OH, WHAT A COINCIDENCE! Gloria Allred in charge of Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz's caretaker

Like fucking clockwork.

>Woman who took in Nikolas Cruz and his brother breaks her silence: 'I did everything I could'
>The woman who took in Nikolas Cruz after his mother’s death broke her silence Tuesday afternoon, describing the future Parkland school shooter as a troubled young man who once put a gun to his mother’s head, displayed a deep attachment to military-style guns and engaged in behavior so frightening that her family called 911 three times.
>Rocxanne Deschamps spoke at a news conference in New York City with her lawyer, Gloria Allred, marking the first time she publicly discussed what was happening at her home near Lantana when Nikolas and his brother Zachary lived with her and her family.

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Lil cunt was making some loud barks and they didn't think he'd bite

Reminder who Gloria Allred is:

>Jew lawyer representing half of Donald Trump's sex accusers, and representing most pre-election rape accusations on behalf of DNC.

>her family called 911 three times.
I want to see those 911 reports
I know i know they have all been convienently lost.

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Is that fucking Gloria Allred on the right?

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Of course she is.

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this happened because moore was a fucking retard and couldn't keep his mouth shut, turned off anyone that believed he was framed

Why the fuck is this bitch everywhere?

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There were something like 20+ calls to 911 on cruise as well as calls to the FBI. Cruise was going around telling everyone he was going to put them in the ground. Cruise isn't to blame for anyone getting shot, that whole town, the PD and the FBI are 100% responsible

you are missing the most interesting part.
>After his mother’s death on Nov. 1st, Cruz and his 17-year-old brother stayed at a trailer in Lantana with a family friend, Rocxanne Deschamps. On Nov. 28th, Deschamps called 911 to report one of Cruz’s outbursts.

Rocxanne Deschamps 911 call. Her voice at :43

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tldr Rocxanne Deschamps has a heavy french Canadian accent in OP video. 911 call is not her. not even close.

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I think all the calls were lies.

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"Gloria Rachel Bloom was born into a Jewish working-class family of Philadelphia on July 3, 1941."

The 911 caller has an obvious accent.

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not a heavy french accent

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Her last name is “All Red.” She must a high priestess in the elite blood orgies.

we are hitting kike levels that shouldnt even be possible

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Deschamps cant even TYPE proper english

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>"In October 2016, I stayed at Lynda's house for three weeks with my children," said Deschamps, who is a mother of three. "While I was there, I saw a gun on the floor, in the closet of Nikolas's room. The guns that I observed were not hunting guns. They looked like army guns."
lol mother of three

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This lady is pure trash scum of the earth. Just a vulture swooping in on any opportunity.

>Like fucking clockwork.
Nothing like sending a signal.

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Isn't this twat trying to steal Nikolas' inheritance?


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>Audra Simovitch said she believes Deschamps has Lynda Cruz’s furniture, an engagement ring worth about $5,000 and other jewelry, Lalique elephant crystal figurines, a grand piano, a Louis Vuitton wallet, Cruz’s credit cards and debit cards and personal identification, bank statements and other financial and medical documents and her 2015 Kia


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Thats basically proof, that cruz' statement and absolutely everything they and his family stated about him is completely made up.

Allred is a professional false accuser lawyer.

Absolute subhuman scum. Pure psychopath.

Listen to this bitch act, she's clearly acting. She has a perfect English accent too, not sure if she's faking her bad English or not.
Anyway, she's clearly propped in order to push the anti-gun narrative. Her tears are fake and Gloria makes it too obvious. This bitch needs to be watched carefully, she knows something.

She's a money hungry bitch who happens to be in debt.

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>Shitty person saying I didndu nuffin


no she is originally from Quebec. Her heavy accent is real. Lots of her relatives on Facebook are french. When I first saw her Facebook posts I thought she was retarded or something.

this is all getting laughably fucking retardedly obvious. how can't normalfaggots see what's going on? i unironically envy their ignorance. i love in such a state of depression because of how ignorant the world is to obvious fucking patterns


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she used to date this guy Paul Gold, who is like the stereotypical girls gone wild jew. I have heard it said they were into the swinger scene

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>Paul (((Gold)))
(((every fucking time)))

>In October 2016, Deschamps left the suburban West Palm Beach home she shared with her ex-fiance, Gold, which had an assessed value of $572,329 in 2017, according to records, for her dilapidated Lantana Cascade mobile home, which she said has a market value of $3,500.

>She blamed his verbal and physical outbursts, according to court records. She filed for a restraining order against Gold, saying he threw a heavy vase at her head in front of their son. But a judge denied it for lack of evidence, records show. Gold had filed for custody of their son, saying Deschamps suffered from severe health issues and alcoholism.

Well that could explain why she has a weird ass hospital bed

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holy fuck that bitch is everywhere lmao

If you're looking for Jews in South Florida, all you have to do is keep your nose open.

Just a coincidence, goy, *yawn*, fuck, I'm sleepy as a nigger after a bucket of extra crispy.

>Meme lawyer

Apparently Paul Gold was Cruz's next door neighbor.

>Rocxanne’s ex-fiance Paul Gold, a longtime neighbor of the Cruzes in Parkland, recalled how Nikolas Cruz was upset that no one showed up for his mom’s funeral, CNN reported.

>Paul Gold lived next door to Cruz in Parkland, and says the death of his mother made an impact.

More interseting tidbits:

>“The boy was stoic. Not a tear. Not an emotion,” said Gold, who drove Cruz to the funeral. “I asked him if he was upset. He said: ‘I’m upset because nobody came, and nobody cares about my mother.’”
“I told him that his mother was loved by many, many people and they just couldn’t make it, timing and whatnot,” Cruz added. “It was a complete lie. But I felt horrible. Here’s this poor kid, and his mother dies, and not a soul shows up.”
>The only people who went were Cruz, his brother, Gold and Rocxanne.
Gold said he wasn’t aware that Cruz had guns and called him a “monster.”

So Paul Gold was closer to these kids than anyone else, why haven't I heard of this guy before? He was the only guy who attended Cruz's mother's funeral, other than Cruz's brother, and also drove him there. He's closer to these kids than Roxanne, and furthermore he was neighbors.

Narrative was that Cruz stayed at a family friend's house, maybe they just stayed at their home? Not much point sleeping at your neighbor's house when your house is next door.

Wtf why is this attorney involved in every sketchy case? She's literally been on tv for 20 years with all kinds of crazy cases.

yea Gold and Rocxanne live next door. There is something creepy about all the people in that neighborhood. They focus way to much attention on Cruz

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>Normies will ignore this
It's so tiresome

Gloria All-RED, big RED flag here

Lynda Cruz sold her house in January 2017. There is this period from january 2017 to November 2017 that doesnt explain where Cruz was living. then his mom dies Nov 2017, at which point him and zach stay or Rocxanne's for some reason. then Cruz stays with Snead family. whole thing is weird.

now if you look on his arrest paper you see this address. it lists his time living there as 223 months or something. not sure what is up with that.

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Why is she everywhere?

she is a big time ambulance chaser

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Reminder that (((Gloria Allred))) daughter (((Lisa Bloom))) defended (((Harvey Weinstein))). One big Jewish clusterfuck.

"Lisa Bloom Says Representing Harvey Weinstein Was “a Colossal Mistake”"

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