Continued from
NASA Lies - The Mods are CIANiggers Edition
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Hey, who turned out the lights?
Flying asshole, hidden NASA
this here states on page 7 that NASA basically is just the public sector of the military spaceprogram and pretty much underlies it making me think its even more likely that NASA is mostly just a front to cover up the military program
Pic related, something flying around on mars, and again just ignored
Why wasnt this (pic related with adjusted contrast and brightness) closer looked at? This very well could indicate that at one point there was sophisticated life on Mars, yet they seem to just ignore it. Here is the original pic from the NASA website
These bubbles you see on pretty much any spacewalk footage (guy is a flatearther but his NASA videso are actually rather good)
NASA cutting livefeed just when something appears in the background
Also weird that you never see a complete orbit around the earth on their livestream. Usually whenever it gets dark, like so dark you dont even see lights from the cities anymore (which you should unless they shot up the crappiest camera you can find into space) the stream cuts off and continues when its bright day again. this day is an exception as it shows a bit of night and citylights, but still cuts to broad daylight at some point never showing a full orbit.
>inb4 flat earther
There are multiple reasons on why they could fake things which all have nothing to do with flat earth. They could try to hide Ay lmaos, secret military space programm, some hidden continent the elites use as their small paradise, some openings in the polar regions (Hollow Earth) or a sheme where they say nasa gets 20 billion a year, but will only get a few million for some fakery, coke and hookers, while the rest is used for blackprojects like some false flags, some coups against a government that doesnt want to be a puppet, or said military space programm
Either way I believe NASA isnt there to provide us any information.
this one stated they let the old lady pee herself and sit in the pee for quite some time just because of some moon"rock"
However considdering this about the moonrocks
It may explain why they are so furious about it
Also im not saying we didnt go to the moon, nor that we cant go into space or anything like that. All im saying is they arent showing is real footage, or at least often not real footage. Some possible reasons:
>van allen belt would have destroyed the tapes either way, and a moonlanding without footage wouldnt be good propaganda
>they feared it could go wrong and thus made fake footage in order to cover an eventual failure up and still sell it as success
>something is on the moon we arent supposed to know about
>we really didnt go to the moon
at the very least it seems they dont want anyone to look into the tapes
and the astronauts dont seem like people that are mentally stable enough to be send into space
so how big is north america really?
and someone in another discussion mentioned this could happen by taking pictures at different distances and it could be, but:
pic 2 (Blue marble 2002) has been done from 700km height
>Flying over 700 km above the Earth onboard the Terra satellite
the 4th picture (Blue Marble 2012) was made with the NPP/Suomi NPP sattalite orbiting at 824km
>A 'Blue Marble' image of the Earth taken from the VIIRS instrument aboard NASA's most recently launched Earth-observing satellite - Suomi NPP.
>The satellite was placed into a sun-synchronous orbit 824 km (512 miles) above the Earth.
So when the distance is the issue of the size difference the sizes should be reversed and i doubt it woul create such a big difference.
The pic allegedly gets created by taking a lot of smaller pics and stitching them together, but still that would mean that they do a fucking poor job in creating an accurate depiction of our planet when there are such big differences
Gary McKinnon and Solar Warden
Polish cunt here. Did I mention I'm an astronomer? I know the basics real good.
Pic related shows there was no dust blown onto the foot of the landing module.
>inb4 the moon has no atmosphere and wouldnt blow up dust because of it
>inb4 without atmosphere nothing brakes the dust making it fly elsewhere
surely a few corns of dust would have blown in a way to land on the foot when its blown in every fucking direction
no dust blown away from beneath the capsule during the landing appearently
911 9/11 9-11 was an inside job
Also this here has a bunch of other stuff on NASA
however earth is not flat, but a hollow sphere with nazis living there
this goes also a bit into this, but leaves out the nazis and focuses more on history
it was a satanic sacrifice which was the original purpose of the WTC and was only build to let it come crashing down on that very day since the beginning
queep questionin shit mein niggas
Always nce to see mods move a thread when these all look so very on topic...
Is he grabbing the pocket here or a greenscreen wrapped harness?
>Hey, who turned out the lights?
>doctor who flashbacks begin
>then I realize (((they))) destroyed the show with feminism, by making the doctor a woman.
I hoped someone would get the reference. Watch the vid? 100% fake earth there
it started a season earlier when the companion became a degenerate lesbian nigress. couldnt even finish that season. maybe i should just to see the trainwreck of the next one. the whole serious is full with illuminati shit like the black cube and all, but at least it didnt have propaganda on every frame
They really hate it when we post things that lead to real people discussing
How long before the Doctor is an islamic transabled transsexual?
a doctor last 2-4 seasons, so i guess 1-3 more
I just love having a real discussion like this. Don't you? With real people no less.
NASA = “to deceive” in Hebrew
I don't know about the 100% earth being fake, but I am 100% certain they hide a lot of stuff from the masses.
At this rate, even the next doctor will be fucked up (14th), but certainly the next one after (15th doctor) will surely be an abomination. I give it two seasons maximum.
Agreed on both counts
Just watch episodes from the old seasons if you can find them. 10th doctor is my personal favorite.
10th and 11th are my favorite too. even capaldi did a good job
one of my favorite scenes