Capitalism is such an embarrassment to the world. Makes it harder for working class people to pay rent and healthcare every single year. After adjusting for inflation, most people's wages are SHRINKING every second, even when technology and production are on the rise. What kind of SHIT IDEOLOGY is this?!
If it weren’t for capitalism, you would be living in a sewer and would be lucky to live past 40. We need to become MORE capitalistic to solve the problems you described.
Nice name dickhead
>The rich are don't have enough money, we need to give them more
Trickle-down economics is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard in my life.
>Nice name
The world adopted capitalism because it's the most efficient system currently devised. The sooner you understand how it works and how that is, the sooner you can try and devise a better one, or figure out how to not be a fuckup loser in the system.
>be communist
>have shit innovation because you supress free speech
>other nations outcompete you
>you collapse
>Shrinking wages
Literally consequences of statism (socialism), not capitalism
>Be capitalist
>Screw over the proletariat
>Accidentally cause a Communist revolution
>You collapse
Well it is a strawman that you invented after all.
Here's the problem with governments in capitalism. They're supposed to prevent monopolies and mafia-like practices of squashing out competitors.
But then they become the monopoly mafia themselves.
So fuck governments and communism. Pure, unregulated capitalism is the only solution. The occasional militia war is necessary (in the inevitable event that mafias form and monopolize the market).
>Pure capitalism is the best option
>Trickle-down economics is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard in my life.
The fact that I am able to call you a retard from thousands of miles away if proof of trickle-down economics. If your system was in place, who the fuck would innovate us to this level? We'd all still be monkeying around in the forest flinging poop at each other (7 days a week, not just on thursdays).
Which prominent capitalist countries have had a successful communist revolution?
What are the reasons you think that make wages go lower? Is it the free market or government policies?
>The proletariat can't thrive without the bourgeoisie
Actually, the bourgeoisie depend on us for labor.
Labor is not a limited resource, capital is.
>Corporations try to cut wages and maximize profit at any cost
>Government raises minimum wages
I think it's pretty obvious.
>be capitalist
>workers are not happy
>they cause a revolution
>you collapse
>workers have no experience managing a farm or factory
>they die of hunger
>they cause another revolution and put you back in power
If the place you work for cuts wages to increase profits then maybe you shouldn't be working there. If enough people leave the job the company bankrupts.
The only reason you have the opportunity to live inside of a modern building at all is because of capitalism.
Capitalism is the opposite of a failure, faggot. In fact, it works too goddamn well for its [OUR] own good. Socialism is starvation (and that's the most preferably outcome one can hope for under such), and capitalism makes people fat because food is so plentiful and cheap.
Maybe there's some kind of compromise between the two that was tried in the 1930s and 40s.
Capitalism without Jewish influence works. It's originally a white, Christian economic system.
You mean a free market as in private ownership separate from government? in 2008 the big banks and insurance companies received (((stimulus packages))) instead of collapsing as they deserved. GM Chrysler and Ford recieved (((loans))) because muh americans heritage. Every single government in existence is an oligarchy mixed with some fascist tendencies. In a free market with NO regulation, you get Rockefeller tyrants and monopolies who make it impossible to compete against.
With no private ownership you get a government with undisputed power. Communist ideology says at this point, the apex predator (government) should then give up power by choice. They wont, they never do, they never will. They redistribute the wealth into their own oligarchical group and the people are doomed to survive off crumbs.
There is no such thing as "Capitalism". There is only the principle of Private Property.
Also: thanks for pushing more people to the right =)
Name one commie state that outperforms a capitalist state
I see the_dumbass left early.
>being retarded causes some very real problems that can only be solved by becoming even more retarded
>more free market less monopolies
>definitely the Jews are behind this!
Fuck off, if the Jews are behind something, then that's a monolithic government that they control
>Implying capitalism isn't one side of the same coin as socialism.
For all its shortcomings, capitalism's alright- what's needed is an honest discussion on what happens after it's taken its toll on society. Which doesn't fucking happen because there are people benefitting from the status quo.
if your country has a central bank you cannot be a capitalist if you think your fiat currency is a measure of wealth
Fucking horrible.
Shit tier larp
I agree, but im still gassing you OP
Daily reminder that capitalism has been turned into state controlled capitalism ever since the new deal.
What you need is less control over the market, to abolish all social services and taxation, not to control businesses.
you'll only manage to create monopolies like that
ah yes you modern commies do alot of manual labour dont you
If it were not for capitalism there is certainly no way you would ever be able to afford a computer sagefag.