Right Wing Dox Wars - Nazi Larpers vs Smart People

On the pro doxing side: Paul Neheln, Chris Cant-do-well, assorted TWP detritus on Gab.

>I don't take doxing lightly...@pnehlen did not dox @Ricky_Vaughn99 because he disagrees with his politics. He did it because Vaughn is a dishonest, malicious, subversive figure who intentionally acts against the interests of race and nation. Vaughn is the poster child for treason. He dishonors our veterans, sabotages our efforts, subverts our ideas, divides our movement, and undermines our identity, all while purporting to be our leader. He should not have the protection of a pseudonym while he behaves this way.

>You won't be doxed for disagreeing. You will be doxed if you work your way into the upper echelons of a movement, and then purposely subvert it through a series of obviously dishonest acts

On the Anti doxing side: Greg Johnson, TRS, Spencer, people who don't read Siege.

>Any movement person who doxes another movement person must suffer the social equivalent of a death sentence: they must be completely shunned. They must be expelled from all movement organizations, barred from all movement gatherings, and blocked on all social media.

>Their friends must be forced to choose sides. It is no deterrent if doxers are shunned by strangers. They must be disavowed and shunned by their friends. And if their friends stick with them, they must be shunned in the same way.

>One of the virtues of instituting a policy of shunning doxers is to give victims both justice and solidarity and prevent such cycles of retribution.

Where does pol stand?

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Other urls found in this thread:


That guy on the left of the photo with the TDS shirt looks strangely (((semitic))), beard and all...

Azzmador confirmed kike

That's my rabbi, 100% sure

I mean he looks like a dead ringer for this famous TV jew who is, verifiably jewish

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dude, I 6,000,000% guarantee Azzmador is not jewish. Of all people to accuse of being jewish, its not him.

>failed politician and a degenerate shock jock team up to dox everyone
Holy shit

Keep squeezing and see what happens

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Doxxing is actually a form of class war
Those who are wealthy and completely self-sufficient can afford to be doxxed, while those who arn't independent and need anonymity face a big risk if they're doxxed.

i cant figure out what ur trying to post nigger

did ricky vaughn get doxd? if so, I hope so, fuck that alt-light faggit

>using your brain and winning are jewish strategies.

Real white nationalists do dumb stuff and lose, I will call anyone who disagrees a kike shill!

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Jow Forums is a place of chaos. This Mongolian yak herding forum has been raiding people for a long time. We will do whatever we want regardless of what some larping alt lite faggots think.

I wouldn't care if every e-celeb alive got swallowed by Godzilla, why should I care if they get doxed? They're all attention whores.

greg johnson's credentials are beyond reproach, if he doesn't like doxxing that is good enough for me

I hate Doxing for any reason but Ricky is a good man and good for the movement.

Christopher Charles Cantwell:
172 Bay 28th St #10, Brooklyn, NY 11214

Not sure but this may be his number
(631) 291-0829

He may be with his parents since the court case rekt him
24 Skylark Ln, Stony Brook, NY 11790

pretty sure Cant-do-well is in virginia awaiting trial. He also lived in New Hampshire before that.

>ITT: massive RV cocksucker salt
LMFAOOOOOOO @ TRSodomite cucks and their "kosher kampf" infighting

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I know, he lived in Keene before according to the source. If he isn't in Virginia he will be at the second address with his parents most likely

>Ricky is a good man and good for the movement
What """movement""", your online kosher kampf to see who can win at Twitter?

Attached: Kosher Kampf Optics Cucks.jpg (1001x627, 390K)

This is the most retarded post I've literally ever seen. Ricky advocates things that will actually help us in real life and has been proven to help, while (((Cantwell))) and Traditional Wife Swappers can't subvert people to the right wing worth a damn, and actively give people ammo against us. I'm tired of Low IQ Faggots in this movement

Fuck off TRSodomite, nobody cares about your gay e-celeb infighting

Ricky spent 6 months LARPing as a 16 year old girl with his cat fight nationalism, literally sperging out at anyone who didn't want to be a shabbos goy for a GOP or a champagne racist that just posts memes on the internet. I don't support doxing but did he think people wouldn't retaliate?

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