Why the fuck you think you are not obligated to accept immigrants who crossed the Egyptian border that you fucking failed to monitor properly and protect. Now you owned it you disingenuous bustards. Starting to hate them more and more.
it's natural to side with a species that is not of your own cromagnon goyim. hail neanderthal. *flicks tongue*
Blake Myers
the fucking immigrants were crossing the Egyptian border for some time and the fucking Israeli military didn't stopped them, so now fuckers own it.
you fucked it up, you apparently have the best in the World intelligence service, where were they when tens of thousands of niggers were crossing your fucking border ??
"At present, there are more than 39,000 asylum seekers, mainly from Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea, that live in Israel. While the fate of some 32,500 African illegals has been decided under the UN deal, the legal status of the remaining 6,500 people remains unclear."
Obviously 39,000 asylum seekers didn't cross ISRAELI border over fucking night. Or Israelis stupid and incapable to monitor their borders, or they are fucking VERY STUPID AND INCAPABLE regardless what bullshit they spread how great their military is. How the fuck this can happen to a nation with such small borders and nation claiming to have one of the best military intelligence in the fucking World.
Landon Walker
Starting, do you know how much they've infiltrated every since country? The truth is much stranger than fiction and a lot darker too.
Leo Powell
every country*
Benjamin Reyes
But fuck, now they are having nerves to say to the World, you take the niggers, we don't want them. Too late you motherfuckers, you let them come over your borders, you fucked up, there are yours.
What a fucking bunch of fucking irresponsible cunts.
Charles Thomas
Sentiments like this are exactly why Netanyahu reversed the decision, not “internal pressures”.
well consider yourself an immigrant of r*ddit if you support that fascist genocidal socialist globalist controlled state
fuck off back rothschild zionist fags
Jack Jones
If you're a friend of Israel you should be the one who invites nigger rapists into your home to rape your sister and mother. You should be the poor sad kid who got his family and house bombed to bits by Israeli funded terror cells. Israel cause ALL of what happened here and you dare blame some sand niggers for taking the opportunity that was given to them BY THE JEWS?
Israel is not an ally, some Jews ARE NOT OKAY and certainly not "BASED." You're a piece of shit and I hope your surname dies out within 100 years.
I doubt they want to stay in Israel. They'd run to the west for easier access if they got Israeli citizenship, and it's probably why the Israeli gov wants them out. Also, it's North Africa's fault. They've done nothing to stop these fucking subhumans, and I suspect that Egypt is letting them through to fuck with Israel.
Dylan Carter
I'm not from redit, I visited their site twice couple of years ago, one time by following somebody to read their posts, second time via result of google search of some non Jow Forums related topic. So your shot at me for that is totally empty.
My statement that I consider myself to be a friend of ISRAEL is based in totally different reasoning. save your amo bro
No, it's not. Was never intended to be. Just a summation of how stupid and empty you are.
Lincoln Rodriguez
end global blood donation ban all import and export of blood wait three generations
Robert Ross
Tell more please.
Jacob Robinson
WTF ???
Education Minister Naftali Bennett welcomed the suspension of the agreement. “This is a correct decision by the prime minister, and I congratulate him on this, as we have said, this is a bad agreement that constitutes a capitulation to the false campaign that was disseminated in the media and would turn Israel into a paradise for infiltrators,” Bennets said, according to Israel National News.
“The delay is not enough, we have to move to a new plan that will move the illegal infiltrators out of Israel,” Bennett added, reiterating earlier criticism that the UN deal faced from Israeli nationalist lawmakers.