Other urls found in this thread:
>Outright declaring you don't care about the people who were killed
>People who were mortally wounded
>People who were severely wounded
>People who were heavily wounded
>People who were wounded
>People who got booboos
Yeah I'm not sending anyone my thoughts and prayers either, because fucking nothing happened.
who the hell is gonna underwrite liability insurance on guns?
talk about doomed from the start.
I say we give all trannies guns so that its easier for them to an-hero
i dont give a fuck
now listen to me
wtf I’m on the #WuCrew now
>some assholes at Jewtube got shot
>Mandate insurance
Because criminals always obey gun laws.
muslim prayers only im assuming
It's weird how many rights are apparently only for people who can afford them. problem. Just as soon as they can tell me what an assault weapon is
Liable for what?
My guns sit in my closet collecting dust 99% of the time.
I've been jewed enough by insurance companies in my life.
haaaa. Just more talk, wish more Dems were blue dog. faggots giving us a bad name
I'd love ta.
What's an assault weapon again?
>gun liability insurance
Next up, freedom of speech insurance, freedom of religion insurance, freedom of assembly insurance, freedom of press insurance.
>I will mandate
>I will mandate
>You will do this
>You will obey my commands
Naw, OP is a troll.
Scary black [spoiler]guns[/spoiler]
>Give up your rights goy I swear the blu wave is coming! Please believe me!
If you keep this up you get a nat soc wave instead just like back then in the 1920's-30's when we have commies beating people in the streets sounf similar huh? Keep dreaming pal you are only pissing them off before they snap and cause a massacre.
That's the beauty of it. Can't own a gun without insurance, no one will sell you that insurance. voila! effective gun ban without actually being a "gun ban"
Out of all the troons, John is my favourite.
gun safety classes would be cool
The left makes an extreme error of judgement in thinking they will be safe during confiscation.
The right is not retarded.
We arent gonna directly engage convoys of soldiers or police.
No, it will be constant hit and run attacks on soft targets like supply depots, leftist homes and jew temples.
They will impotently call us cowards because their advantage of superior firepower will be rendered useless.
Not only that but police military and other forces wont have the manpower to respond to such actions.
They cannot simultaniously confiscate guns and protect soft targets.
The left thinks they will be safe, but they will be blamed directly for this and funny enough, they dont have guns with which to protect themselves, making them the most tempting targets.
The day confiscation begins is the same day the liberalism ends.
Literally none of these things will happen.
A & C should be a one and done deal; I got my boating license in a Mariott. B is vague Jewish language obfuscation
Yep. I’m good with that as long as we can go back to poll taxes and property owners are only voters.
She needs to go back to her regular job of giving fooky, fooky massages to over weight dudes.
Briana Woo couldn’t define assault weapons if the actual defintiton raped him by looking at him the wrong way.
>implying that bitch ever had an actual job in his life
>I will mandate gun safety classes
Isn't that already a thing in most states?
how the fuck is brian wu gonig to do any of this? psychic powers?
"Assault Weapons"- the fuck are we talking about? People will start doing worse than GUNS the moment you cant get them anymore
She's getting my vote, we need more strong leaders to represent the LGBT community!
Those used to be a thing in a lot of high schools.
tyrannical trannies, expect nothing less
Friendly reminder that this creature is the antiChrist shown in the American Dad animated series. The voice fits and everything. You were warned.
This, but also the vast majority of law LEO's and military would be on our side.
What an ugly guy
>gun safety classes
It's called a "father". If you have kids and are not teaching them firearm safety by age 5 you are a literal nigger.
I'm confused...
What's an "assault weapon"?
>white ppl get shot
>person of color gets shot
Another homicide case within the last hour, police are at the scene.. but first here's Ted with Sports
Thanks Jim, big comeback by the ____ who came back to take the W in the 4th!
That itself sounds like another doomed plan
She won't do any of this. She's a fucking video game developer and computer programmer and I'm sure those titles fit quite loosely.
It's all going so fucking right these days.
>libshits push for gun grabs
>cost themselves more seats in midterms and fuck themselves out of the hopeful MUH BLUE WAVE GAINZ
>mass liberal suicides ensue
>jew temples
feel like an actual Nazi would know it's called a synagogue
America will end up like Europe.
Unarmed and flooded with shitskins.
This might not happen under Trump, but definitely under the following Liberal president & government.
Who the fuck knows, today an assault weapon includes AR-15s but tomorrow it'll include steak knives and ammonia. That's the fun part about Jewish language games- if you blur the lines enough, you can redraw them whenever and however you like!
Some vague term democrates pull out of their asses similar to the le $15 min wage.
if it happens the president that started it won't live to see it
>i wll madate
he wants to be a bossy
>computer programmer
that bitch couldn't even program a VCR
If I could vote for him, I would. Just getting this freak into congress would be red pill quite a bunch of people, and would be funny as fuck.
why do people do this? why would anyone care that someone who they dont know likes/dislikes them?
Does Flynt still have a Ben is, or the wound?
Nice LARP. If americans don't win jews in their own game is over. Fat fucks with basic bitch AR15 and glocks won't stop trained swat officers, hell, not even regular officers.
Hey now that Hogg and his fellow communists degenerates declared war on Jow Forums, we can now link this anti 2nd amendment post to the march for our lives movement.
Yes. A wave of demonic blue blood will be spilt.
Now ask yourself which officers are on your side kiddo?
UN peace keeping troops, the most elite branch of the national guard
He looks like someone from Bob's burgers.
Americans are NOT europeans, negroes and other undesirables are going to end up in ghettos sooner than later. No matter their expansion. However, whites should start expanding thenselfs and stop taking so much shit from the media
I believe the NRA does provide insurance for gun owners.
>Require insurance to own a gun
>Force everyone to buy insurance from the NRA because they are the only entity willing to underwrite the policy
>NRA gives away a free firearm for every policy bought along with lifetime membership
>won't stop trained swat officers, hell, not even regular officers.
Your meme soldiers would be severely outnumbered and thus outgunned.
He didn't develop or program shit, he hired people to make his shitty game and they all walked afterward because it was such a shitty experience
Insurance doesn't cover intentional acts.
AWB = aesthetics
Mandating classes always works.
Three proposals that tell you this bitch doesn't understand anything she's saying.
What side? Im pro 2A, police officers have a duty to accomplish, not matter what it is, if for some hypotetical reason, all the cops in America would reject the orders they would bring the military and that would end up in a civil war, with victory for the Jews.
It was coming for a long fucking time, and if you talk like that to me, I will begin fucking mandating that you drop down and ride my dick for 10 hours whether you want to OR NOT. Since we giving each other commands and shit, Braiian wu starting to look REAL PURTY OVER THERE NO?
I'll give you my ammo first commie faggot
John is neither of those things.
By what? Untrained civilians playing guerilla? Unless the state runs out of resources (extremely unlikely) it would be a massacre!
Anyone who tries to publicly undermine the Bill of Rights is committing sedition as far as I can tell. Aren't there laws against that?
Good, I despise this ill democracy, only through fire can we truly be free.
Get wrekt
>guns already banned
>someone doesn't care
>people die and get shot because nobody can defend themselves
>person who broke law dies by thing the victims want banned
>hey let's take away all the guns because that obviously worked for us xDDDDDD
Brianna Wu is a fucking retard and should die in a fire
Thats not even the worst of it, look at his fucking campaign site.
Confiscating guns never ever worked out, just look at south fucking Africa.
Guns law are also ineffective, mexico, Brazil, Russia, etc are proof of this.
Who’s funding the government buddy? You think conservatives are the only ones who own guns, you haven’t seen real Nazis or real fascists, as soon as the safe guard of “democracy” is broken, you’ll be wishing you had red hats still
>I won't send thoughts and prayers!
>Hashtags #ThoughtsandPrayers followed immediately by "to YouTube"
>Mandate that you carry liability insurance
Like the over $1 million dollar umbrella policy I already have due to my personal business?
>Ban of "Assault Weapons"
They are already "banned" by the ATF since 1986. A little late to the party aren't you?
>Mandate gun safety classes
Like the 8 hour course I took when I got my Concealed Carry permit?
This broad is a stupid fool, just like all gun grabbers. If they want to do something about gun violence, they should sweep the inner city ghettos and de-arm the shitskins. That would end 90% of all shootings.
>Former red team planner for the goverment here
While it has some solid points, these are all hypotetical. Guerillas must also manage resources, where will they get all that when most infraestructure in the US would be into chaos.
Apart from that, why would someone that post in a chinese drawing board under a name of a dead vidya franchise be legit?
>Who’s funding the government buddy?
>You think conservatives are the only ones who own guns, you haven’t seen real Nazis or real fascists, as soon as the safe guard of “democracy” is broken, you’ll be wishing you had red hats still
A soon as the safe guard is broken in would not give a fuck. Im not in America, if they would assume power i would keep low profile. But please, impress me with your "Right wing death squads".
Interestingly shit like this is how the Democrats lost their blue collar base
i will give them up, after they are emptied into your cuck skull.
oh shit fuck trump im on the wu train
I'd carry her gun if you know what I mean
> supposed stalker reference
Everyone in Jow Forums had their name set to Strelok for a bit, I think because of tripfags making messes with their drama.
>Anyone who tries to publicly undermine the Bill of Rights is committing sedition as far as I can tell. Aren't there laws against that?
it's Free Speech
As long as they don't actually do it they can go so far as to even say "The revolution will not uphold the Constitution"
Man, I can't wait until that tranny gets laughed off the stage if he even makes it to any debates.