He is fucking brutal!

Amazing. Gets his way by massively funding military to protect our land. This will force the Congress to fund wall.
They will say stop wasting military on that. Ok! Fund the wall faggots.
He is prophetic for sure.
Amazing he knew this all along.

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>when the 64d Chess actually happens

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Trump says some offhand bullshit on the White House lawn, you morons take it as a military marching order.

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The caravan shit got Congress cried guys to aware. Now Trump knows it? It's on!

I'm pretty sure the President is the Commander in Chief

cnn does.

Deployment of the National Guard falls well within the purview of the CIC. He can order them to the border and there's not a damn thing Congress can do to stop it.

Unfortunately it's not as easy as that - the national guard can only be controlled by the President during a time of emergency (the legal definition, obviously this is a crisis) otherwise the NG falls under the State Governors. Active Duty military is not to be deployed within the continental US per Posse Comitatus. That said, the quick work around here is to deploy them to the Mexican side of the border - problem solved!

t. worried kike

spotted the jew

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he can just do what he did with the steel tariffs

that's called pulling a Jake Tapper.
very fun

You are just spewing shit.

Yes, for Trump to deploy the military on American soil he must first be asked to do so by the governor... sort of

One of the mandates of the executive branch is protecting the borders of this country and this is why the president is also the commander and chief of our military.

These caravans of illegals are not new. There is a famous train that goes through Mexico and up through North America (thanks NAFTA) that is well known and has been used for years. Tons of illegals hop on it all year long. Mexico doesn’t give a shit and as long as they are not trying to stay in Mexico they just let them pass right through.

It is an unbelievable strain for public services that American taxpayers pay for. Financial assistance, housing, public schooling & the English translator’s that go with them, medical costs and overcrowding in clinics and hospitals specifically designed to help poor Americans, the diseases they bring like tuberculosis and measles, The victim mentality and identity politics they cross the border with, in the complete and total lack of any amount of respect or gratitude shown towards the working class Americans who pay for all of the benefits these ungrateful invaders take advantage of. They come over here in forcibly try to change our culture and the Democrats let it happen because without minorities the Democrat party is dead.

>For all shills out there I have a serious question.

>Illegal immigrants have changed this nation and divided it unlike any time in American history since perhaps the Civil War, so now we have a country where the citizens have nothing in common and political violence has been normalized over the last two years.

>Is this really worth it for you? Meaning, do you really hate this country so much or is it simple partisanship that drives you to defend illegal immigrants? Serious question

Perhaps you weren't paying attention. Trump declared us to be in a state of national emergency awhile ago in one of his EOs.

Close some of those notifications Robinhood fag.

EO 13773
Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking

Please send the nat'l guard. I'd love to patrol that border and actually do something to keep my country safe. You know, guard the nation.

Fuck the oil and the aloha snackbars. Leave and let them kill each other.

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Dick Head TRUMP is PUTIN'S BITCH. Trump knows that all of us are retarded and do not check out any of his lies coming out out of mount which is just a parking place for PUTIN'S dick. I will not vote for this lying asshole anymore.

I did my time in the military, and I know you can't use the US military inside the USA unless it is a real national security threat big time. Let PUTIN's BITCH run his mouth. I will not vote for PUTIN'S BITCH again..

Asshole Trump told all of us that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. He really did bullshit all of us. He gets my no on him next time..

>t. Supply clerk

>mobilizing an army to the border of another country

I like it

Checked Mexico is going to pay for the wall:


Mexico isn't inside the USA.

>deploy them to the Mexican side of the border

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Found the LINO.

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