Race war load out

With all the talk of gun control and a inevitable collapse of the us coming at some point how should a young white man prepare?

Probably have about a 1000 to spend on weapons atm but what would be a good load out only own a 10/22 atm.

What skills and such should we be working on?

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Do cardio with a backpack. Mobility and stamina are key

well bro, I would get a 9mm handgun (you can get a good one for 300-500 dollars) and an AR/AK (500-800$) and a good pump action shotgun (200-350). get 1000 rounds for each weapon and stay safe. if you want specifics on budget guns let me know.

Race war will never happen.

(Cock Click) Motherfucker.
Got a Pastry here for you.

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i kind of agree but the odds of a collapse are pretty high at this point

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Specific guns would be helpful. getting a bit worried with all these new regulations and shit.

It won't collapse, it'll just get worse beyond recognition. Like Brazil or South Africa

I think an economic collapse and fall of us gov is more likely.

This. Civil war 2 is about left vs right. Just so happens thay the vast majority of niggers are on the wrong side.

>I think an economic collapse
a major city loses power for +2 days and you'll see your collapse.

Not because people are dying, but because niggers will see this as "The Jubilee" and start roving like a school snow day into neighborhoods, malls, stores to liberate other people's shit.

t. seen it in katrina and Isaac

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10/22, you need large magazines then a larger rifle ASAP but 22 isn’t complete crap, you can make suppressors out of a coke bottle

Ruralfag here. You city people need to stock up on bug nets because when shtf that's what you'll be using to catch your dinner. Just sayin.

Look into a Mossberg 500 for the shotgun. It's a good defensive weapon when you use larger bird shot - its hard to miss and at close range, that bird shot is going to do the job.

>1000 to spend on weapons atm
go to Jow Forums

shotgun and a .40 /10mm handgun

Do yourself a favor and shoot yourself in the face with your gun it will be the greatest deed you ever did for your race. One inbreed retard less is a win for humanity.

Why 10mm, you need 1000$ to buy a box of ammo

angry little german with no rights has to watch his girlfriend get raped by shitskins.

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>how should a young white man prepare?
2 gas piston rifles +3000 rds ammo
2 12ga shotguns +500 rds
2 handguns +3000 rds

AT LEAST 120 days worth of storable food.

12" Unicorn dildos
Medical supplies
Flashlights with batteries and bugout bags

>Why 10mm
why 9mm...he already has a 22

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Shut up, Huren.

You could start a COMMUNIST REVOLUTION instead.

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insert muh stopping power meme

why 2 of each gun


>Probably have about a 1000 to spend on weapons atm but what would be a good load out only own a 10/22 atm.
Shotgun because of the spread, semi auto AR type for close+ range. Won't need anything else. Get a used semi auto AR that won't jam, nobody wears body armour so anything over .223 should be OK.

angry little american subhuman that thinks his shitty little gun can beat a fully militarized police force. You are a literal slave and I feel bad for you

there really isn't one. prepping for the 'happening' is the number one excuse for lack of impulse control.

>insert muh stopping power meme

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Cheap AR for about $450 and the rest on mags and ammo. Maybe a chest rig and rucksack to store and carry them in.

Don’t listen to these idiots. Buy an m&p sport II. A primary arms advanced micro red dot. A sling. 10 gen 2 30 round pmags, and as much ammunition as you can afford. When you save some more buy a Glock and a good owb holster like safari land 6390 als. You don’t need a shotgun. You don’t even “need” a handgun. An ar15 is literally all most soldiers in battle are armed with. Make sure you get a good battle zero on your optic and practice.

>Shotgun because of the spread
the spread on a shotgun isn't helpful outside of shooting birds
>semi auto AR type for close+ range.
>Get a used semi auto AR that won't jam
does such a thing even exist?
>nobody wears body armour so anything over .223 should be OK.
if no one wears armor wouldn't any round be ok?

Get that fucking rail off of there jesus christ

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>pretending to be Jow Forums this hard
>getting mad at OP for whats clearly a 3rd party photo

meh just build 60 or 81mm mortar or 37 or 40mm nade launcher. Ya don't need LOS, so finding you will be problematic if you are fast.
plus, what is Feinstein gonna do? Ban mortars?

Get Obsidian or just glass bottle.
Shatter it in small pieces, get plank of wood, make handle, saw depression for the shards, place shards into the depression you made, glue tightly. bam improvised sharp-as-fuck weapon.

Extra points for small shards, glass is only as brittle as the piece remains big.

I think we have about 10 years at best before it finally kicks off.

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How high of a priority are the dildos? asking for a friend


Please go and stay go, user.

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dont buy budget guns. if the situation depends on you needing that gun, it needs to work. your weapon needs will depend on your situation. where are you geographically? near a city? rural? will you have to actually escape a city? (if so, your dead. use the money to move.) are your friends armed? do you have a 4x4 or a offroad capable bike?

ive been in this for a great long while, and there is much to think about. you best option if you are just starting out is to find a friend or family thats into prepping and offer security services with their weapons if there is a breakdown. thats how i got started. many times groups are small and they need a couple of high trust people to commit just to keep a cycle of rest and constant watch.

>Lee Enfield No4 Mk1 (thanks, Bongs)
>Tokarev (thanks, genetically drunk Ruskies)

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Palmetto continuously has bundle sales, like right now they have a carbine length ar with a Springfield xds .45 for 799. You can also build a complete ar from them for around 400 by buying the upper and lower separate on sale.

Deployed but retired police glocks can generally be had for under 400 each, often for around 350.

You could get a glock and a keltec sub 2k which uses the same magazines, same ammo, and the sub 2k folds in half into a 16inx7in footprint which fits inside a back pack. Pic related, sub2k

There's tons of options, just find a good sale.

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This is the more likely scenario. It will just continue to get worse and worse. People from the early 60's would be stunned with what we now put up with on a daily basis. 25 years from now it will be palpably worse but there will be no large scale revolt.

Are you a city fag, suburban retard, or rural inbred? City fags will do a lot of fighting, your primary focus should be on getting out of the city both before shtf (like moving) or of that's not possible getting an escape route planned and some buddies to tag along. Get guns and ammo as well, other posts on here gave a pretty good idea of what to get so I won't be specific. Being in a city, your chance of being able to use a motorized vehicle to get out are pretty slim unless you get out before shit really kicks off. Contd

oh god you're one of those losers who feels the need to show off their 50 dollar bottle of spicy water every time they post their guns

Pretty high. I'd put it above a shotgun

Nah I just didn't want to get it out of my safe again desu

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you have gotten really good at just bending over and taking it in the ass. The jews have taught you well.

Worst fucking idea, you won't last till 50 and your back will explode. Cardio is good, low weight is good.

How retarded are you Hans to think any authority, cops or military would turn against their own people in the US?

Im in a trs irl group and most are armed to some extent idk if any of them were into other forms of prepping ive always be interested but didn't have the space but will be moving out soon.

I live in a surban type area around rural areas will prob move to a rural area in about a year and a half.

>You can never stop a corrupt, tyrannical government, so surrender your guns and don’t even try to fight

>12" Unicorn dildos

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le soyboyreddit image

ha...what a faggot

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blue line fag. kys

police 1:10000 ratio and i live in small town Texas where the cops are on my side and the community is high trust and 90%= white conservative. good try though cuck. dont be mad at me because you weaklings let women grind your manhood into nothing then opened your country to hard cock brown people.

my wife can outshoot me and my kids are pretty good as well. we are built to win out here.

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Hiking is cardio too. If you live out in nature it can save your ass

I don't know how you can say that when the existence of the fed reserve essentially guarantees it. They can crash the market whenever they want and the fed is hiking rates right now.

Sure kid..don't cut yourself on that edge

>the spread on a shotgun isn't helpful outside of shooting birds
It is if in close proximity to an enemy and you need to hit him. Surprisingly difficult to hit somebody, especially if they're moving around.
If you can't understand English thats your problem
>does such a thing even exist?
Again, if you are too fucking retarded to participate in this conversation: QUIT.
>if no one wears armor wouldn't any round be ok?



ALSO NO. 9MM is survivavble. .22 is VERY survivable. In fact you might not be able to kill some people with a .22 (a .22 is the 50 cent round)


.223+ for distance shooting because of speed and because it'll pierece people nicely
shotgun for close range to avoid aiming problems

Yet another thread proving why guns need to be illegal.

Get a scoped bolt-action rifle in .308. Common caliber, long range, low maintenance, high power.

Also if you are stranded in the city without water, and the water is turned off, one place that most people won't check for water will be hot water heaters. So go to those when in need of water. If you are a suburban retard (like me) I would practice gardening. Currently in planting a bunch of different kinds of stuff that can be scalable for when I bug out to my rural end location. Again, lots of guns and ammo. Friends help too, just make sure your end goal has them in mind as far as supplies of all kinds go. I have 70 acres out in bumfuckville that will be my end goal location, but getting there will be a journey. For rural imbreds, I would just start living a more self sufficient lifestyle. Farming. Raising livestock. Chickens. He'll I would want to dig a pond or lake and fill with nice fish to eat.

i am lucky i can work from home and make almost 6 figures, but if i couldnt, i would rather be poor in idaho or montana than have money in any city or any place east of the mississippi.


I have a rusty axe..I've kept it for 25 years
i want to go down like a man

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work in a skilled trade so sorta forced to live within a hour of a city unfortunately.

There's actually no reason to believe that any inbreeding takes place in rural white communities. Also, these inbreds invented things like the telephone and electricity, so no, how about he shoots you in the face and takes your stuff. And that WILL be of benefit to the human race, useless kraut.

Shutup noguns.
Spend your time getting ready for the pride parade.

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Ok but hiking is hiking, carrying a bag around will fuck up your lower back GUARANTEED

300 blackout

Turn browns into a pink mess

City dweller or hillbilly? City fags just need to worry about being able to steal stuff from the anti gun neighbors - 9mm HiPoint will do ($200). Hillbilly would prefer a shotgun for hunting. Spend the rest on ammo and water purification.

>buy an AK-47 or AR-15 - ~$700
>buy atleast 10 extra 30rd mags - ~$200
>buy as much ammo as you can - $?
This is a start but you should also get a plate carrier and some ballistic plates OP. Hardened steel Level lll is good.
You're going to need more than $1000 desu

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Train and be familiar with your chosen weapon
Learn survival skills and first aid
Make friends with people who have done likewise and ride the coming troubled times out together

mossberg 500 with turkey shot and slugs. make sure you get the field barrel for the turkey shot and the rifled barrel for the slugs

You should be trying to buy as many weapons, in as many different calibers as you can find. Keep the one you're most comfortable with handy inside your home, but keep the others in a dead hooker bag, with some non-perishable food, water, and a medical kit. This is so you can load it up in your car quickly. You, also need to learn how to siphon gas, and should keep some fuel cans.

In addition, you should keep a heavy duty backpack of some kind in your car. You're on a budget so don't spend like 300 USD on like an Eberlestock bag.

People seem to think that they can just live out in the field, but that's not really the case unless you've had some training, and are physically fit. Planning around operating out of a car is much more practical.

Whoever butchered that k31 deserves to burn.

A Spoon and a bicycle helmet, obviously can't post pics.

10 mini potions, 3 full med kits, legendary scar, tactical shotgun, and probably a stack of boogie bombs

I only have 4 guns. 10mm glock. 870 Mossberg 12 gauge. A custom AR 15 I built and a remington 700 .308. If I can't handle a situation with these options I can't handle it.

I'm also have AR500 plate armor. I don't larp around pretending to want civil war but better safe than sorry I suppose.

thats a philosophy. you dont have to. cities are death traps. no one will be allowed out when it starts. the stores will be out of food in a day, water will be drained from every toilet within a week. human barbeque within 3 weeks. get as far out as you can, and be sure to have a plan. go on survival camping trips where you bring almost nothing.

remember this: quiet waterways at night, rest in the day under cover. boats at night are the best way to move when shtf.

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Underage faggot this board is for adults.

Just grab a Scout rifle for an all around gun.
Spend the rest on bullets to practice with and a body armor/plate carrier for safety,

You aren't getting into sustained firefights anytime soon

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>this kills the nignog.

Knots and lashing are good skills in the racewar.

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Hi, rural inbred here.

Honest opinion, get as far away from cities as you can. When any nation collapses the cities turn into famine riddled hell holes that spew thugs and gangsters out into the surrounding suburbs.

As far as guns go get something reliable with simple parts that you know how to fix or replace. Get a nice bolt action rifle and learn how every part works. Also I'd get a revolver. Keep in mind you won't be going to gun shops very often so don't get anything too fiddly. Semi-automatic weapons have a lot of moving parts that can wear out, get dirty, or go out of alignment.

Other than that I'd learn how to farm, or how to repair things. or how to build something. If there is some sort of collapse that will happen then there will be a million spergs who can put down a gangbanger at 150m. But being able to turn a tree into lumber and lumber into a chair or a house will be a much more rare and valuable skill.

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kill yourself

Nice choices desu

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>legendary scar

My Dark Earth 17S is my mistress.

>870 mossberg

>inevitable collapse of the us
muh sides

Ever heard of Rome desu?

Nothing wrong with preparation. Civil unrest is a real possibility. Just look at BLM and Baltimore.

If you don't have a fully automatic weapon for SHTF I feel bad for you. Pic related, grandpappy left it for me.

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Glock 17

AR15 (man size 20")

5 pistol mags

10 rifle mags

Plate carrier

Armor plates

And learn how to fucking shoot both well.

Doesnt have to be like this, dunno why you want it like that.
The Russian The Chinese Your President.
Is on board, why aren't you.


I can play in your faggy LARP thread all I like nigger

Can you explain the two triggers?