Explain why health care is a service and not a basic human right.
You better have a good argument, because as a service it's more damaging to your economy.
Explain why health care is a service and not a basic human right.
You better have a good argument, because as a service it's more damaging to your economy.
Other urls found in this thread:
emergency room has to treat you whether or not you have any money or insurance
nice shit thread
Because the provision of healthcare is not basic in any sense of the word it's in fact incredibly complex.
Furthermore nothing can be considered a right which 1. violates the rights of others and 2. forces people to take action rather than being purely neutral only requiring the lack of contrary action and so doing remains consistent over time.
Also it's unsustainable to have socialist healthcare
>it's unsustainable
Look at my flag fag, then look at the US and guess which of these two has better healthcare.
Pay for your own healthcare.
The U.S.
Really, look up Medical Tourism, the U.S. has the highest Cancer Survivor rate and no death panels.
which of these is not like the other
>when i am born i am able to pick up a stick and swing it
>when i am born i can make any sound i choose and use those sounds to express ideas
>when i am born i have the right to silence should i chose silence
>when i am born a medical professional comes out of the womb with me.
It's simple, it costs money making everyone responsible for their own health, fat fuck? Smoker? Transgender? Well cool, whatever, but why do you think I should pay for your problems? Argument is simple: decent people pay for services they use, dregs expect other people to pay for their stupid gender change surgeries.
When we say abolish socialized medicine they think "take healthcare away from the people" when we say deregulate they think "no form of regulation or quality control whatsoever".
It's a fallacy as old as Socialism itself.
How many people on Jow Forums still have no clue about what happened to Mutual Aid/Friendly Societies in the provision of welfare/healthcare and the history of the medical industry. You'd think with the level of autism found on here people would've eaten that shit up 5 years ago and we wouldn't have to rehash it every day.
NHS is facing year-round crisis, says British Medical Association
Unprecedented pressures on the health service during winter are likely to continue into the summer
Our healthcare fucking sucks and you CAN'T opt out, you must pay monthly for the privilege of fucking existing if you don't want executors to take your shit. Only špíny from úřad práce get it paid by us. It's as commie as it can get and I'd opt-out instantly.
Basic human rights aren't dependant on forcing other humans to do things for you
we subsidize your state and you somehow managed to still fuck it up and spend all your money. Sage
What is a špíny?
Forever welfare recipients, predominantly gypsies.
Then why do we force the police and firemen and lawyers to do things for us?
>I have a right to the expertise and labor of others
Which one has Millions of shitskins invading for their free gibs?
They're paid and that's not a human right either. Police aren't obligated to help you, firemen aren't obligated to save you.
We pay them and they aren't conscripts.
So, doctors aren't paid and if we call the police, they have every right to say "Fuck off, I don't feel like helping you"?
You learn something new every day.
For the same reason auto insurance is not a basic human right
Capitalism is all that matters, commie.
Well not us, you have more niggers than us gypsies and refugees avoid our country because almost no gibs compared to germonkey.
Question is why isn't health care a basic human right. Answer is because that would be dependant on forcing others to fund the care, and forcing others to provide the care. Access to police and firemen isn't a basic human right either. What's hard to follow?
Because rights do not exist. Instead there are rules that the gov't follows which results in the most net happiness. Because of the everchanging nature of society, rules which force the gov't to do something are often good for a time until there is a major change. At which point these rules become a liability. As a result the number of rules should be limited to only what is going to result in the most net happiness in every scenario and which prevent the gov't from acting rather than forcing the gov't to act.
1. You have no right to demand any service or good from anyone else (including medical personel)
2. You have no right to my income
3. Human rights don't exist
An off-duty police officer isn't required to help you, no. And even when on duty, their job is to prevent crime, not save your fat ass. There have been multiple court cases about this, the police don't owe you jack shit.
Here’s why universal health care will never work and will always fall apart.
Say you have a bowl of money. You tell everyone in your neighborhood that if they put in 10 bucks a week, they can pull out some cash when they really need it. So you start this tradition and it goes great. But then one day Tom, who opted out of paying in to the bowl, comes begging for some cash. Now instead of making an example of Tom, the people in charge of the bowl caved and let him take some anyway. Now people are pissed. There’s more and more people coming begging for money who didn’t pay in and it’s really pissing off the people who are contributing. Some of them decided the hell with it and stopped paying until you made it illegal to NOT pay in. So you have all these people paying in and people who can’t afford to pay in take often, which starts to make people who could pay in go broke. And then it all collapses quickly.
>You better have a good argument, because as a service it's more damaging to your economy
this sentence doesn't even make sense, let alone is debatable
>you have a right to the labor of another
No one said anything about off-duty police officers and police usually do a whole bunch of shit after the crime has been committed, not before it happens, but okay.
What's hard to follow is why this is unique and peculiar to doctors being "forced" to do something when we force people to do shit all the time. We'll force a lawyer to defend you if you can't afford one, we'll force firemen and police to do something (but apparently not according to you guys), we'll force teachers to do something for your kids, we'll force the school nurse if the teacher fails to do something for your kids, I'm curious as to why this "force" doesn't extend to doctors.
Let's say you end up in prison and then you develop skin cancer: The prison sends you to a surgeon and they remove it and you don't pay anything. If we allow doctors to be "forced" to treat prisoners, why is it wrong to "force" them to treat law-abiding citizens? Even if you're on death fucking row and you develop some disease, you'll still be treated for it free of charge.
Don't understand what's so hard to follow about this.
This is why we need Marxism.
I hope you break your leg and have to pay 5 gorillion crowns + tip faggot
>Explain why health care is a service and not a basic human right.
How is it not a service?
And anyway, positive rights don't exist. You don't have a right to be provided something.
Yes I'm sure the USSR had free Healthcare for everyone
Explain why me fucking your wife or girlfriend, or future wife or girlfriend is not my basic human right? I'm taller and hotter than her, not to mention, her twat would get wet at the thought of it- as it stands, I'd say I'm entitled to it.
How does it suck? I suffer from a some form of anxiety/depression/panic attack mental disorder and I get my meds on which I rely on for the time being virtually for free. I've quize a few injuries and didn't have to pay for more than a few hundred crowns for any of it. Fuck off, american healthcare only works if you don't need it and if you do it costs you so much more than taxed funder healthcare ever could. Kill yourself.
There is no such thing as a human right. You are not afforded rights for existing, you only have the rights you're willing to fight for.
genocide is good for the economy. go read some rand and fuck off you fuckin commie
Uh yes it is.
Explain why beachfront property is not a human right
>and free housing
>and free university education
>and guaranteed jobs etc
this is bad for the economy!!!!!!!!!
explain why you a breathing air for free, you fuckin commie
Healthcare is a commodity and should be treated as such.
You want healthcare for all?
Pick 2 and only 2.
If healthcare is a commodity you will get all three because it will inspire competition in the market
can someone explain me why healthcare stopped to be a human right? At some point, healthcare in the us was a right.
>health is commodity
>water is commodity
>air is commodity
>country is commodity
>sex is commodity
>your mother is commodity
fuckin this
pay up you cheap yids
not if competition is actually allowed fag
To answer your question, there is a concerted effort by American health insurance cartels to reduce the population and (((profit))). They make billions every year by commoditizing the nation's wellbeing.
Oh, and they're trying to get a foothold in the UK and dismantle the NHS, too. Good luck fending them off.
this is linked to spiraling life expectancy of goyims
Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year
>labor in demand for basically all healthcare positons = higher salary
>healthcare workers already have debt coming into practice with physicians suffering the most
>mr. goldstein attorney at law breathing down your throat
>insurance penny pinches on every procedure and straight up refuses to comp a variety of tests that could help establish a diagnosis
>drug approval close to 1 billion dollars from inception to shelves
pick your poison
Man the company she works for is dirty. It's basically a Ivy League crew that uses their connections to get millions from colleges to "consult" them. What a tidy revolving door of cash. Ever wonder why tuition is so expensive? Because schools like giving it to their friends who probably "consult" them to hire more consultants. Must be nice to be born filthy rich, get to study abroad, and then land in a cushy six figure job fleecing poor college students while doing no real work. What ever gets you the Mercedes I guess.
"A global consulting powerhouse based in New York City, McKinsey has advised dozens of higher education clients, sometimes drawing ire when faculty or students got wind of multimillion contracts."
"Private consultancy firms have been central to the coalition government’s plans to carve up the National Health Service (NHS). One service they provide is supposed “consultation” processes, which end up concocting a financial case for the closure and privatisation of swathes of the NHS and handing it over to their clients in the private sector. They reap rich rewards themselves for services rendered.
A particular favourite in the coalition government’s designs is the United States-based global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, Inc."
I don't like to starve to death.
Ehrlichman: “This … this is a …”
Ehrlichman: “… private enterprise one.”
President Nixon: “Well, that appeals to me.”
Ehrlichman: “Edgar Kaiser is running his Permanente deal for profit. And the reason that he can … the reason he can do it … I had Edgar Kaiser come in … talk to me about this and I went into it in some depth. All the incentives are toward less medical care, because …”
Ehrlichman: “… the less care they give them, the more money they make.”
President Nixon: “Fine.”
Ehrlichman: [Unclear] “… and the incentives run the right way.”
President Nixon: “Not bad.”
yeah, why shoul people spend 8 years working their asses of for a doctorate and work for minimum wage just to fix your fuck ups
>basic human right
Your labor is my right? Get to painting my fence, slave.
Should you be responsible for the risky/dangerous behavior of other people?
this abo gets it.
i would give you a green card if i had one, but you can work hard, save up, and fuck off that free healthcare backwards shit hole and reclaim your free gun rights on good ol' MERIKA
So how do you explain all of the countries where universal healthcare works, and is not falling apart? See: the entirety of the EU, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
fuck yeah! cops, military, roads, school, libraries, health should all be privatized. fuck all these freeloading gubsmedat subhumans.
The US? You are pretty ill-informed but that doesn't surprise me because you DO have an american flag ARE posting on Jow Forums.
The US. You come here and gladly take out billions in loans to buy our healthcare.
well, it aint gonna work much longer if we force your borders open and flood you with millions shitskins. canada and UK will soon adopt the MURIKA system.
you will be forced to adopt the only system that ever worked on this planet, you fuckin commies!
>it never worked and will always fall apart
>wait... well, it works now... but it's gonna fall apart soon! you'll see!!!
That wasn't the original statement. It's not my country getting invaded by millions shitskins for gibs, but yours, not to mention you domesticated your own niggers that now steal your tax money for gibs. Shut the fuck up, you are dumb as fuck.
>lower crime rate
>less poverty
>less illegal immigrants
>higher minimum income
I'm all for universal healthcare for things like emergencies and flu shots, but not for some fat fuck asking for pain killers because their knees hurt.
Health Care is free if you can't afford it here. Kind of why I hate non whites (except asians)
>It's not my country getting invaded by millions shitskins for gibs,
SOON, fgt, SOON. Soros, CIA are working overtime to get you commie fucks in line. shitskins will dismantle your commie system . free healthcare will collapse!
>The only system that ever worked on this planet
The largest ponzischeme that has ever existed
That wasn't even a retort. You sound like some gypsie who can barely type. I really wish Ivan had holodomored you when he had the chance.
Why can't you fucks adopt something similar to Singapore's healthcare system?
Someone made a good point...better call them a faggot!
because in nature if you break a bone you get fucking ate.
HK has a better healthcare system though.
all you'd have to do is require proof of legal status for healthcare. yankees pay more in taxes for healthcare than i do but they only provide health care to old people for some reason
You don't have a right to someone else's services.
I just don't get how people either advocate to completely privatize healthcare or completely socializing it, it's a weird dichotomy that I never understood. You can have a public option while also having a private sector too.
unless that someone else is a police officer, fireman, public school teacher, or soldier
>You better have a good argument, because blah blah and so forth
>You better
Or wut? You'll report me to NATO? The UN maybe? The Pope. That's it. You'll tell the Pope.
we have that here dont we?
hes getting impeached for heresy
yanks also have 70x your population
because our country is filled with niggers and spics
they also have 70x the revenue
Yeah, it isn't perfect by all means but it works nonetheless. Although it seems like the biggest problem we're facing right now is the LNP attempting to sabotage our public healthcare while promoting private alternatives, shit like that should be punishable.
G K Chesterton explained this 100 years ago.
The answer is that we cannot all agree on what constitutes "health". We can agree about crime (and define it in statute law) and we can, for the most part, agree on certain "disease states" -- but we cannot all agree on what constitutes being "healthy".
And since "healthcare" today includes not only the curing of obvious disease or the setting obviously broken bones, but also "the maintenance of health", and the treatment of many "diseases" (addiction, obesity, dysphoria, etc.) that we do not all agree ARE diseases, the result of making "healthcare" a right would be that individuals are coerced by the state to both supply labor and money to the maintenance in others of a disputed and ideal state without proper definition. And this is a recipe for total confiscation and redistribution of wealth, and the creation of an enormous machinery for the shifting definition of "health".
"Healthcare" in this sense, is as amorphous as "cimate change" -- a term that is trivially true, means nothing, cannot be contained, and could -- if allowed -- balloon into a massive and uncritical expenditure of all the accumulated wealth of the polity.
End argument.
Also, get fucking real. I have no problem with the government doctor setting your broken bone for free, or giving you a pill to cure your gonorrhea -- I object to the government treating your diabeetus, managing your AIDS, and all the rest of that nonsense, "chronic" care that makes up 90% of healthcare costs.
>doctors do not wish to aid their people simply because it is the right thing to do
armies have good healthcare, because armies are a team.
all you'd need is a small group of doctors to start a cult of free medicine, they would become a small nation.
I'm not watching this. Summarize it in your own words.
this australoid comprehends abstract concepts!
thats right, fuckin NOTHING is FREE. there are NO RIGHTS.
only the law of nature and your guns!
no one is defend you from harm for free.
you want someone to resolve your territory or property or health?
you arent entitled to the free judicial or law enforcement or medical enforcement system. that title to your property is worth shit.
abolish the free commie judicial and law enforcement systems now!
>Cool bait image faglet
"Basic Human Rights" as arbitrarily defined by leftists would mean the death of all individuality.
>You better have a half-ass argument, because as a "right" it's more damaging to your economy
>Muh economy is the only thing that matters
Except none of those things are rights either... police have no duty to protect you. There's no reason anyone should teach your children without being compensated by you etc.
>I suffer from ____
>Therefore someone else paying for my shit is great
Kill yourself and your health systems are better for everyone else.
tru dat. free law enforcement and judicial system is literally fuckin communism. a dindu raped your wife/daughter before blowing your head off should be hunted by privatized and hired guns, not some useless commie pigs. this is why crime is so high here.
actually the government and everyone but a fringe group of Jow Forums autists can agree on what healthcare means, which part of the reason the healthcare systems of both of our countries function so well