Who else /back on the Trump Train/ here?

Who else /back on the Trump Train/ here?

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I'll get back on when General Donald J. Trump uses the military to remove the government of California and other states acting in rebellion to the law.


Never left

>Who else /back on the Trump Train/ here?

You have to go back.

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how anyone could unironically still support Trump is a total mystery to me

Combined with the Syria comments I'm warming up to him a bit again lately. Reddit's Jow Forumspolitics is in meltdown mode right now for Trump singlehandedly stopping Camp of the Saints IRL


Fingers crossed he actually follows through. Please fucking follow through.

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The Southern border will be another Afghanistan! 20 years and going in 2038! The war never ends, industrial complex forever!

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Awe... What a cute lil moose.

This. I'm literally 100% pro-Trump fascism. I voted for the le ebil hitler hair maybe that CNN told me about.

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No one left it was just a bunch of shills

I don't give a fuck, at least it's defending OUR borders and not some shitistan over in the middle east.

you think Trump will follow through on a building project at a scale never before attempted, despite being a failed real estate developer that has gone bankrupt multiple times on smaller projects?

You really think Trump cares about the border, and this isnt just a distraction from many obvious flaws?

>Start war with North Korea
>Win handily but South Korea takes some collateral damage in the process
>China shows their true colors and defends norko
>UN sanctions the fuck out of them
>Exported Chinese goods now more expensive
>South Korea falls into a depression as they deal with back woods norko refugees looking for gibs
>America and Japan continue being the top dogs
>Europe still busy dealing with refugees and the crumbling EU that will eventually lead to another Continental war thus dismantling another core of industrial power and leaving the US as the biggest producer of exported goods again

Reminder that the US is as wealthy as it is because we were the only place not demolished after WWII. The migrant crisis in Europe is a direct result of our intervention in the Middle East and North Africa and it's already dividing the EU that was coming close to dissolving the nationalistic distinguishing factors of the member states. If we can get a war going in Asia it'll be checkmate for another few decades.

>Mfw I live in the right country and our military has been playing 356D inter dimensional mahjong with the world for close to 250 years now
>The French would still have a monarchy if not for us
Feels good man.

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I'd be content if he can get another pro-gun supreme court justice out. 5 is okay, but 6 is much better.

>not wanting to kill commies
Why are you even here?

That's still not a wall.

Actually Japan will probably get the shaft if war in the Pacific kicks off again. So really it would just be us again.

Yep this is a nice move way beyond what Trump was able to do anymore since appearing cucked.

I never got off.

>a building project at a scale never before attempted

Trump built Trump Tower in the 80's with a FEMALE construction manager, so yes, he can do it.

Found the kike

Our own borders you retard

I was actually surprised at how old Trump tower is. Thought it was made in the 2000s. The design was way fucking ahead of it's time. It's something I'd expect to be produced currently. Really fucking cool yet geometrically simple.

nice flag, faggot

Its good
Congress can't do anything about it. According to law the President has absolute command over the military. Congress can only prevent Trump from declaring war but he can station the troops arm and arm across the border if he wanted to

He sounds like he did during the campaign for once instead of the fat neocon boomer we actually got.

kys yank

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There is that little thing called the second amendment hes fucked over...

Dont forget who this man is. He points where the wind blows.

He is not your friend.

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What kinda faggot ever got off the trump train?

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Triumph trump's hate

The French, who you without still be a colony. The lesson is, never trust the USA.

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North Korea is a good country, better then filthy amerimutts who worship Jews.

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Trumps kids are all married to Jews

that bastard has seen better days.

>still believe the wall's gonna be built

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Meanwhile most Mexicans arrive by air legally and overstay their work visas. Wall accomplishes pretty much nothing.

You are such a fucking goofball mate.
"wahh we must attack jordan peterson because he is not advocating gas chambers wahhh"
>masturbates furiously to hentai
"waaah I hate Trump because he has not genocided Israel and blown up California"
>furiously masturbates to Goku

Fucking dumb retarded child.

Good. The globalists have begun deploying armies to invade through the Mexico-US border, the only response is to shoot the invaders. If Trump was really serious about tackling the problem he'd have the FBI running the money trails straight back to the billionaire jews like Soros whose money is being spent on these human trafficking operations. He's invading the US with south americans and invading Europe with africans through his NGOs.

I was on the trump train, but now I regret my descision.


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never left, unlike some pussies that get grabbed


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Brainlet detected.

Thats like 50 % or something. Loads of those fucks cross the border.

>20 trillion in debt
um user, let's have a talk...

They are still going to let them all in.
Screencap this shit.

fuck off commie

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Gotta be the worst president ever.

>The migrant crisis in Europe is a direct result of our intervention in the Middle East and North Africa

Was completely avoidable. Could have glassed all those regions and Europeans could have just told shitholers to fuck off from the get go avoiding all of this. Which would have unironically strengthened the EU, but instead they wanted to virtue signal and work to an enslaved class structure.


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This is his make or break moment.
If he fails on this issue and the caravan is able to just waltz into the country uncontested, he's finished.
His base will vote opposed to him or the republicans just out of spite.

Military operations are ridiculously expensive. Sending them to guard the desert is asinine enough, but saying you are going to send them there for an indefinite amount of time is far far dumber.

I got on September 2015 and only left my seat to go to the bathroom.

We have a reactionary president. He does so much dumb stuff .

Clearly something should be done about it. None of the focus is aimed there, instead its all aimed at a boarder. Which with modern tech should be trivial to maintain anyway without a wall. Other measures should be in place for everything else that allows illegals to prosper, including stiffer action on employers who hire illegals. After all these shitholers are just working off incentives. Take that away and they'll stop finding reasons to come.


Kek has spoken. Amen.

Not denying this either.

>pic related is the only train that matters

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>He’s a commie for not wanting regime change

South Korea is a pozzed feminist ruled shithole. Do you really want the norks to be like them? Not to mention they have the lowest birth rate in Asia while the Norks are at replacement levels.

Was I ever on the Trump train?
Have I jumped on now?
Or was I more like on the Anti-Hillary train?

Food for thought.. Hmmm

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The debt is forming because the rest of the world is finally catching up. Which is why the pieces are in place for a third world war. Russia norko China v the rest of us. We'll win, Europe and Asia will be rubble and our factories will produce the needs of the world.

it was only ever shills who left

everyone else knows he was playing 4d chess, plus dems can't fight it because Obama literally did the same thing in 2010.

Good goy, make everyone become slaves of America so you can teach them the ways of feminism, no fault divorce, race mixing and so on.

Maintaining troops within your own boarders isn't the same as maintaining them in shithole countries. Really the only added cost is per diem and when compared to actual deployment is nothing.

>still believes the walls not gonna be built

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Wow man, I never thought of it that way before.
Do you come here to be a big fish in a small pond?

Fucking murricans are the cause of all this shit!

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The blackpill: damage is already done

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Cultural conservatism comes in waves user. New revitalization soon™.

North Korea:
Believes in family
Supports the workers
Against women’s rights
Government similar to older European countries (pre-1945)
Majority support their leader
Replacement level births
Against the US because of them invading their country
Doesn’t like Jews or any non-Koreans who aren’t Russia or Chinese for that matter
Masculinity looked up to
Respects their traditional culture

South Korea:
Literally ruled by satanists
Extremely large feminist culture
Porn is banned
Lowest birth rate in all of Asia
Inspired by nigger culture
Masculinity looked down upon
Abandoned their korean roots for (((Christianity)))
Biggest Jew cocksuckers in Asia

You literally want North Korea to become just like Western Europe. A cucked hellhole with american degeneracy. Fuck (((Conservatism))) and (((Liberalism)))

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The Confederates had more grit than your entire life you idiot. I support our troops. By definition the Patriots who died fighting in the Civil War on both sides were American Veterans. FUCKING KILLYOURSELF, OUR STATUES WILL NOT COME DOWN! COME AND TAKE IT!

I came here to ship toast and fap to lolis and I'm all out of lolis

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The cuckfederates were a bunch of nigger worshiping cuckolds.

Who the fuck told you that you could get back on?

Fuck off , traitor.


Apparently it's because you're a "pal 4 queers"

Ever heard of the middle east?

The man has kept us on the edge of our seats from the beginning. It's nerve racking. Probably even more stressful for him. Just let him know that you still support him and you want him to act. This battle began before any of us were born and will continue after we are gone. Stay diligent and have patience. It's a pretty good show.

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>out of lolis
That's actually tragic

I'm sorry for blackpilling
All I wanted was the God Emperor back guys and not this zog puppet he was becoming. The one on the campaign trail. This is the first sign, I support our president if he keeps this up.

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I don't know what's worse, being a commie, or a fucking furry

>He unironically calls a Jew “god emperor”


I’m not a commie, I’m just saying even North Koreans have more standards then amerimutts who open their mouths for Jew cum. Also furfags and ponies are far more redpilled then you electionfags ever will be.

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Kek has told us to keep supporting trump.

Kek is a reddit meme

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Yes, I'm dweebly goncerned about that :DDD

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Your mom is a fucking reddit meme

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are you pretending to be retarded? The 2nd Amendment is a US amendment, it does nothing for illegal mexicunts.

Which branch is most likely to be deployed at the boarder? Which should I join so I can be on the front-lines shooting wetbacks as they run through the cactus.

Derp. Talking about the man. Read again.

Haha I’m so le owned right now xddd

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When you're a passive observer in your own reality everything is for the lulz and to enjoy the show. You're not gonna pick yourself up by your bootstraps getting fat on the couch "trolling" libruls.

>who else back on Trump train?
Not me, not yet.

Wall must be approved, funded, and begin.

ARRESTS need to fucking happen. This republic is absolutely fucking dead if all these crimes that have been revealed fail to be prosecuted.

Do none of you dumb niggers not remember that Obama sent soldiers to the border in 2010 during the Central American refugee crisis?

Or are you all as young as you are stupid?

>May 25, 2010 - LOS ANGELES — President Obama will send up to 1,200 National Guard troops to the Southwest border and seek increased spending on law enforcement there to combat drug smuggling after demands from Republican and Democratic lawmakers that border security be tightened.



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