relates to the definition of capitalism, which you got complete wrong.

I mean maybe its time you should take advantage of the business write offs instead of complaining about them, after 30 fucking years.

The USA is a Republic. There are democratic processes in this Republic; but we are a Republic.

The 2nd ammendment does not give the citizens the right to bear arms. It very simply states that the government does NOT have the ability to infringe upon that right.

Powers that be seek to divide the USA. We must unite, We need to unite under a banner of shared values. We are stronger together.
I hope you all enjoy your Monday!!

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Why do you leftist faggots feel so threatened by this site?

By "consequence-free" I mean there's nothing to stop them. We're making the exact same mistake as Zimbabwe, just slower.

And yes actually, all the gold in the world made Spain fucken loaded.

Im right.

Its natural law. Baked into the very concept of capitalism of the nature of reality. Deny it all you want.

Im still right. Doesnt matter which system you have.

I don't know the context, but I'm assuming he's talking about middle-class wage stagnation.

Haven't we answered this already? His boss is worth more because his labor is in higher demand, his labor is not. Why? Because we live in a global economy with outsourcing and billions of third-worlders starving to do jobs Americans used to.

labor paid for, the task created by, the innovation for the damn thing itself, the incentive to make something.

Again, not inaccurate, it just leaves out the part where the desperate workers exist outside of the 1st world (or existing with the 1st world as migrants).

Arthur "The Mad Bomber" Chu

Have you heard of the new gulag app on the communist iphone i heard its to die for.


pogrom the jews, then kill the rich, then pogrom the jews again

Let me get this straight:
>Progressive Tax Structure
>Standard deductions

somehow equals "upward redistribution"?

That's what happens when you flood the labor force with women and millions of 3rd world savages who will work for nothing.

These retards imported poor people then cry income inequality because there are so many more poor people now.

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Says the guy arguing for a gold standard.

Are you going to sell me homeopathic remedies next? Or irradiated water as a cure?

No offense dude your not smart enough to worry about the world. Enjoy the benificence the talented tenth and natures good fortune have bestowed upon you.

Yeah and why would that be? Corporate welfare in the form of women doubling the workforce and then immigrants tripling that double? How about duty-free importation making labor virtually mobile? Oversupply of labor at all levels is a gimme to the "bosses" and it's because of kike feminism and open borders.

I cant argue with someone who has no regard for facts or truth.

The sun is green
>no its yellow
Youre defintiley wrong its green
>the fusion process emits a photon wavelength that determines its color.
No see the color is what I say it is and its actually purple.
>okay good talk bro.

It also doesn't help when the government buys up mortgage-backed securities from gigantic banks then assume all of the risk. Maybe if government wasn't as involved in every little thing it wouldn't be a big fucking mess

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You're not. What you're talking about is natural law but I don't know why you insist it's capitalism.
Our economic laws don't agree with you (taxation is applied only to fund the functions of government, not ensure that all resources are spent efficiently; the rich are perfectly able to hoard resources for themselves), and capitalists themselves don't agree with you (the use of their property for the benefit of others is benevolence, not them fulfilling the "purpose" of the system)

>That's what happens when you flood the labor force with women and millions of 3rd world savages who will work for nothing.

These people are uneducated, they don't really take any of the well paying jobs so it's not a problem if you aren't a retard.

>open the borders and let tens of millions of people in who will work for a fraction of the wage of an American
>huh wow, the average American's wage isn't rising
Really made me think.

Doesn't he realize that the "boss" used illegal immigrants to raise his own wages, and that illegal immigration has heeled keep his own wages stagnant?

>These people are uneducated, they don't really take any of the well paying jobs so it's not a problem if you aren't a retard.
You're right, companies just beg for H1B visas to drive down wages on all the skilled work too. And taxes go to pay gibs for the many who never do work.


>brainlet on 4 chan
>professor at Cambrige

The rich pay significantly lower than nominal rate and gaine hefty tax cuts. Which in a fixed GDP places redistributes the money in the wealthlies favor taxing the poor with the hidden tax of inflation and decreased real wealth.

For example

>poor man tax cut 5 dollars
>rich man tax cut 500,000 dollars

Poor man now cant afford to buy his own property rich man buys 10 new apartment building and uses his newfound wealth in rent seeking rather than productive use.

It gives the wealthy a bigger slice of the pie which they use to rent seek. Its a horribly inneficient allocation if capital.

Like the rich need burgers with gold flakes sprinkled on top.

Yea I'm starting to think capitalism is bullshit. Every year I make less because of inflation while the company does record profits each quarter. Working 6 days a week with overtime gives me no where close to kike mcshekelstein's salary while he works less while enjoying his yacht and escorts.

But my boss is a Jew who uses foreign labor to undercut the working class.

Wow what a fantastic argument, put me on suicide watch.

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Okay then. Stop taxation, stop inflation, stop productive use laws

And see what happens....

Your being stupid doesnt make me wrong. Im right.

Go start your own company then dumb fuck, it takes risk, and if you overcome that risk and make it, you will want to hire somebody to run your company who is not a dumbfuck, and you will pay them to do it right. Leftists are literally infants.

Thats the Joke. Youre arguing against perhaps the smartest man to ever have lived. A person every school child should know and a man whos name resides in the minds of all mankind.

And you still dont even know who Im talking about, but youre still convinced youre right.

Such is the power of jewish mind control.


But the boss abusing minorities is a large part of t he equation.

do you know the process for getting an H1B employee?

What makes you wrong is that you're trying to argue those things as facets of capitalism even though capitalists are the people who actually want to stop them.

You know the smartest man who's ever lived? You should go ask him to teach you how to use your shift key.

It's almost as if low wage mostly non-white immigrants aren't competing for my boss's job, but mine.

>it also takes capital which is why you want a strong middle class with low societal income inequality so they can afford to take "risks" and fund their ideas.
>argues giving all the capital to the 1%

How does it feel being so stupid you disprove yourself the argument you make to prove your assertation.

Thats a special kind of dumb.

Well minorities make cities and states shitty and unlivable so they are causing some of the problems.

The Joke is not lost on me user.

>poorfags thinking I care about them

kek, I worked 2 jobs in college as a full time student and that's only because my parents wouldn't help me out until I graduate, I could have easily had enough to pay rent and start saving. Shitskins are lazy.

>Personal Ownership and Ambition is absurd
And you people wonder why we hate you?

>start business myself
>pay people what they're willing to work for
Join a union faggot.

>Jow Forums hates jews
>Jow Forums constantly defends an economic system that's given the the most power they've ever had in the history of the world

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>people who want to stop them.

Like i said in one of my very fist posts.

>a bad omen and a reversion to despotism (feudalism)

Aka not capitalism.

(((capitalists))) will be the first on the trains