Should we destroy our countries to save them?

Would it be fair to say that some of our countries are completely lost? That there is no political mechanism within them to enact the change necessary for the future? Many countries like Britain, America, and France are so pozzed politically and demographically that there is nothing that can be done. Unlike other countries like Poland who didn't let (large amounts) nonwhites into their countries in the first place and have a populous who is socially conservative; and countries like Italy who are perfectly capable and willing to use excessive and extreme measures to get rid of their Muslim/black/nonwhite problem. The people in Italy are more socially willing and demographically capable of flat out removing the cancer. I liken these countries to catching a tumor early and getting treatment, or being healthy enough to not get cancer in the first place. But for countries in the former list, it's stage 4 cancer that's already spread to our brains, and survival is slim even if we start treatment now...and we aren't even starting treatment, we are smoking cigarettes and eating Mcdonalds even FASTER than before. There are countries that have no problem (poland), countries that are willing and capable (Italy), countries that are capable but unwilling (sweden, Norway, denmark), and countries that are incapable and unwilling (America, Britain, ect).

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So would the best option in the latter category, be to simply destroy the countries ourselves. Weather it be through means of economic collapse, secession, or just sitting back and letting everything go to shit. The problem with these countries are the politicians and corrupt political institutions that they wield to fuck support migrants and oppress their citizens. The only thing protecting migrants from the wrath of the citizenry is their protection by the state, importation by the state, and money given to them by the state. Should the state fall, and the economy collapse, the migrants have no more gibs, people haveing nothing stopping them killing migrants, and there is no one to import or let in migrants. Without gibs, and without protection, the migrants would be fucked. So should we actively work against the state in some way in order to accelerate a collapse. I'm unsure exactly how we could do this outside of racing up a huge lone then fucking off to the forest to live in some log cabin I built and hoping I contribute to some economic bubble. But outside of the complete destruction of the state, there is no way to save the country. And the country is the people and culture, which will be preserved in the collapse of the government. So, should we destroy our countries to save them?

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Self bumping

Why do serious threads never get attention. Should have posted a pic of a dainty blonde getting blacked to appease you people.


That would draw in most of the idiots. I think your issue is that you opened with a block of text. Nobody wants to read your pedantic rambling. Two sentences or so are all that's necessary to get the point across.

stay frosty my based american friend, your thread is still young.
what you wrote is the ultimate black pill.
however -
99% are normies
98% of that 1% of redpilled fags are still bluepilled on voting and muh democracy
that ~2% is all that is left...

as to destroying our countries, it is inevitable. it is set in stone, the cycle has come and we just have to observe and participate. the only question is how this plays out. whether the necessary amount of redpills is dispensed and sheeple will rise up or the WW3 will have us distracted again and a NWO will emerge on the other side of this historical winter

Mines that I need to go shower. Not to mention this thread reminds me of our unspoken bond; we all realize that the demographic issue in American is probably not possible to stop without violence. Trump would need to change immigration to increase white immigrants but many of those countries are leftists and won't come over en masse.

Destroying it all seems to much easier and starting over... Some days I feel the exact same way. Probably WW3 like this guy says

You focus on your family and help whites who you deem worthy(not all whites are angels, there are white trash, dumb lazy bastards and coalburners). But first, focus on your family and prepare yourself to be able to lead them through difficult times, this will already occupy you quite enough. Stop waiting to prepare yourself, start ASAP. Even if shit doesn't hit the fan next week, you'll have a much better quality of life living with a big family in the countryside.

>Probably WW3 like this guy says
and I still hide my power level
if you study history hard enough and intently enough, you will understand that the cycle will repeat, that there are no perfect systems for humans. no revolution, no WW, no starting over will eradicate this filth from the world.
when you start over, the slate is cleaned, but it gets dirty pretty quick. removing kikes would probably fuck up the cycles quite much, but in the end there might not be a perfect system.
there will always be some weak sociopath born and given enough time and security in the state they will take over, and they will fuck up the system when the next historical winter will be inevitable.
the worst part - we as humans do not even try to find a better system. why has Heinleinian meritocracy not been tried on a large scale? because "muh democracy has been proven to be da best"
oh what a terrible river of shit we are drowning in...

youre a stupid nigger arent ya kek

Ever hear the story of the golden goose. The moral was don't destroy something beneficial in the the hope of improving it. Western society's are the most used to civilisation, and would suffer the most if it collapsed again. You would die, your family and friends would die, everyone you know would die. It could take century's to recover, the white race could disappear completely. Don't think going to the woods would work, everybody would try that.

Canada is the only one which is certainly lost. The US too unless states are given more autonomy to exclude certain people from living there.

I made a thread about it, but not sure that anyone had answered.

What if subethnical nationalism is only the solve? I mean - for western Europe. Not brits - Normans, Welsh and etc. Not Frenchmen - Occitians, Arpetans, Bretons. Not Germans - Frysk, Sorbs, Bavarians.

would it work or not?

Of course it's not for every country, because people from Latin America have no reason in it, their's identity still strong and conservative.

But is it a way for a "tolerance" society?

you as bluepilled as they come. ever read anything about late Roman empire? the fucking provincials prayed that the barbarians would come so that the slow agony of Roman "empire" would just end...
and yes it would suck donkey dick, but then again, it would at least enable people to start moving in some direction again instead of being constantly assraped by fucking police state which
robs you through taxes
doesn't give anything in return
requires you to love your rapist
destroys everything you hold dear
punishes you for thought crime, let alone small misdemeanours
imports massive amounts of filth
rewards outright murderous shitfilth
destroys jobs
punishes you if you try to build
there is no private property anymore
etc etc... I could go on entire day just enumerating the shit we have to put up with...
wtf is wrong with you?

ok, I'll bite -
would you support the same for Russia?

there are even activists who have russian surnames, but don't define theyselves as a Russians

but there are people which ukrainian surnames which define theyselves as 100% Russians

it's complicated

but yes, modern national policy (miltinational Russia) makes some conditions for it

yes - not about my opinion, it just exists, as a phenomen - language with 3000 speakers

also we have repiblics, it's like a small national country inside Russia

but they are mostly russifized

we already have 68+ state languages on a regional level

with 0 sovereignty, and sovereignty is everything...

You shouldn't have used some Warcraft image in the first place, Leeroy. Blizzard is the cancer.

>wtf is wrong with you
britcuck is literally brainwashed to worship patrician royal slavemasters
"don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs" meaning the status quo, of which their precioussss royalsss constitute a major faction
no matter how monstrous, the slimy money is clutched with the deathgrip of a thousand generations of peasant slaves

it depends on republic, some republics even banned some political parties on their's territory.

fun anecdote, when vandals besieged Rome demanded tribute, Romans barely scraped together some monies. Vandals decided it's not enough and sacked Rome. during sacking they found hoards of gold in wealthy patrician homes, all the while those same patricians cried that they had no money when tribute had to be paid...

well, you could say that... especially about Chechnya, they have loads of sovereignty :D lulz
anyways, I pointed that out because it sounds terribly suspicious when Russian proposes partitioning western countries into small subethnostates while having largest country and punishing even the slightest mention of "disturbing constitutional unity of Russia"

I didn't say anything about patrioting a country, I just said that the small nationalism should be always ethnical, which makes it stronger.

And SJWs just can't blame it as a "nazi" thing.

You need to remember what type of people Jow Forums is made up of.

This site is just a bunch of teen (Boys) who enjoy being controversial and insensitive to others, it's not their fault they have shit teir parents raising them; so of course they won't take a serious thread seriously, what did you honestly expect? If you wanna have serious thread you're better off on /b/ and that's saying something, considering everyone from /b/ is now on Jow Forums... Jow Forums is the new /b/ honestly.

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I personally enjoy the idea of voluntarily opting out of the modern lifestyle. So long as you pay your tax, no one can bother you. It essentially puts all the burden of welfare and government programs on the super rich. Politics would never go away though, people need to negotiate borders and easement rights or else they have to contest it through violence.

true dat, but I doubt that there is much ethnos in regions as Cornwall, Wales, or even Scotland for that matter. larger nations have successfully absorbed them.
of course when SHTF the situation will change. smaller almost tribalistic states might arise and the whole "let's conquer and reunite" shtick will be used again
:D it'll be fun


>opting out of the modern lifestyle
>So long as you pay your tax
>no one can bother you
you do understand the absolute cognitive dis in these statements? i

Accelerationism plus survivalism=a fresh start and salvation for the west and the globe. Unrestrained technology and consumption threaten the existence of mankind. Luckily for us the tower is tall but extremely unstable. Knocking it down is really our only hope.

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Actually, I'm a 31 year old working as a materials engineer that is tired of watching my tax dollars be taken for such nonsense like diversity and shithole immigration.

It's to the point where I LITERALLY CAN NOT relocate to another country where this is not happening while being able to keep my job and lifestyle.

in present state, a slight breeze, brother, a slight breeze, and if the status quo somehow persist a bit longer...
then a whisper will bring this "civilization" down

Is Russia as a whole really worth destroying though? I don’t know much about it but the fact that they don’t import people and aren’t culturally degenerate seems like it’d outweigh other criticisms.
What is Heinleinian meritocracy?Based Warcraft art poster

>they don’t import people and aren’t culturally degenerate
sorry bucko, you have to read more about Russia, they are fucked as well, maybe not culturally degenerated as west, but fucked differently
AIDS, drugs (mother nation of Krokodil), declining population, rise of islam population, massive gastarbeiter influx=shitskin invasion, alcoholism etc.
>What is Heinleinian meritocracy?
you have not read Starship troopers???? OMG! get to it right away!

I agree. Concentrate on the survivalism. The accelerationism will mostly take care of itself. Get ready boys its about to get medieval out there.

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indeed, since 2008 it felt
>next year for sure
in 2014 it started to feel
>next month... it's cuuuuuming!
since 2017 it feels
>next week
I guess we are now here
>tomorrow is the day...

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Thanks for saving my thread anons.

I didn't even realize it was a Warcraft image. Just thought it was fitting

Checked. I've tried making threads with just women in bikinis to draw people in to a serious topic but I've been banned for that.

>I've tried making threads with just women in bikinis to draw people in to a serious topic
fuck it, been in the same boat as you, I don't even bother now. let's enjoy the ride and occasional quality thread like yours.

The only thing that keeps us safe from the teeming hordes of third worlders is the overwhelming technological and organisational superiority of our militaries. If our nation's die, it's unlikely anyone will be capable of maintaining this superiority. So in other words, no, what you are suggesting is letting our civilisations fall like Rome. We don't have cancer, nations are idea's, minds can be changed. What our nations have is depression the only way to fix depression is give a man purpose and have him experience success and reward.

Don't tell me this is impossible because Germany was in far worse condition than we are now and yet for the briefest moment Hitler pulled his people out of the shit and gave them something to work towards and believe in. We just need to emulate what he did without repeating his mistakes.

>overwhelming technological
waning and overrated... especially when the enemy is not "at the gates" but teeming right inside the fucking city
>organisational superiority of our militaries
oh yeah, tell me about that. seen it first hand, so don't even try. SAS doesn't count, it is too small in the larger scheme of things
>If our nation's die
they are already dying, open your eyes britbong and smell the blood on the streets, hear the cries of shitskin raped children
>We don't have cancer
ok... now I know you're a kike
> is give a man purpose
well, hopefully it wont be the kikish purpose as in "let's have WW3 against Russia because of unsubstantiated accusations"
>Don't tell me this is impossible
it is not impossible, but it requires too many preconditions (free speech, free and independent press, educated populace etc)
so basically, today it is already impossible
>Germany was in far worse condition than we are now and yet for the briefest moment Hitler pulled his people out
but the whole world around was not so far gone, Germany was still very much ethnically clean and homogeneous...
you're dreaming, Morty, wake up burp... wake the burp... fuck up!!!

Perhaps. But this sounds a little like opening Pandora's Box. There could be unforeseen and very serious consequences.

>There could be unforeseen and very serious consequences.
as opposed to clearly visible consequences of continued status quo - complete destruction of white nations...
chose your poison, son.

Hmmm...well, I guess. Can't imagine any consequences worse than our people vanishing. But what would action on this matter even look like? Tax evasion? Intentionally electing incompetent officials and voting for damaging policies? Stop going to work?

For starters learn to use paragraphs.

all of that and even more.
or you can start learning and preparing to survive and save your family... you do have children? if not then start popping them out, it will be the nucleus of your tribe.
in the end the shitshow will commence either way. either by elite's preplanned reset, or by unintended consequences. it's your choice what you do

Still young and working on convincing the GF to give me a son at some point. She doesn't want kids at any point.

dump the bitch... it is a bad sign actually. it shoud be the other way around.
look for some redpilled country girl, don't take a naive and uneducated one, because they will go coalburning in the end.
first and formost remember - it is better to be slow and get the good results than hasten and thus shit your life.
I know I said start popping kids, but I assumed that you have readily available kidpopper. in your case, start searching. if you need, keep the present gf as a bang doll, so you don't have to fap. but start searching for a replacement pronto.
woman that does not want kids is yuuuuge red flag, bucko!

Eh, I'm working on the situation, and I have time.

good for you then, at least you're not blind. most get GF qt and go blind as bats!

Sounds like Zorg from "The Fifth Element". The circular logic that if we somehow rid ourselves of ourselves, a rebirth would occur.

To your point, "nah". I'm enjoying my privilege while watching the darkest continent up-end themselves.

This tbqh. I got myself a rural girl. She’s full 14/88 and has massive tits.

Based farmers daughters.

same here, minus massive milkers. best stuff there is. redpilled, critically thinking (because of exposure to all my banter) and truly racially awoke!

the ur-problem is that too many White pathologically won't take their own sides.

ok guys don't you think that if Western nations collapse, other races like the chinese, arabs or africans won't attack, in order to get resources? I mean is not like the ancient eras,in which military means were by the sword and man to man. I am from Greece, if our economy collapse i think the Turks gonna attack us and conquer most of our lands.

BUT, just to play devils advocate.
>turks attack
>war=hard times
>Greeks inevitably win due to the obvious superiority of the white man in the field of warmaking
>Greeks are then better off in the long run because they struggled
Life is too easy these days and that is the root of many of our problems, apathy, greed, gluttony.

Get on my level greek.
Balkanisation of the entire world is the future.

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Sveikas brolau... ir labanakt, varau miegot :D

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> :D
Negalim taip blet, reddit cyka.

dejau skersa, tikram Jow Forumsackui nusisikt i tokius dalykus :DDDDDDD
or muh sides

>in order to get resources?

It's not about "resources" . Africa is the richest land on earth and yet no one is mass migrating there

Russia is richer with resources than Britain but Africans are not mass migrating there because Russia is poor


Yes especially Sweden and UK

But not the 46% white USA

well i don't think they would say no. And after all, resourses could be also manpower. Who says niggers or arabs wouldn't do the same thing as whites did? Take us as slaves? They hate whites this is no secret, and given that whites were their masters for centuries, i think they would attack with no hesitation.