Old american midwest

Is the old American Midwest dead? The romanticized and appealing version.
I'd like to immigrate once all of this is over and Europe is safe.
I posted this thread before but I figured I'd repost.
I have a masters in electrical engineering (civil engineer).
>inb4 "traitor don't go to muttland"

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Illinois “the Prarie State” is now less than .01% prairie. Farmland is pretty comfy though I guess.

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Nice, nice. These are quite distant future plans but if I move I'd most likely have to live in or very near a city due to job opportunities, unfortunately.

If you're looking for untamed land and and wildlife, bison, etc. you won't find them in the Midwest. Everything here is either cities or endless farmland. The Dakota's are closer to your pic, at least outside of the few major cities

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I'm in the Midwest and around me is a mix of forests, fields, wildlife, homes, farms, and other places to go. It's quite nice because I'm at the crossroads

Same, I’m like 20 minutes from Des Moines have a creek and woods in my backyard. Across the street is a corn field where I can ride mini bikes. It’s cool

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No OP it's not. Wyoming has what you are looking for.

You would do well there if you're willing to make a lot less money. I'm back in Ohio after almost two decades of living in a city, and I love it. The woods and rivers are worth the paycut imo.

Thanks for the input. I might just turn this dream into a serious reality one day. I love my country but I want a change of scenery for a good decade or two.

please fucking come here we need whites
there are so many fucking mexicans here, cook county il. my town used to be completely white, and now its full of illegal beaners that are raising crime and taxes

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fuck off we're full

Yes. Don't come here.
Why would you want to come here? Don't do it.

Mexicans are not a strong race and will only move in to occupy empty space. I say this as a mexican myself.

Yeah, I was expecting to make less money than in Norway, wages here are big compared to the rest of the world in general.
>I love it. The woods and rivers are worth the paycut imo.
I can imagine, yeah.
I'll look into it.

Wyoming is the least densely populated state even less people per square mile than Alaska. Also it’s 85% white

you don’t move to occupy empty space, you invade and turn everywhere into a shithole. when my parents were in school they lived the ideal fucking childhood and there were no mexicans. when i went to school everyone was on fucking drugs and was completely degenerate because of your kind. my highschool was 50% white

There are projects returning bison to the Midwest. They brought a shitload of the beasts back into Indiana recently but idk I haven't seen them

The cost of living is much less expensive though. I live in a the nicest house in my city and it was $500k.

>turning down white immigration
wtf is wrong with you America?

Idc. My family has been here since the 1930’s. All I’m saying is that mexicans only move in to places where there is opportunity, places where there were once white people but now they are mostly gone. They just get old and die and most of their kids move to the city. The mexicans came up and filled those empty ghost towns, thats just how things go.

I looked up the cost of living compared to Norway and yes, it's amazing.
Although relative to norwegian wages, the cost of living here isn't big at all. Norway is expensive for tourists because their wages aren't as big on average.
Which means that I'm not really used to living on a skewed wage:cost of living ratio, surprisingly. Oh well, details are details.

The bigger cities are only slightly less overrun with blacks and muslims than less "flyover"-y places, and some of the smaller towns are half mexican thanks to nearby meat packing plants with lax employee vetting, but the rest is still good. They'll probably be a little mindfucked that someone is moving *into* their town, though.

Be warned, the climate is harsh. It was -24 here on New Years and it tops 100 more than a few times each summer. Those 2 weeks in May and September when it's not either snowing or dangerously hot are pretty great though.

I live in the plains of Kansas. It is not dead and we'd love a westerner like you to join us.

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america will collapse because of subhumans like you ruining our country. hopefully you don’t take the fact that you can leech off of us and get benefits for granted because soon itll be too late

The picture you posted looks more like the upper west. The dakotas, montana, wyoming, idaho etc.
These places are extremely white and have a replacement fertility rate. However, the only state that has gotten more white in the us is south carolina.

I'm used to bad and cold weather, trust me.
Yeah, I figured all the bigger cities would have a higher concentration of blacks and muslims. Nothing I'm not used to, I work in the second largest norwegian city atm.

We’re middle class and not on benefits. I’m sorry but I don’t care about your autism.

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Great to hear. My degree will probably unfortunately require me to live closer to the big cities but I'll look into options.

I'd encourage looking into Kansas City.

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lol i’m not autistic by any means, remember i’m not the one posting anime gifs, but perhaps you are that as well as fat and ugly like most mexicans are. i simply want my kids to grow up in a place that isn’t filled with degenerate brown “people”

Will do. Thanks for the reccommendation!

I don’t care if seeing mexicans triggers your autism. Mexicans are just the current big immigrant group and like all of those they’re hated, just like the italians and the germans were. In 30 years there will be more immigrants from somewhere else that people will hate and no one will give a shit about mexicans anymore and the population will start declining just like with everyone that comes to america.
Also im not even brown.You sound like a very bitter person. I hope your life gets better.

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>They brought a shitload of the beasts back into Indiana recently but idk I haven't seen them
Yes they did.
You should try a bison burger if you haven't already.

>my fellow ameriniggers are so starved for approval by non-Americans on this board that they will reply to this thread with anything other than fuck off we're full
It's a sad state our country is in

implying this isn’t you, paco

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im not a boy im a girl now

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Yeah it's not necessarily the same. People didn't like germans and italians because they didn't meet the anglo saxon ideal of the english and scottish immigrants. Noone ever thought germans and italians weren't white like mexicans aren't.

>Cook County
Jesus man, how do you live in that shithole?

Maybe not germans but italians weren’t considered white. Traditionally white was northern and western Europeans. The influx of southern and eastern europeans angered a lot of people because they didn’t see them as white.

That's why mexicans will never fully integrate with whites in the us and will form their own ethnic group. That's what people mean when they say that diversity is a great weakness.

>Mexicans are just the current big immigrant group and like all of those they’re hated, just like the italians and the germans were. In 30 years there will be more immigrants from somewhere else that people will hate and no one will give a shit about mexicans anymore and the population will start declining just like with everyone that comes to america.
Sure is liberal in here.
Also, you have some nerve comparing your race to white immigrants when the fact is you should be comparing yourselves to niggers.
Like niggers you're basically slaves to farmers and used to work menial jobs as a way for your slave masters to dodge paying fair wages to the white working class.
You'll never integrate, you'll just whine and commit crimes like niggers.

No italians were always considered white. Until the 60's you couldn't be a full citizen of the us unless you were white. That's why the 1965 immigration act was so important. Maybe your family has been here since the 30s, but thats prob because there was a very small amount of mexicans that were living in what is now the southwest when it was taken by the us in 1848. They were exceptions and were demographically meaningless.

it’s not a shithole, in the south part it’s niggerville but honestly the northwest is nice despite the mexicans. or, it used to be nice a few decades or so back when it was like 95% white. now i’d put my area at 60-70% and its mexicans, not niggers

Oh yeah also a small amount of mexican guest workers stayed in the us from ww2 but its the same principle it was an extremely small number of people.

My grandparents were farmers and their parents worked on farms. My mom got to be a nurse because of the sacrifices they all made. They worked incredibly hard to get what they have and its retarded to suggest they should be ashamed of that.

italians weren't consider white untill the 60s. I live in south georgia and the white people here think that since I'm italian I'm latino and not white.

my grandfather immigrated from sicily to New orleans in the early 1950s and was not considered white.

Go there and come back, just don't bring back any children. Keep amerimutt genes out of Norway


If you’re going to bully me please do it harder. I like it rough, I can take it.

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nigel please we don’t want it to be like this either

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>My grandparents were farmers and their parents worked on farms.
And how does this change anything I said?
Do you want me to give you a cookie because you aren't a wetback?
Your entire premise that spics only move into empty spaces is flawed, as we can see that they have displaced niggers out of historically black areas.
I don't give a shit about you personally.
Your race is nigger tier and comparing them to European immigrants when you're basically the domestic equivalent of offshore sweat shop workers is ridiculous.
Your entire race came here to be exploited by the same democrat party that used to run plantations.
Congratulations on working their fields I guess.
>My mom got to be a nurse because of the sacrifices they all made.
I hate to tell you this but it takes absolutely no sacrifices to go to nursing school.
Federal aid, federal loans and in you go.
>They worked incredibly hard to get what they have and its retarded to suggest they should be ashamed of that.
Go back to Mexico and work "incredibly hard" there.

That’s what I’m talking about! I love you daddy!

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just think about this face saying these words to you,

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I’d care even less than if a white guy said it

I'm glad you like the whip Toby.
Just remember that the only reason the other spics were let in was so they could all be exploited economically by kikes and scumbags who saw the profit margins involved in putting Americans out of their jobs.
You do the things here that they couldn't figure out how to send over seas.
On a good day I feel sorry that most of you guys have been exploited, but when you start spewing liberal talking points about how all of this is normal I lose all sympathy.
I try to avoid visualizing it.
I live in a white area and I don't watch TV so I almost never see goblino's.

wait if youre implying i look like that fuck you im cute

Mexico is the jews summer home israel. Many jews settled there and the ruling jewish elite in mexico live together in a single gated community in mexico city. Only a retard would want to be part of that, even if you’re still exploited here it’s better than mexico.

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I'm from the Midwest

It's okay

idk why but these are very creepy

>even if you’re still exploited here it’s better than mexico.
That's certainly true.
Life is better here than most places on earth.
However I'd remind you that the same thing could be said about african slaves.
They were certainly better off here than over there.
That doesn't make it right.
If we have Hispanic workers here then they should be paid the same wages as American workers to avoid distortions in the labor market that drive down wages and living standards in turn.
You can't have that with unchecked immigration because it creates a race to the bottom in the labor market.
And once we hit the bottom there is no longer any point in coming here for people like you.
It is unrestrained selfishness on the part of democrats and the locusts coming from south of the border.
The democrats did this once before with slavery, which shut out white workers from labor markets in the South and ultimately stagnated the entire Southern economy and prevented further industrialization.
Now we're on the same path to social upheaval and conflict in the name of cheap labor.
From the 1860's to 1965 we had growth and prosperity precisely because the economically predatory practices of entirely self interested democrats was kept at bay.
Now they've turned large swaths of the country into one big plantation again.
It has to stop.

Google the "black hills" of south Dakota, and a city like rapid city as a comfy city to live in. Use that as your staging area and there are grassland parks all around as well as forests, mount Rushmore, devils tower, hot springs, etc

There are also some decently well preserved "wild west towns" including some famous saloons that still offer gambling. Deadwood is a short drive from rapic city and they have shooting reenactments for wild bill and stuff going on.

Kevin Costner filmed "dances with wolves" in the area and fell in love with it. He owns land in the area and still lives out there part time. He owned a hotel in deadwood too, which rad for 25 years but it shut down in 2017.

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Tourism website has a good list of the highlights in area.


The Dakotas also have a very large Norwegian American population and a lot of Norwegian influences so it would be easier for you to fit in.

Oh look, it's another "european wants to move to the midwest he has come to obsess over after seeing it over-romanticized in books and films" episode

you're such a cliche that numerous movie/book characters have been made about shitters like you (the hunt for red october for example)

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I'm a creepy person.

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If I go anywhere else (apart from the south) I'll be hounded for being white. So no thanks.

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>you're such a cliche that numerous movie/book characters have been made about shitters like you (the hunt for red October for example)

I don't think that is really fair, we have Europeans moving to western Canada for the same reason: the vast open spaces, wild prairies, rolling hills. A friend of mine is from Germany and his dream was always to own land with horses, but in Germany that is out reach for most people to the point of being inconceivable unless you inherit that land.

With just an electrician's salary he was able to make that dream a reality here and he is now breeding horses (not a lot of money in that but it was a dream for him and his wife). Plus his small bit of land has some bush area where deer breed like mice, so there is that too. He could have just as easily pulled that off in Montana or the Dakotas.