What's the real narrative?


I watched a 4 hour BBC doc on the yugoslavian wars. The video above uses that documentary as its source and is a rough summary of it.

It presented the UN and US as "peacekeepers", trying to get every country to sign peace agreements. The blame was mainly put on the serbs. Almost all important serbs (Milosevic, Mladic, Karadzic) were seen as war criminals.

When I ask my Croat friend about the war, her parents had no clue there were nationalist tendencies, and to them a war started out of nowhere. According to them most civilians were completely unaware of the situation.

They sought refugee in Germany for five years, and Germany refused citizenship. And nowadays, we see large groups of Muslim refugees who are brought here and they're allowed to stay. Sickening.

What's the real agenda behind the Yugoslav wars? It's appreciated if you can back your theories up with facts/sources.

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It was and still is divide and conquer agenda driven shit fiesta. All it was, all it ever will be.

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Yugoslavia was probably the most neutral a European country could be at the time, playing both Western Europe and the Soviets. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia wasn't needed for that role and held too much power over that area of Europe which wasn't optimal for the West, as the European Union was being planned.

Shitty country, glad it’s gone.

^ this
Now all of the countries are just puppets to NATO and EU
Almost all of our valuable property has been or is currently being sold off
And each country individually is in 3x more debt then Yugoslavia at it's worst
Useful idiot

Seems to be the case. It does make sense the elites want to push the globalist agenda, and add those countries to the EU.

Why was it shitty?

I really hope you all figure this out soon enough. It's literally the only thing that can save you at this moment.

Im affraid Nato doesnt like us very much and prefers more gullible mudslimes to support and fund their imaginary state of Kosovo(read Balkan base) to keep us all in control/perpetual risk state which means
high risk for investments>no jobs>no money>people leaving/not wanting children>population decline>weaker state>another Nato vasal in making
Only Serbia still stands in middle of Balkans defiant to NATO globalist thugs,alone while everybody else sucks tehir dicks for table scraps.
>maybe thats smarter but i dont like living like that

>pic related
They have G.W.Bush too and its even bigger kek

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Yep, Balkans is now full of irrelevant bite sized states for them.
>inb4 hurr durr its all your fault
yes,yes it is we should have known better.

Nationalism is dumb.

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The main reason why first Yougoslavia was created is to block Germany’s infuence in SE Europe. And of course biggest allies of Yugoslavia back then were England and France. Second Yugoslavia no longer served its purpose as mediator between 1st and 2nd world or capitalist West and communist east. Western politicians, during Yugoslavia’s breakdown, overrated its importance. They didn’t want instability during already instable times in eastern Europe from communist regimes falling. Even though people will tell you that west is to blame for breakdown of Yougoslavia it’s simply not true. First Yugoslavia had problems already at beginnings, then assisation of most popular croatian politician happened, then assasination of the king happened. Banovina of Croatia is established right before ww2. Yugoslavia signed a pact with Nazi Germany before ww2. The reason why Germany attacked Yugoslavia is because a coupe backed by british secret service happened. Independet State of Croatia is formed, Ustaše come to power. Communist/Partisans, Ustaše/Domobrani, and Četniks fight. A lot of war crimes happen, Allies back Partisans and they win. As you might expect aristocid is commited, opponents of the regime were killed or they emigrate. Frustrations grow in Slovenia and Croatia, two most developed countries, because they think they’re giving to much of their money for poorer parts of the country. And we come to seventies.

“Croatian spring” happens and so on... don’t wan’t to explain anymore. I just highlited most important events that happened from a croatian angle. But for me the most ludicrous thing is to form a second Yugoslavia after 3 different factions in a country fight and after you know what war crimes were commited. Second Yugoslavia was again designed in Potsdam not by the will or agreement of the peoples. Anyway, multicultural countries have short “expiration date” and they always end in conflict. Something what in the future might await western countries.

NATO was a mistake

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Even Serbia is moving towards a pro-EU stance. You guys need to question your role more, you are the only country that can save the balkans because you still have the choice to make. Or perhaps it has been made. Why didn't you allow the russian ambassador to speak?

Virtually nobody outside of Belgrade soyboys believes that the EU is a good choice, most think it's just a carrot on a stick to make us desperate enough to obey any insane demand

>you are the only country that can save the balkans because you still have the choice to make
Serbia experienced a huge brain drain in the 90s and the same would happen today if they were part of the EU/single market. People in 2018 don't want to work for peanuts and spend their lives surrounded by closed-minded iq90 shitheads

Everyone here has experienced a brain drain
Bosnia is the 1# country in world in people leaving it permanently
I only hope you guys have it less bad

Croatian White Christians denied citizenship while Bosnian Turkish Muslim rape babies getting citizenship.

Of course, how else are Swedes supposed to get their hand grenades of peace

Yeah but does it matter what people think? We all live in managed democracies and Serbia is an east euro state that can "manage" things even better.

>Bosnia is the 1# country in world in people leaving it permanently
It even intensified when we entered the EU - Herzegjews and Catholic Bosnians can now move to their promised land - Germany

Eh, it's not true. We spent some time in Germany and they wanted us to stay - my parents refused and returned back to Croatia, which worked out for us. A real bunch of people stayed behind, though.

>that can "manage" things even better

Wanna know something funny? I was in Zagreb and I could immediately tell who was a Harcegjew and who was a Zagreb native with 100% accuracy.

Serbia is the worst kind of democracy
It is run by the Tyranny of stupidity, the people who vote the most (the old people above 50) are the most uneducated and gullible group of retards on the planet, they vote whichever way the commercial on the TV says

I kinda feel bad for the good ones

>they vote whichever way the commercial on the TV says

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What can men do against such reckless evil

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Being meme f(l)ag.Can anyone sink any deeper in life ?

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Tell me who would you vote for or want to lead us?

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drama queens

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>What can men do against such reckless evil
Nothing. The idiocracy prevailed. We're no better - it is masochism to live here

i'll get past the /balk/ shitstorm needed to say what i want to say and simply get across my point.
>whose fault is it that the war broke out?
objectivelly of our enemies(croats, bosnians and albos, slovenia is pretty irrelevant in the story), simply because they(with western help) created a situation where serbs had no choice but to go to war(and created it illegally as well). they knew what they were getting into, they used our current weakness(and slobo's retardation) and tried to get more clay and power. some suceeded, some didn't. that's what objectivelly hapenned, and i'm pretty sure most croats and others here are aware of that despite putting on a "tough" act.
>war crimes and shit
while there were war crimes on all sides, they were mainly to "ethnically cleanse" the territory, so i find all the bitching about them hypocritical. that sort of shit happens in wars and can easily be manipulated with, which is why politicians use it and hype it up ahead of aniverseries.
serbs got fucked the hardest, lost krajina, pretty much lost kosovo and got our own industry bombed and then bought for pennies by the same people who bombed it. the only somewhat victory is bosnia, tho even that isn't a full one.
Croats got their independent, relatively homogenous state, but most likely sold out Bosnian Croats in the process. Overall, they profitted, but could have profitted more.
Muzzies got fucked by both Serbs and Croats, but will probably end up with about a half of Bosnia at the end because Croats in Bosnia are dying and moving to Croatia/EU.
Albos profitted the most, essentially got Kosovo, will get parts of FYROM probably as well and are colonizing surrounding areas, all with full US support.
>could it have been prevented
maybe if people in charge of nations actually wanted that and wanted the best for their nations, instead of trading with their own people's lives and land.

also, that bbc documentary is absolute biased trash.

>and to them a war started out of nowhere
Typical Yugoslavian ignorance.
Product of communism.
Like that video of that crying conscript from Bosnia forced to fight in Slovenia
>I'm in the army and now I have to actually shoot people
Most people considered the army summer camp to get over with before you could get married.

I hate the yugofags even more "oy vey regular people don't want to fight it's just politics and dumb nationalists"

Motherfucker the guys with the guns make the rules, if you wanted to preserve Yugo, why didn't you fight for it?

>What's the real agenda behind the Yugoslav wars
Missed this question. It was a resource grab to transfer public enterprise into the hands of international vultures and domestic traitors.