Can we get a shop template thread going? I’ll dump what I have. Prefer cocks with no background thanks!

Can we get a shop template thread going? I’ll dump what I have. Prefer cocks with no background thanks!

Attached: 92427335-E500-4C18-88DD-E3E708FD85D6.png (2499x1663, 1.15M)

Attached: FCD0BA66-0A4F-4E7F-9B85-543B5166E139.png (432x609, 181K)

Attached: 7A7CFFDC-B249-466D-9ADF-F6B6A70CBC2F.png (852x936, 329K)

Attached: D66BB7D2-FB50-4F1E-AEB6-0CAFC27B36A4.png (794x375, 188K)

Attached: 3631D82C-02E0-49E0-9F69-40B5D02866AB.png (845x1277, 1.25M)

Attached: A36CDBFE-7ED2-4C62-BF80-3E801F7DA791.png (2000x1333, 1.94M)

Attached: 0DADA940-2B45-493D-B7CC-915FC8C71FCC.png (412x640, 258K)

Attached: E9ED6C29-6C10-48D6-974E-BD9ACB3375FF.png (683x1024, 528K)

Attached: 7442C4EF-C29A-41F5-A7E9-FF4EEA142F3B.png (646x368, 136K)

I'd appreciate this too.

Attached: 1457199976115.png (1349x1666, 1.07M)

Attached: 1460150368363.png (1753x2014, 1.98M)

I got pretty much all of these through Jow Forums so it's good to update my stock

Attached: unspecified.png (1200x542, 208K)

Attached: 1457208534687.png (700x708, 248K)

Attached: 1457199861211.png (1856x1242, 1.32M)

A classic that I wish was higher-res

Attached: 1459040072295.png (800x800, 409K)

I'll dump the rest later if the thread doesn't die in the meantime

Attached: 1462032225661.png (432x650, 136K)

Thanks user!

Attached: 308564C2-DB9A-4A35-B02C-646743618003.png (511x683, 408K)

I think just us 2 contributors

Attached: 8D2C8190-5E72-40BD-B956-EB6401737F8B.png (829x937, 716K)


Attached: my03_Cumshot-Template.png (654x791, 322K)

Almost too translucent but it works thanks user! Meisha approves!

Attached: B81C3D3D-2750-45A8-9161-D36B4FABCA48.jpg (1242x1524, 262K)

Attached: 0D0926FA-285B-410B-8F25-8DEF61436F98.png (696x1280, 556K)

Can someone grab me?

Attached: Screenshot (23).png (726x914, 755K)

This is a request for templates not a request for shops please take this elsewhere. We are the people who make them for you trying to trade stock.

Attached: D8120B7B-A61A-49B1-88CA-439AD81470F2.png (402x415, 161K)


Attached: 5_514.png (1024x683, 432K)

More black cocks please, maybe some horses. Bump

Attached: 2EF1C50A-B266-42DC-B5F1-C6D2CE108B6A.png (1093x1000, 589K)

I'd appreciate and hands holding animal/regular dildos

Attached: 1459039986495.png (721x983, 484K)

Attached: 1459039794100.png (1200x1600, 1.96M)

Attached: 2DDEF040-A64F-4765-B793-6E8FF91790D9.png (1280x1280, 756K)

I've literally never had a proper use for this type but I have a few saved just in case

Attached: cover-my-face2.png (768x1024, 582K)

Could I get the dick template from this one?

Attached: 1459040539839.png (218x352, 125K)

Doesn’t always have to make sense we just tryna bust a nut

Attached: C264FA82-4694-4BAA-B710-695816C23B76.jpg (667x1190, 191K)

Good one to dangle over a cunts head

Attached: 778CEE0E-041C-411A-9403-9E470F6CFE07.png (1024x683, 506K)

I like this one when the main picture has black fingernails too, it helps sell the fake.

Attached: 145719986111.png (506x667, 330K)

Attached: 14.png (556x800, 221K)

Attached: 6_961.png (800x600, 206K)

Attached: AE117A7E-AFCE-46DB-8C27-CAF0C971DEDA.png (288x139, 53K)

Attached: glrhl.png (1024x768, 203K)

Attached: 1457199792956.png (1536x1356, 1.5M)

Can someone make a png of the screen being empty part?

Attached: shop2.png (1600x1200, 1.33M)

Attached: 1457737814268.png (500x729, 300K)

Attached: tempooo.png (1600x1200, 1.36M)

I’ve kik’d with this guy he willlove that his big crock is immortalized

Attached: C80A99F8-E122-4AFB-B4E3-9B0E9A98C293.png (570x900, 269K)

what is his kik?

It’s not mine to give out faggot

Attached: 29A166BC-5E37-426B-B156-87579B71418C.png (2403x1919, 3.78M)

Attached: _acc_money_hand_sfsregh.png (1400x1743, 1.84M)

Omg these are amazing bump

Could you do this as well?

Attached: 1546559695547.jpg (512x1024, 62K)

Guys what photo editor you use on your smartphone? I dont have a laptop or pc.

Offer pics to receive knowledge

Attached: 4F80AF81-10D5-4E6C-8300-E07BEA8D36D1.png (497x522, 210K)

Attached: dawdadsdaw.png (512x1024, 333K)

Attached: argent.png (667x1000, 805K)

Attached: 1457208794968.png (921x1205, 482K)

any gif?

Attached: Z8kUG3T.gif (720x405, 289K)

Attached: 1zVStG9.gif (957x537, 1.72M)

Attached: V7LkX7H.gif (487x386, 794K)

Attached: ABEB0C5A-A97F-4282-BC5D-8685AE508AFB.png (827x569, 344K)

Attached: AEF71C5F-D91A-4A9A-8CC3-2A9C46D8D452.png (3000x2000, 1.77M)

Attached: 7F82242D-07F1-454D-A253-536ACED1CEE6.png (923x856, 375K)

Attached: 0BAF5281-0260-4F07-9A4B-6AF632C5DCDB.png (720x384, 192K)

Wow this one is great, thanks

Attached: SDzbHy3.gif (595x335, 724K)

Attached: MBkERgX.gif (300x300, 199K)

Attached: 1460054744369.png (1000x668, 464K)

Attached: tape.png (153x129, 55K)

Thanks user love these!

You’re very welcome.

I know, that’s one of my go to’s when she’s looking off camera.

Attached: big cock hand.png (930x682, 201K)

Can I ask what application you use to overlay gifs on jpg or other gifs?

I'd also like advice.
The best I can do it open the gif in GIMP and individually merge each frame onto the background jpg. Very time consuming and makes it hard to edit

Attached: PNG gloryhole dick.png (1024x768, 117K)

Attached: gloryhole wall.png (971x728, 335K)


This is unfortunately all I have. If you have any good unedited pictures I can try to make templates out of them.

Attached: 1460054676938.png (1024x682, 619K)

Nice, can you try this?

Attached: 1493103207610.jpg (2250x3263, 1.19M)

don't stop!!

Attached: 1457191413722.png (797x1200, 283K)

Attached: !!!1455013971486 (5).png (1417x1192, 532K)


Attached: !!!1494132739134 (2).jpg (480x360, 29K)


Attached: !!1444566218064 (3).png (786x682, 478K)


Attached: !!1497481583966.png (1920x1280, 1.41M)


Attached: !!new-2 (1).jpg (900x1200, 51K)


Attached: !!Image1y1t.png (1200x1200, 1.4M)

Attached: 1551193092514.gif (189x251, 344K)

Attached: 1551321743355.gif (761x942, 852K)

Attached: 1551193161384.gif (226x325, 248K)

Anyone know an iPhone app to drop gifs onto pictures?

Why would you put duct tape on your cock?

I'd imagine Photoshop or any other photo/video editor that can handle time frames and output video. Drag a GIF into PS, open the timeline window, new background layer... should be about it.

Attached: A969E8AB-B4A7-429C-9FB6-7B0B6E1722F6.png (1024x576, 477K)

Can you guys reupload these as .PNG?
I was looking forward to using them.

Well it’s a fucking instant classic. (She’s 19 in this pic inb4 fags)

Attached: E3589986-B194-4848-8A77-AB544A0BD3A0.jpg (1242x1515, 328K)

I heart JJ thanks for this I’m finna bust a fat nut to it.


Attached: 1457208981411.png (455x333, 196K)


Attached: 1459034740080.png (288x139, 43K)

Best thread since sliced bread thanks for all the contributions! OP here.

Someone have kik to remove background on a dickpick?