So Trump is ushering in Jade Helm?

Attached: alexjones.jpg (635x397, 25K)

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No it's ok when a Republican does fascist statist shit.


holy shit good point

Attached: obama laughing.jpg (270x187, 6K)


Butt hurt liberals BTFO

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>militia rednecks turn into boot lickers overnight

Attached: mmooreburgers.jpg (460x276, 24K)

>Posts pic of Michael Moore and calls someone else a redneck

Stop my sides can only take so much!

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>thats right goy unless you let third world subhumans into your country unchecked you hate freedom

Attached: 1522156877374.png (500x407, 85K)

We have a border patrol you moron. Why use the military, this is literally authoritarian fascism.

Military protects us from invading hoards. Try again

Attached: 1478569905588.jpg (1200x1200, 589K)

Military is good for nothing else

The U.S. military cannot interdict on U.S., only offer training or support to law enforcement.

you people are so fucking dumb

No, once again you are wrong. That law only applies to the army and the air force. And the army national guard can also be sent to states and have command given to the governors of the states. How the fuck else would our country be defended from invaders, just let them in and figure it out later? Can somebody actually be this retarded? Do you let anybody who wants in into your house even if you don't know who they are?

Jade Helm was about urban infiltration and suburban positioning during the Obama years and was contingent on her winning, you lying cockgobbling faggot.

This. If you aren't willing to use your military to defend your borders you should just disband your military. It's literally the primary reason for having a military in the first place.

Both Obama and bush Jr put us troops on the border with Mexico. Unless they are routing Abrams and fighter,bombers there this is not news.

No. Obama and Bush both sent troops to the border. Even BBC acknowledge it

We need to send some drones to Mexico. "Those gosh darn cartels just killed the migrants with a Hellfire missile."

Attached: drones.jpg (1200x478, 38K)


>In a support capacity.
You jackoffs are fantasizing about troops mowing down combatants.

>How the fuck else would our country be defended from invaders
By declaring war, dumbass.

>demoncrat detected
Because the border patrol is being hamstrung and prevented by the Department of Homeland Security to do their job via Obama admin leftovers abusing their positional power, pleb.

Abusing positional power is fascist.

So in reality, the people you play for are the fascists and this is just a result of having to react and counter that fascism put forth by the Obama admin leftovers.

You have just been served with a dose of reality you can't refute. Enjoy.

Jade Helm was an AI command and control exercise, in addition to the domestic infiltration

I remember when conservatards were against Jade Helm 18

I don't feel bad for you, but I feel bad for anybody who may be descended from you and has to share the same defective genes

Everything that happened prior to Trump winning was setup with the idea that she would win and all the other pieces would fall into place. Trump winning fucked their plans up considerably. They really did believe their own hype and thought they had it in the bag.
AI C&C? Interesting. Do you have anything to prove that? This is the first I've heard of Jade Helm mentioned having to do with AI command and control.

kek libcuck scum are buttblasted because Trump won't let anymore shitskins into the Usa
Get rekt fucking faggots none of you won't do shit

I was defending trumps actions you fucking mongrel 56 percenter.

Bend over ans spread your asscheeks citizen

>implying it's facssit to defend your borders from illegals
>implying it's wrong to be fascist

That has nothing to do with border protection, moron.

Border protection is the baseline thing a government should provide if you aren't living in anarchy.

It's the only justifiable use of a military in most instances.

>literally the most hated man in politics that have mainstream media, government institutions, multinational corporations,neocons, neo-Liberals and international institutions against him.
>boot licker
Remind me again who was it that spent 8 weeks using "highschoolers" as propaganda tools to disarm their citizens because of muh kids

Because border patrol won't be able to stop a group that size.

>he honestly thinks we hate fascism and Nazism
Try harder faggot, maybe you'll have better luck with actual magapededs on Reddit.

>he thinks countries are the only threat a nation can face
Brainlet spotted

If Trump didn't do something, the rest of us would have. There are lots of gun toting Americans ready to go stand guard at the border, the possibility of an escalating incident is reason enough to send the military.

Pretty funny seeing leftists suddenly start sounding off like a bunch of aluminum foil hat wearing conspiratards though, thanks for the laughs.