Is she a follower of the religion of peace?

Is she a follower of the religion of peace?

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First spree shooting where nobody actually gets shot, nice

probably a post-op tranny


anyway, thanks for the link man

White or "white"?


I bet this bitch can't even do a shooting right. Why did we give women the right to vote?


I guess she is a 95 year old, eastern European woman.

Attached: tranny muslim.jpg (1200x630, 46K)

White! She's a white! White! Spread the woooooord

Probably a husband and wife Jihad team.


Sounds like a nice marriage actually

Those who kill together, go to Paradise together.

Does the wife get male virgins? Neck beards of paradise

>shooting at place arguably with the most broadcast potential
not a false flag at all!
jewtube gonna try extra hard to meme this since it directly affected them

pic of shooter has been released.
female named Samantha Hyde

Attached: samantha hyde.png (348x535, 292K)


>female shooter
Welp, that's it for this shooting then, get ready to have it brushed under the table by tomorrow and never mentioned again

lol cucks she's white, get ready for your jewish masters taking away oyur guns. can't wait for this!

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Meme flaggots only warrant a response to tell them they don't warrant a real response.

>white woman

kek if that's the case she probably won't hit anyone. White women are gay as fuck.

56% white

Rundown? Are the deaths in the double digits already?

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>shooter has been identified as samantha al hadiin

Op here.Not sure user, I've been watching since nearly the start.

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Someone assumed her gender


Let's be real guys, it's time to ban assault women.

>muslim tranny diversity hire that went postal.

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Mr. & Mrs. Saeed

I bet it's a "female" trans pansexual blah blah blah pre-op dude

>not even sure if anyone's been shot yet
>'i-it was whoever serves my agenda that did it!!!'


nothing to see here.

What if YouTube employees become redpilled?

My sides

Maybe the tranny got insta redpilled about the kikes brainwashing him into becoming a tranny and snapped

I was referring to the head scar, euro user

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How convenient that YouTube gets a shooting right as they're pushing to drop gun related content from their platform. Wow.... lucky them

thank you based israel

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shooter is named as Sam Hyde

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"I wish I did"

Attached: yootube.jpg (389x164, 27K)

Jennifer Anniston

put that image in face app

Attached: SPREADTHEWORD.jpg (892x925, 92K)

they already banned guns in california user

The Hogg is on his bicycle. He'll be there in 30.


Ban Assault Thots

The guards don't even have guns.


It was a long bike ride, but David Zogg just arrived to do interviews from the closet.

so shes at large
will this turn into a... WOMANHUNT


There was an Jow Forums thread yesterday saying, we were going to get famous I think. Maybe she's a fembot.

Naa, she's a woman scorned. She hit her man, and 2 other ppl, them herself. It's solely domestic, premeditated as fuck, but not ROP



>Female shooter
>liberal workplace that censors every conservatives
You guys really don't think these things through,do you? If anything it just blew up in their faces due to the sex of the shooter. And 4 real, it was a pistol used, not a rifle.

So, is it an Aloha Snackbar again?


I wish she would show us how peaceful is her religion.

So they could overwhelmingly vote Trump

Another thing we owe the time travelling don

I don't Imagine a place so liberal like JewTube becoming the next Don nirvana desu. I think they'll just put some stupid ribbon next to their logo and they're gonna fucking double down on gun control and gonna join forces with the 2nd rate actor and El Chupacabra.