HC faceswaps

Willing to do a few hardcore faceswpaps and maybe some fakerays, too.

Attached: The Gimp 2.8.0 Free Download1.png (1024x768, 181K)

Faceswaps pls

Attached: 1552070972277.jpg (823x1080, 157K)

Show me your magic

Attached: 01047.jpg (728x728, 54K)

Attached: 52657076_1797535227018972_3183264802986262528_n.jpg (720x960, 58K)

Her please

Attached: img-20190224-wa0010.jpg (906x1599, 145K)

Attached: 456tterte (1).png (995x1101, 1.51M)

Attached: 51139349_1781906588581836_428014038169944064_n.jpg (960x720, 82K)

Attached: img-20190811-wa0002.jpg (1280x725, 126K)

Can you shop her please

Attached: EEE96B0D-33D6-4CCB-AA43-8915BB3D0C0E.jpg (1080x1245, 157K)

Her please

Attached: 6C713466-39E4-494E-A7EC-B6FC6E5C61EE.jpg (1080x637, 132K)

Attached: image-1 (1) f.jpg (768x512, 111K)


HC please

Attached: c95c9-img_8213.jpg (1600x1066, 214K)

Attached: riley-reid-11.jpg (960x640, 86K)

Faceswap pls

Attached: IMG_20190204_165444.jpg (4608x3456, 2.09M)

can you pls do one of her

Attached: 21.jpg (720x960, 74K)

please do her if possible

Attached: 14359556.jpg (1080x1349, 316K)

hc pls

Attached: 49.jpg (1080x1080, 120K)

got more pics if needed

Attached: 50.jpg (1080x1080, 174K)

have more if needed

Attached: 1.png (406x671, 474K)

Attached: 6.jpg (1080x1350, 326K)

pls do any

Attached: 49.png (692x698, 1.06M)


Attached: Shaved-Totally-Shaved-Blonde-Babe-Cassie-Courtland-Wearing-Black-Dress-12f.jpg (768x1024, 230K)

fake xray?

Attached: 13962664_10210271124877831_8887008583689273563_n.jpg (497x537, 151K)

Nice! Thanks!

Hopefully she is good enough for a swap.

Attached: 87A7F500-82DC-43BC-92B7-1F79B0A7696C.jpg (750x750, 76K)

Attached: 935780.jpg (960x639, 53K)

Attached: 4057f.jpg (1040x692, 116K)

Xray or anything, thanks

Attached: 31948184_10216266809489862_224750656437616640_n.jpg (1440x1920, 150K)

Thank you

Can you fake her please

Attached: 96696E24-EBE7-435B-BE6A-91CA7C1E060F.jpg (661x950, 221K)

can you fake her please

Attached: 28.jpg (478x720, 59K)

would love to see them getting faked

Attached: 319364.jpg (960x720, 66K)

Attached: 00zt9f.jpg (358x536, 56K)

Attached: 1035.jpg (818x960, 113K)

Donor pic

Attached: 2F19D065-EC59-4B54-928B-D73A2A93F4D7.jpg (800x1200, 92K)

For her please

Attached: 412F910C-C928-437F-82CD-343509487F30.jpg (909x960, 181K)


Please face swap

Attached: 54B0EA37-0301-4C6D-8397-301F77BF3AEA.jpg (140x543, 36K)


Can you face swap her please thanks in advance

Attached: 8B95FB9B-6C83-4F91-BEC8-8B700E5778D4.jpg (635x817, 158K)

Swap please

Attached: 20225367_406516013077696_8750018739065323520_n.jpg (937x1171, 120K)

Attached: 34463097.jpg (720x960, 82K)

hc please

Attached: IMG_0368.JPG (2).jpg (2448x3264, 1.61M)

Attached: 32272462_2041966759353164_4922812723500154880_n.jpg (822x929, 106K)

Maybe not ideal face pose but can post diff angles if you had a donor image you could work it on.
Thanks ya kindly

Attached: 00 (30).jpg (540x960, 55K)

Attached: 41673097_144521643160759_7341008947575397991_n.jpg (750x937, 261K)

could you fake xray?

Attached: 32920047_1637104349741749_5952216457642246144_n.jpg (700x946, 371K)

has Gimp fixed the problem with that white outline around pngs?

Attached: leighdallas (168).jpg (768x576, 47K)

Attached: 20181204_21473.jpg (640x640, 79K)


Attached: 1552067007388.png (1080x1948, 1.89M)

If you can either one that would be amazing

Attached: FB_IMG_1552240181148.jpg (959x958, 104K)

Attached: 614834891.png (2048x1015, 1.54M)

left or middle please kind suh

Attached: 29715862_1635904333152220_1582810407670644736_n.jpg (1080x810, 1.09M)

Fake ray please? Not sure if you can do asses

Attached: 214A1791-4425-4D0E-8F9F-12EDB897A1E8.jpg (1237x1248, 340K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190307-182823_1.jpg (516x713, 119K)

Attached: 1552108862742.jpg (778x1435, 120K)

Attached: 5295.jpg (960x638, 77K)

Attached: nicki_minaj_by_foxyfur60-dceklbw.jpg (1080x1080, 156K)

Attached: 1552233779446.jpg (800x1200, 138K)

Attached: 2OERmYx.jpg (540x960, 305K)

awesome job, thanks!

I hope I’m not too late

Attached: 7BD481C1-4A28-4F18-9751-29408CD55D3F.jpg (1051x1301, 340K)

Think I would do 100 everyday here, if all would provide a good donor like you did. searching a donor is just crapy...

Attached: yrjhrt.jpg (960x720, 68K)

Attached: 1552052878786.jpg (960x720, 46K)


Attached: 3410dac0-5d27-4d3b-92dc-acba69b02487 (1).png (1196x1272, 1.24M)


Any hd bukkake scene please

Attached: Hva3EpR.jpg (4000x6000, 1.55M)

a good donor for this?

Attached: 578504_14big.jpg (1200x800, 280K)

I hear ya, if you wanted to try another that would be greatdonor pic

Attached: blacked-emily-right.jpg (1020x574, 40K)

Feelsbad.jpg I always forget you prob dont have a plethera of donor pics stored..
That being said I do have one I kinda like if its workable
Maybe with this post or another pic angles prob all wrong mind you.

Attached: 1551532488014m.jpg (576x1024, 65K)

Possibly with this one? Im not too good at the face matching stuff

Attached: 01 (12).jpg (720x1280, 144K)

Can her be done with this donor?

Attached: 1000facials-tiffany-doll-50338-04-920x613.jpg (920x613, 104K)

Attached: 339828_11big.jpg (853x1280, 223K)

Attached: 196771_14big.jpg (683x1024, 302K)


Attached: 50248.jpg (521x521, 26K)


what a pretty face Oo

Attached: 1552246727340.jpg (853x1280, 277K)

X-Ray or Fake Ray Please

Attached: 9ce27bdc-6eb0-4283-9414-4ddf6fd5616f.jpg.png (898x1600, 1.06M)

indeed she does thank you for the fakes

Attached: 574030.jpg (638x808, 51K)

Faceswap plz

Attached: 1551370914829.jpg (2560x1920, 1.81M)

Attached: 58247_13big.jpg (600x900, 491K)

damn almost perfect, looks a little off but still hot, thnx

Attached: 043202.jpg (644x734, 77K)


Attached: jaz 20180625_165158.jpg (640x640, 24K)

It's possible?

Attached: FB_IMG_1552168080182_1.jpg (720x490, 70K)

Can you do an x-ray of this please. Thanks in advance.

Attached: 52633091_661798047571493_6096588089625411584_n.jpg (533x533, 40K)


Attached: FB_IMG_1546499099497.jpg (960x879, 68K)


Attached: CE772DF9-340A-4592-BCD3-3AA81A8A06EA.png (1080x872, 1.38M)

I wish to see her getting fucked since years

Attached: FB_IMG_1552266565879.jpg (1280x1280, 80K)

Thought you would want a good shop and not that crap op did

Attached: 82.jpg (1024x682, 296K)

jesus, why's her head so fucking big?

face swap bj or cumshop plz

Attached: K5j7IZBY_o.jpg (1127x751, 127K)

faceswap gangbang

Attached: Untitled4.jpg (602x546, 80K)

Bump for her


Cock in her mouth?

Work you magic!

Attached: IMG_5705.jpg (960x720, 177K)