The look in the father’s eyes says it all

>marry white woman
>have two sons
>one becomes a tranny
>other marries ugly chink and has hapa creaturas
>just cuck my shit up senpai

Attached: 74F115FF-B445-4868-8A33-C4E09293E76D.jpg (1536x2048, 884K)

Lesson learned
Don’t let your kids go to college

don't let your kids grow up in the US. :(

Need context, how can. I know the hon sitting down is really trans.

Looks like a happy, average American Family.

Christ, that’s just tragic.

>imagine failing so bad in spite of correct choices and best efforts

I think I’m going to have a few drinks

god damn thats fucked. and i dont say it ligtly.

You must be an austic unable to read faces because mom in the middle looks spacey and dad has some pain.

the kids are cute, well done young man

Hapas are subhumans are should sterilized

t. Entire life among hapas

>Entire life among hapas
Why don't you share some stories with us, user.

I happen to live in Philippines and most of the Hapa girls are models and incredibly beautiful, the pics you see are of genetic trash white people mating with genetic trash north Thai farmer girl ex whores

Should have parented better.
I thought the second bro was an ugly sis desu.

I don't understand trusting asians, she looks like shes about to kill them all.


the dude looks more asian than the girl though

Attached: 3Ydnskt0LL8.jpg (320x240, 36K)

Well, if you masturbate to hapas all day of course you will think they're the apex of your tribe.

he's probably happy it isn't some half nigger mongrel

A creatura is a creatura. They're the kind of ugly deformed children not even a mother could love.

you're basically just fucking losers who start threads about people doing better than you all day

Attached: 1380330031343.jpg (415x640, 71K)

Kek flows through me, do not trust Asians

What’s wrong with the chink’s boots? It looks like she’s about to be deployed to Afghanistan.

You just described all of Jow Forums and it was beautiful.

She isn't you fool. The one standing in the right of the pic is def a dude.

Cleft chin, Adam's apple, square shoulders, shoulders larger than hips

He probably shaves more that you

>doing better
>entire genetic line has failed
sounds like theyre actually on par with Jow Forums, except that we arent living a lifestyle that is as destructive to others and to our future.

As if the condescending smile didn't indicate a trannie twerp hellbent on destroying civilization.

If you think he did nothing wrong, you're kidding yourselves. This was his fault, and his alone.

why does the crab look so sad? he cant even feel pain r-r-r-right?

I actually prefer Croatian girls, so I can objectively say what I have observed in my 6-7 years of living in Asia. Yes the bottom of the genetic pool will make real monsters but the top mixed will make 10/10s

Japan pls

Witness me

Sexually attraction is based on your perceptions of your tribe and what you see has highest genetic material. If you think any hapa is 10/10 then you must consider them part of your tribe either consciously or subconsciously.


The perils of having children in the West