Feminism is what is destroying the West, but Islam is the problem guize!

So you are all fucking retarded and yes Jow Forums is one person.

-Not diametrically opposed to western culture as we keep hearing
-Not promoting feminism/faggotry (no need to meme the isolated cases of fag imams who promote fag marriage), actually we are the last people left advocating to stop faggotry and feminism
-Wised up on the kike and how it infects civilisations with kikery and """global banking"""
-Promotes the traditional family, worship of the One and Only God
-Promotes rational thinking and reflection and using both spiritual and intellectual insight
-Promotes teaching children about God and is strictly against infecting their young minds with shit about sex education while their minds are still forming, trans acceptance, fag acceptance

Marxist Feminism
-Promotes the freedom of women which springs directly from the one stupid idea that Jow Forums claims the West is built entirely on (individual freedom to act like a degenerate)
-Promotes atheism, Marxism, destruction of Christianity (and yes we know we are next), faggotry, LGTBBQWTF
-Promotes open borders (this is also part of the jewish agenda)
-Destroys children through a system of education designed to turn them into weak-minded and weak-willed degenerates who only want to fuck and do drugs.

But yeah, we are the problem. Feminism is your ally! Hope you keep enojying that freedum until there is nothing left of your societies or they are taken over by niggers/56%ers.

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Fuck off muzzie I actually like some of you cunts as long as you keep your hatchets and bombs to yourself.

Islam at its roots in Arab Nationalism, this can be seen at all points around the globe.
We need to reject both Islam and Feminism, they are both cancerous to our society as they prevent the advancement of science and philosophy.
I would be fine with allying with muslims, but only within their own countries.
The muslim and christain world split and so have progressed differently and as such are not compatable with the west and western ideas.
By Western ideas I mean the good stuff, not the kike modern shit.

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World Trade Centre 7 collapsed without any airplanes hit it, suggesting that it was a inside job.

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no shit
welcome to Jow Forums btw, hope you enjoyed your 1st day

Islam is just an additional problem we have to deal with, as well as feminism. You don't fix the issues of the white race by importing a belief system of another ethnic group, you'll just end up replacing the issue with another issue. Islam is a shit religion, believed in by shit people.

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>Not diametrically opposed to western culture as we keep hearing

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It doesn't promote any of those 3. Neither is there any dictatorship in Islam.
And it doesn't despise liberty or art.
Literally just muh feefees. Probably written by a thot who wouldn't get a pussy pass in an Islamic society.

>additional problem
I don't even get how Islam is a problem, or even a negative loss to white men. Yeah, women are suppressed in Islam, for good reason, as you fags are seeing in your societies. Yet you somehow still think islam=bad and feminism=meh, no big deal

Feminism is shit, islam is shit. I have, such as anyone else on this board, no interest in occupying a fantasy and delusion. Islam is a pedophile religion for sandpeople, let them get on with their shittier beliefs in their own countries. The west, IF it wants to survive, can have a resurgence of implicitly white identity culture through traditionalism. Why the fuck do we NEED Islam? As opposed to other theocratic or non-theocratic solutions.

nice taqiyya

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>no interest in occupying a fantasy and delusion
If you think so, that's fine. But you haven't explained how white men lose out under Islam/sharia. It'd be almost the opposite in fact, white men would be treated with a lot more dignity and respect than they are now by society. There's no need for us to be opposed, neither of us gains by opposing the other when our real enemy is winning by keeping us divided.

Islam is "patriarchy" for smelly polygamist (i.e. inbred) 84-IQ desert savages. No thanks.

They're both problems. Immigration is just a problem spawned from our weak government. Feminism is killing the west.

could say the same about your western-taqya post

Both are a problem and both must be removed, hide behind each other all you want, it's not going to save you.

>Islam is "patriarchy"
This is exactly why white men should reconsider their position on it.

>hide behind each other all you want
I don't "hide behind" feminism. Once they have completely destroyed Christianity in the west (which seems to have taken place already), they're coming for us.
Btw your roast is showing.

If islam is so great then stay in your shithole paradise and leave us alone.

I can't tell but it sounds like you're appealing to some shitskin muslim union to fight le jews. Fuck off you both get gassed along with the feminists when it comes down to it. Islamic nations can't supply clean water to their citizens, what makes you think it has the ability to form a cohesive western civilizaion from the ashes of postmodernism? Not a single exclusively islamic nation entices me, I would still choose to live here with all of the nations faults than any islamic nation.

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>fight le jews
The Jews and feminists are the ones working hand in hand to destroy western civilization. I'm saying that unless you recognize a patriarchy is necessary to remove both the kikes and feminists, you're done.

I don't remember trying to entice you to any Islamic nation. I'm trying to entice you to Islam itself, the religion.
>form a cohesive western civilization
Islam isn't what creates civilizations, that's the job and choice of people living in any given country or nation.

>-Not diametrically opposed to western culture as we keep hearing

Yes it is you lying nigger. It is antithetical to classic, western liberal values like : freedom of speech (death penalty for blasphemy ), freedom of religion(death penalty for converting away from Islam) , equality of citizens under the law (non-muslins subject to apartheid-like dhimmi laws. E.g. a non-Muslim who murders a Muslim will be killed in return under the qisas law but a Muslim cannot be killed for murdering a non-Muslim) , separation of church and state, equal legal rights for men and women.

Why lie like a rat? Are you that ashamed of your religion that you have to lie about it?

Islam is a system formed for a less intelligent people. It sprung about through the necessary molding by the environment and genetic needs of ethnic arabs. It is inconstant with the needs or interests of white westerners. A new structure will be birthed to ensure the continuation of the race, or it will die of proving it's inability to survive and adapt. Stop trying to force the adoption of a failed system.

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>for a less intelligent people.
Looking forward to the day you people will fall off your high horse. For a supposedly intelligent 'le-master-raec', feminism, marxism and kikery has managed to utterly fuck up your societies in the space of 2 generations, to the point where you are quite literally being replaced with the people you're accusing of being less intelligent. Yet those less-intelligent people still somehow managed to retain some sense of patriarchy and the traditional family in their societies. So who's the retarded fuck-up really?

l'm a pozcuck. You want to know what that is? Listen closely.

The normal cuckold wants just one gift from his black bull: a black child. But the pozzed cuckold wants more. He wants three gifts. We are greedy little bitches. But first, here's how it goes.

Normally I drive in my Mercedes to a street gym where ripped blacks train their muscles, their skin shining with sweat and the air filled with their musky scent. I am already a bit hard just from thinking about it. Sometimes I cum a bit in my pants. I get out of the car and ask who of them has AIDS. Then they know what happens.

The black man with AIDS gets into my car and we drive to somewhere isolated. Then I take a small knife and stick it inside the hole of my penis and twist it a litte. In the cuckold community we call this the HIV Twister. Sure it hurts and causes me to bleed. But it is worth it.

Then the black man docks me until we both cum and I contract his AIDS. I already have 4 types of AIDS from this. That is the first gift. Then we drive on to my house and he fucks my wife, who has also contracted many types of AIDS. That is the second gift. And then 9 months later the third and best gift arrives: a black child who also has AIDS.

Well intelligence is not exactly the proprietor of survival in evolutionary terms. However it is the altruism that really gets whites backed into a corner, not intelligence. Rats can easily occupy a area much larger than more intelligent animals like wolves by virtue of being quite unintuitive and basic in the way they grow and multiple. What probably scares you though is in all likelihood whites aren't going anywhere, and will remain the dominant civilization regardless of and overcoming ingroup fighting and altruism to shitskins like you.

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If being a cu.ck is wrong, then why made Allah BBC so delicious?

>What probably scares you though is in all likelihood whites aren't going anywhere, and will remain the dominant civilization regardless
Not really. What scares me is our people letting feminist marxist cancer to infect us as badly as you people have.
Seeing what you've become after ruling the world for so long, it's like a warning to all others not to raise their head in pride and talk shit about God and how great you are in your notion of yourselves.
Plus, according to our prophecy, Islam is destined to cover the Earth. Whether that happens in my lifetime or not is not a problem for me. We do believe in an afterlife and I'll be looking on and watching my side win.

A muzzie thinks if he gives you the false dichotomy youd chose islam and not call him out
bretty stupid

If it's a false dichotomy, then the alternatives you're presenting are pretty hilarious.
You either choose patriarchy, which nowadays is Islam or Orthodox Christianity (and Orthodox Christianity has less chance of becoming established in the West, meaning not-Russia, than Islam)
Or you choose Marxist atheist feminism.
The alternative, as we both know, are meme fringe religions or cults or ideological fanclubs like Britain First or EDL.

Jow Forums is filled with the most politically unaware people

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>blah blah blah muslim apologist blowing bullshit
>its really feminism thats the problem guiz

fuck off and die in a drone strike you piece of filth

Stop molesting little girls.

Stop molesting little boys.

I'd rather 1000 feminists than one muslim cunt

roastie smelt


Islam is degeneracy

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>durka durka is feminism.

You are both the cause and result of the decline of the West. Eventually you will lose either way because you will either destroy your host nation and turn it into one of your desert shitholes you so desperately wanted to leave or you will get kicked out or ethnically cleansed sooner or later.

For the feminists: these dumb tarts don't even know what they're doing. How do you think that will turn out? They will come begging us to rebuild after they wrecked every nation they can with their filthy commie tactics.

Fucking macaco.

>these dumb tarts don't even know what they're doing. How do you think that will turn out?
Everybody is already seeing how its turning out. The fuck do you think this entire board is about? The only difference is that Jow Forumsturds wilfully refuse to connect the dots and choose to reee at the symptoms of feminism instead of attacking the cancer directly.
Another generation of this and you'll come begging for sharia. I'm only giving you a fast track into where you'll be later on.

Take your heresy somewhere else, boy.

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What's wrong, did that make too much sense for your peanut brain?

Mohammed was a feminist - and a jew
Thre koran proves this
Allah-Ba'allah be praised
Durkah durkah

Nobody has a problem with Islam, you fucking autist, were just saying it should be segregated from us, along with niggers and kikes.

Oh no, it made perfect sense to me. You're trying your filthy taqqtics on me to try and convert as many native Europeans as you can to your devil cult and you're using feminism, which you knew not a soul approves of, as a scapegoat to do so.
You'll hang one day and I'll still be here to see it happen. Feels good tbqh.

>Mohammed was a feminist - and a jew
The guy who had 11 wives and told his own daughter to stay at home and take care of the household after she got married was a feminist. Mhmm.
Also, he ordered the massacre of an entire Jewish tribe (Qainuqaa), so I'm not sure how you think he's a Jew.

The angel Gabriel told me this, Jew.
*blows up*

how do I know you're hiding a star of david, shitberg?

YOU are the Jew for denying the truth of Allah-Ba'allah, revealed to me by teh Angel Gabriel
*blows up again*


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