The Yogscast

Do these guys share any of the blame for the corruption of the current generation?

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Wrong board.

Lewis is pro brexit, probably the only one

these guys are such faggot cuck liberals

> part of their christmas charity stream when towards a LGBTQRSPU organisation

Need I say more

the yogpod used to be fantastic, but quality in general has declined, eg
invasion of the space niggers

Saw a few of their videos when I was in highschool on minecraft, then I grew up. What happened to them? Are they cucks now?

stop advertising your shitty channel kike

>the yogpod used to be fantastic
Wrong, it was always soy
You were just younger

They were redpilled until Lewis cucked to Turps and let him run everything. Then they started hiring soy, niggers, and women and it all went downhill.

never liked them

>video-game related "e-celebs"
you could burn them all in a fire and the world would actually be better off

>Do these guys share any of the blame for the corruption of the current generation?

No the corruption is pretty much ALL on the shit media youve been pumping out for decades normalizing every degeneracy under the sun

Lewis makes constant jokes about hitler being alright
I'd rather my children watch them than your average youtuber/modern cartoon show

As in America?

Lewis realized his mistake and became a bitter alcoholic who can only rebel by backing Brexit and making edgy jokes.
Sips is the only one left with interesting content because he avoids the brand. But even so he's a liberal vegan vaper hiding with his wife and kids in the ethno-island of Jersey.

>Sips is the only one left with interesting content
sips is the biggest disappointment of them all a vaping liberal idiot vegan
all he does is do stupid twitch memes for cash

There's something really really creepy about Sjin, I can't be the only one feeling this right?

Sips doesn't care about politics

>tfw used to watch them for years since their first minecraft series
at least they helped me with english I guess, I still watched Sips and Hatfilms until a couple of years ago

Attached: 4chan mod hard at work.jpg (1771x1015, 273K)

>Sips doesn't care about politics
he literally talks shit about trump at any chance

he triggered a bunch of lefties a few years back for allegedly taking advantage of a (or a few) young female fan(s) for sex

Feels like he got some weird obsession with disney princesses too

don't curse us. i feel the multiculturalism will creep its way in.

I don't understand this.

I'm surprised that nobody's made this thread before. I mean, the last-but-one QAnon map had Benghazi-Sean Smith-Goonswarm-SA-Helldump-Zoe Quinn so it's not really that great a leap to include Ye Olde Goone Squade in there as well.

sjin does act like a huge pedo in his discord i've heard

Their innate Britishness comes out in their commentary and play styles. Very pacified and apprehensive.

What are you saying?

I will always hate them for not finishing shadow of israphel

YOGScast. Ye-Olde-Goone-Squade cast. It's SA related, like Helldump/Zoe Quinn/Gamergate.

sjin got at least 1 16 year old fan to send him nudes while he was dating someone else in the office

you can google it for info
also yogscast stole like 250k they got from fans to make a game

I knew that part but what is SA?

I remember discovering that shit all those years ago. Simpler times.

Jow Forums's bitch.

Something Awful?

Remember they are much more unattractive than their cartoon versions, especially the fatasses