Bongland is no more

Britain is absolutely fucked, I mean that it is finished as a nation, the fall from global dominance during the lifetime of a single monarch is simply unprecedented in world history, it's spectacular and almost beggars belief, and the fact that its men and boys have gone from lording it over 1/5th of the planet to being at the bottom of the heap in their own land illustrates this new reality beautifully.

As a Russian living in England I am shocked at what I see, the vast majority of British males are truly pathetic in every measurable way, in terms of masculinity - so weak and feeble, so small on average, so frail and so many of the best physical specimens are openly homosexual. Intellectually they have become pretty much the laughing stock of the world, try having am intelligent conversation with a Brit that does not involve football, reality TV or console gaming and you will see what I mean, politically they are utterly unaware, blissful ignorance never found a happier home than in the British Isles, seemingly they enjoy their newly found status of the failed man and many I am certain enjoy the now common sight of the best prettiest british females in the arms of foreign men, and the darker the skin of this new dominant male class the better for the Brits.

I have been here now for 7 years and I have seen that this trend not only continues, the demise of the British man is actually accelerating, it has momentum all of it's own, it's in freefall if you will, they are plummeting towards oblivion and by my estimations there will be no British men left in Britain within a hundred years.

And by the way, foreigners also own your language now, I have never heard worse use of English than the disgraceful mess spewed forth by the average British man, so I have to assume you won't even understand what is being said here, you'll just stare blankly for a moment before reaching for the remote control and channel hopping your way through another lost day.

Attached: British lads are losers.jpg (261x300, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

True. Vid related is average British "lad" in 2018.

Perfect example, this is now the norm.

>black man is the only person who seems normal
Race aside, good on the man. Really showing an example.

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Yep despite the fact that he's mulatto he's probably the best street preacher i've ever seen... currently preaching all over Britain and some of the footage captured he's paint such a sorry picture of this country.

*he's captured

well, this is what you get with hoards of niggers and mudslimes. the problem with all this is that anyone with any degree of competence has either moved out of country, stopped trying or has something to gain from all this.

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>bongland is no more
you could have just stopped there without the wall of text, comrade
and you shouldn't post doxx pics
is against the rules
>britain is fucked
yeah they let russians live there no matter how or why
they take in all sorts of exiles and rapefugees
this is why they are fucked
how ironic that you would post this, being one of the causes of it
despite your long rant, why do you not point out the criminals hiding in the background?
why not give everyone the information on who is at fault, why, and what you think we should do about it
anyone can complain, but can you give useful information or specific people

Attached: isthisyourlegcomrade.jpg (500x497, 19K)

>As a Russian living in England
Fuck off!

>I have been here now for 7 years
Seriously Fuck right out!

It's fine where I live, Ivan. Slavic immigrants are usually too poor to live in a nice area and you seem to be no exception. We have problems but are far from finished.

They should’ve listened...

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Yeah the UK is finished and most people only have themselves to blame.

Oi you shuld stap wiv that racist attitude!

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Yeah, dude, it's those ebil Russians who are the real problem in this country!

What we really need is more BASED BLACK MEN

Yeah well fuck, he shouldn't have opened a second front.

>If you want less of A it must automatically mean you want more of B
Stop being a retard user

The preacher is actually making sense and all they do is focus on the fact that he doesn't like gays, even though he said he doesn't condemn them, just doesn't agree with the lifestyle.

Ffs what is this timeline, the state of this country.

Attached: tenor.gif (480x480, 852K)

Based Vlad. I came here as a sandnigger with great admiration for the accomplishments of a people on a tiny island who somehow managed to build the biggest empire in world history and gave us the likes of Newton, Darwin and Shakespeare.

The reality is (Upper class aside) England (the rest never mattered) is in the middle of a terminal decline. Things are not quite as bad as they are in France (another major colonial, scientific and industrial superpower) because you can sense that there is still a spark of pride, that, if ignited could one day bring the English Man back to life. Which is not something you could say about the French man.
This is not going to end well, and that's a good thing.
In the meantime I'll continue dating pretty girls who love how masculine I am (not even meming, that's what I hear from your Liz, Emma and Louise)

>second front
There's only one front when you're surrounded by Jews

Yes my friend, this is the point, the expectations of those who come here, the understanding of this nations great history, it's achievements in the realms of Science (Darwin, Newton) and mathematics (Turing), militarily there are few nations who do not hold their manhood's cheap when reminded of Agincourt, Waterloo, el alamein and many other triumphs, in literature, Shakespeare is universally accepted as the master of the written word, Keates, Wordsworth, Milton, Orwell and Kipling, whose works are studied and revered the world over, this is what we think of before we set foot on British soil, but the reality is shocking in its obliteration of that false image.

The British are a disgrace to their ancestors, they soil the achievements of long dead generations, they shame not only themselves but all of humanity, their spinelessness in the face of political tyranny, their blind acceptance of Orwellian Hate laws, the way they have surrendered their streets, towns and cities to the proponents of a religion who spit in the faces of the British and tell them straight 'we despise you, we will never respect you and we are here to replace you' as they rape another hundred thousand British daughters, and the British drown out the screams of their children by turning up the volume of their BBC reality TV shows.

what I was expecting and what I found could not be further apart, I feel deeply saddened on behalf of those British forefathers who did so much to drive humanity forwards, only to see Britain's men folk compete with each other to see who can drink to the point of vomiting first, and the world vomits too when it look at Britain now.

This isn't payback for all the horrific shit you've perpetrated over the centures as a nation...This is for freeing the slaves, for which now all white men are damned for slavery somehow.
Karma's fucked up.

You lash out because you fear the truth. The uk is lost, all we can hope for now is that when it burns we take as many inhuman parasites with us as possible.

How fucking retarded to you have to be to bitch about a country you are not a native of?

It's always foreigners that bitch the most about other foreigners.

Being a foreigner in Britain is an incredible experience, it's like being a visitor at a zoo, and all the other foreigners are brought together, in a kind of kinship of disbelief as we observe the insanity of the British people.

We are able to see more clearly perhaps than you just how bad things are, how dreadful you are as a race, how petty and ridiculous you actually are. Of course there are exceptions, I have met many great Brits who have become close friends, and most of them stand with us and look towards their compatriots and shrug apologetically, as if to say 'we know, we see it too, but what can we do? They are all completely fucked', these awake Brits are the ones who eventually leave Britain, because they simply cannot stand to see the destruction of the country the love at the hands of perhaps the most poorly educated population in the so called first world.

Exactly. They come from whatever shithole they were born in, in search of a ‘better life’, find it, and then try to tell us that we can’t run a country.

You need us more than we need you.

I'm leaving this year

You're absolutely right.
In one lifetime, Britain went from being the country that gave the world George Orwell, to the country that made his nightmare into a reality.

Nigger detected

Attached: 1520076813795.jpg (640x657, 318K)

Чe ж ты в paшкy нaзaд нe вepнeшьcя, ecли тaм oдни дeгeнepaты?

>this pic
looks slavic

In mitigation, they were apparently drunk. Also, people don't like to be challenged. Very graciously handled by David Lynn.