NYT Explodes with Liberal Rage over Troops at Border


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Google sent me a CNN link to this story and they actually said Obama and Bush did it too they were really based!

>BestBelay. Seattle (lol)
>How did the USA ever survive over 200 years without our army guarding us from Mexico?
...idk, maybe we did it by going to war with Mexico and invading their country? really makes me think

> those comments

The commander-in-chief really can position troops? WTF IMPEACH HITLER

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You know who else did ? James K. Polk. He ordered the invasion of Mexico and capture of the seat of government in Mexico City culminating in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


>Trump is Hitler
>all his kids are married to jews
>cabinet full of jews
>loves Israel

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They've been waiting a year to cite that yet another non-applicable law. They must feel so smart. Delusional.

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He loves money, he dgaf about jews. He just already tried everything else to get money and failed because he's a shit businessman. So he turns to the jews like everyone else, big surprise.

The US military is legally barred from performing civilian law enforcement actions.

We are a nation of laws, and it is against the law. Learn the laws of the country you claim to speak for, FFS.

jews run the banks that give him the loans to make real estate deals

its just more evidence of jewish privilege

is protecting the border from invaders a civilian action?

defending the border from invaders isn't civilian law, you absolute retard

I hope I never have a doctor who's this stupid.

All he has to do is use the National Guard instead of the Army. Big deal.

Technically, it's only the Army and the Air Force, and the Navy under a different set of rules. The National Guard, the Marines, and the Coast Guard appear to not be applicable here. We are a nation of laws, and it is the role of the executive branch to enforce those laws.


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Possee Comitatus boils down to disallowing certain Title 10/32 soldiers from being dedicated to civilian law enforcement purposes. This does not preclude national security or from conducting their own investigations.

Also this. Dealing with the border is not a matter of domestic policy, it is foreign policy.

101 airborne was used to send niggers to university in alabama

>All he has to do is use the National Guard instead of the Army. Big deal.
He doesn't even have to go that far. The military is prohibited from policing it's own citizens, but I would pay money to see them try to argue our military can't defend our own borders.

Your opinion is moot since you posted with that flag, and you're a faggot. Nice try though, better luck back at rebbit.

It would be a hard sell, but I think the establishment is trying to take down Trump through a war of attrition. A lawsuit here, a lawsuit there. Even if he wins 'em all, he's lost.

>North Korea sends 200,000 troops to the south to try to take the united states on an invasion
>Well, there's not thing we can do about it since the military isn't allowed to protect our country's borders
>get invaded because military isn't allowed to do anything

Liberals literally have to be retarded

Wow, it's another "lefties losing their shit over things they don't understand" episode.

Like some of you said, this doesn't violate the act. He doesn't need to use the National Guard. He can use the fucking full weight of the military. These leftists are delusional. This isn't a "domestic" issue. The country being invaded (and even openly and aided by a foreign government) is grounds to protect national security.

The only problem arises with the loophole of the US having to process asylum seekers from non-contiguous countries but that won't be a problem either, orderly and expedited. Trump has a full war chest of information and legal counsel at his disposal vs. low-information leftists.

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you're just now seeing this? The whole Mueller investigation which will never amount to anything is only exists to distract him and justify hillary losing

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Liberals are so fucking cringey.

pic related.

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Liberal logic
Trump is hitler but take my guns please

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It’s going to be embarrassing when they get btfo by the cartels. They can’t even win against goat fuckers and rice farmers how do they expect to go toe to toe with actual warriors.

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>Department of Defense
>defending the border is not its job

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Good thing border jumpers aren't US citizens then!

Don't overplay your hand schlomo

Why do liberals hate this country so much?

They live here too, don't they? Why do they insist on fucking it up by having foreigners take it over?


>we are a nation of laws
I'll bet you are a FUCKING LEAF

ignorance and arrogance
i.e. what they project onto the right

Should have underlined "to enforce domestic policies" desu.

>spics name is literally quesadilla

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Deepstate attempted to overthrow (rebellion) a sitting president!! Read our constitution dumb ass commie.
9.2 The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or invasion the public Safety may require it.

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>I would call Trump a dictatorial Nazi
How is wanting to make this country safer make Trump a "dictatorial Nazi"? This is just insane.

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Who the fuck runs cartels? CIA. Why do you think former CIA director named Bush Sr has a nick name poppy?

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Can he send the Coast Guard to patrol the banks of the Rio Grande?

i like how they pick and choose which laws they want enforced.

>illegally crossing the border
>no no no no, ignore that!

>not even illegally using the military to stop foreigners from invading


Liberal logic and projection

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all memeflags need to be gassed

If it really does violate posse comitatus could he just have the military invade about ten feet into mexico and hold that position? Would that be nice and legal?

>Julie (((Hirschfeld))) Davis

Need I say any more?

I know this was just red meat for the base, but it still makes me feel good to see these leftists go from smug taunting to shitting themselves in rage in less than 24 hours
>AHAHA the caravan is gonna show Trump!
>lol they're still coming Drumpfkins!
>open borders! Si se puede!

Trips of truth.

Day of the rope when

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No it doesnt violate constitution. Hordes of people attempting to enter our country illegally is technically an INVASION.

9.2 The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or invasion the public Safety may require it.

>nation of laws
>let everyone break immigration law!!!
KYS memeflag

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pic very very related

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In regards to the first comment: the USA has had a long history of border disputes with Mexico. The majority of which involved the military.

liberal logic doesn't exist. I wish people would understand delusion and schizophrenia better.

Liberals want you unarmed so you can be dispatched by feral urban youth.

Deepstate attempted to overthrow a sitting president, Rebellion-check
Hordes of people attempting to enter US illegally, Invasion-check.
Art1 Sec9.2 of the Constitution for the united States of America
9.2 The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or invasion the public Safety may require it.
Habeas Corpus suspended constitutionally. MAGA

9.2 The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or invasion the public Safety may require it.
Rebellion check (deepstate)
Invasion check (caravan of illegals)
GITMO check
Military Tribunals check (omnibus bill)
Obama + Hillary waiting
Bush Chaney 9/11 waiting
Trump setting the stage

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What is exactly the problem with this?
There are troops everywhere in mexico right now, of course they are useless but still.

Please let it happen

>ancient Rome had similar laws (military can't guard border law)

Yeah ok Ching

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>how did the us survive 200 yeras without a wall or army protecting us from mexico

It hasnt even been 200 years since we were at war with the fucking spics.
pic related their cuck in cheif's leg, we still have ive. fuck you wet backs and your left wing nutcase masters.

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Eat dicks, wrong as ALWAYS

he was a president.

>I would call Trump a dictatorial Nazi but, I think he and his supporters would think it was a complement.
He's right you know.

Time for the shills to find some new bait, this one kinda backfired.

>go to mexico sometimes
>they have militarized the border
mmm, sounds good to me m8...

Disastar is a fucking jew.

Easy it's not his fault. Public schools in US (the states) no longer teach our constitution. Instead teaches how great communism is.
Art1 9.2 The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or invasion the public Safety may require it.

Martial law when?

el Mexican presidente cries in pain as he sends a couple thousand invaders over your border.

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Pay ANY Mexican President a few hundred thousand and they will do what you want.


Signed dec20th effective 21st 2017
See pic in this post

>unauthorized international border violations
>domestic policy

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That, and: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_War_(1910–19)4

>Date 1910–1919

>1914–1919 (height)


>Mexican–American border states


>American victory

>Seditionist insurgency suppressed

>Permanent border wall established along the border of Nogales, Sonora, and Nogales, Arizona, after the American victory in the Battle of Ambos Nogales[1]

>Pancho Villa's troops no longer an effective fighting force[2]


Round up the ragers
turn on the showers
Fire the ovens

It is honestly disturbing a licensed doctor is this stupid, so much for you had to be smart to be a MD.


Both parties are doing now chimpout tier propaganda.

>commenter uses the word nincompoop

Russian shills are literally on every news site, pissing off both sides. No actual person would say that even a stupid liberal.

> "How did the USA ever survive over 200 years without a 30' wall and our army guarding us from Mexico?"

Ehm, the Mexican–American War?


That was suspended during the Bush Presidency, and remained suspended under Obama when he sign the NDAA in 2016. These lefty cunts are like 13 years too late to cry at that party.

Start imprisioning seditionists when??

>actual warriors
>a bunch of coked up taco niggers that do drive bys and gangland hit and runs.

Pick one faggot. Then go fuck yourself in your mad little salty face.

It’s funny how these insane double thinking liberals call Trump a tyrant yet are still wanting these poor immigrants to live in a country ruled by a “dictator”.

Liberals are quite cruel after all eh?

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>I would call Trump a dictatorial Nazi but,
>I think he and his supporters would think it was a complement.

>Guarding the border from an invading Army is a "civilian law enforcement action."
The absolute retardation of leftists.

Are there forums where "smart" liberals hang out? I am surrounded by shitlibs 24/7 in real life and none of them are r/politics crazy, at least outwardly

And? That doesn't change the fact the he is literally named a food.