44 Dems Exempted Awan Family From Standard Background Checks Before Giving Server Access What's in their background per public records -criminal record -$1M bankruptcy -dozen lawsuits -police calls by bloody women -$ from Iraq gov official -Cryptic LLCs
Big date upcoming: May 12th. Iran deal certification that Trump vowed never to sign again. This could be the day this horrible deal is officially killed.
Decent article about the status of negotiations with Europe re: sanctions and the deal itself (described as "already dead") by the way. Can't be fucked to archive.
yeah if Congress had killed obamacare a year ago and we stopped funding sanctuary cities and instead moved that money to ICE to deport the illegal aliens receiving welfare and built a $50 billion wall and kicked out H1Bs and hired American then we wouldn't have that problem, would we? oddly enough if Trump got the things he was looking to get including the budget that Mick Mulvaney wrote last year we'd be deficit neutral in 10 years... but you and others use arguments involving the legislative branch to attack the executive branch and pretend you're too dumb to know simple facts about how our government works... god is watching you do this.
Thomas James
Well you just gave away you're Russian so might as well give up the meme flag.
Mason Hall
Gibs are more dangerous than our military money. Who would have imagined?
>>You're kidding, right? H1B workers are getting BTFO and illegals are getting deported. We're working right now on getting them out entirely, open your eyes No matter who you "get out" you're still going to have more costly racial aliens driving down the price and quality of labor in every sector, giving the Democrats what they want, especially politically for vote farming. The only thing they fear; really fear; is an Anglo-German majority that doesn't accept the inferior quality of the competition Democrats and especially Jews want in order to save a few % off of what we could demand without their existence.
Nicholas King
hello where is the argument???
Matthew Mitchell
I don't watch berserk, but die neue thessis got nothing of the original series and the characters look really bad
Sebastian Howard
>communists >arguement
Elijah Williams
>he doesn't use deluge
Xavier Gomez
God Tier >2017 Green Maga >White/Gold Maga >American Dreamer
Great Tier >Freedom Maga (NEW) >45 Inaguration Navy >Classic Red Maga >Halloween Maga
Bretty Gud Tier >Black Maga >Camo Maga >2018 Green Maga
I admit, your ways are higher than my ways. I don't download much, so it is acceptable. All I have heard is that utorrent literally reports what is downloaded
Nathaniel Morales
I really don't care much for anime, but my original comment stands
James Carter
Joseph Murphy
uTorrent is a mess of spyware and adware these days. I stopped using it years ago.
Reminder that if you believe in free speech you are in fact a white nationalist. I will be right in the future when I said a time is coming when everything will be Hitler-like.
Part of me wants them to come out and openly campaign on repealing the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Then, another part of me thinks there are enough retards that might vote for that and win. Fucked up times.
It's not that that would make them lose(which it would), but it's that the Rs would throw the fight because they keep fielding terrible candidates. Republicans don't want to win. See Omnibus bill, Mitch McConnel being slow in the senate, Paul Ryan's very existence, and much more.
Rs don't want to win because they're fucking controlled opposition globalists. They're all a part of the same cabal. There is no true choice and that's why they're ALL against Trump and conspiring against him.
There are no moderate Republicans There are no moderate Republicans There are no moderate Republicans There are no moderate Republicans There are no moderate Republicans There are no moderate Republicans
Exactly. Things would go smoother if Mitch McConnel died/got out of the senate but Kentucky only knows the turtle and an inflexible midget. Ryan getting canned would also work but he's too popular in his district and I doubt anyone has the balls to wrestle speaker of the house away from him. But on the other hand populism is on the rise in America and a portion of the younger population is getting tired of the old un-American way.