True American thread

Say something great about America!

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How can anyone else even compete?

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More white people than any country on Earth

why does trump keep saying the national emblem is the dollar bill slogan when its actaully e pluribus unum?

I mean how retarded is he?

What are you even talking about?

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"In God We Trust" is the official motto of the United States of America

started a fight with the british over taxes, killed off the indians, beat up mexico and took their shit, went all the way to europe to fuck them up twice because we wanted to, have more guns than people, enslave china and make them mass produce cheap bullshit. I sincerely love this country.

No one cares about that faggot movie or series dude, piss off

one of your state flag is similar to mine. Thats cool

that's stupid bullshit, it's E Pluribus Unum. It's literally written on that fucking picture you posted.

If you're not from here, Gods gonna hunt you down and give you AIDS. USA!

Praise the Lord and pass the .50 cal

You guys have the best videogames.

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can't feel American pride over here, my pride chip they planted in my brain won't allow it

Awesome universities. As a Canadian I am so jealous of your Ivy League and Chicago/Berkeley/Michigan/Stanford/CalTech/MIT etc. Absolutely amazing places to be, to learn, to grow, and to push humanity forward.

I will always be America First since I was allowed the opportunity to study at one of those aforementioned universities and love my neighbour to the south. GOD BLESS THE US OF A.

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I love my country and am excited to celebrate it's birthday again. :3

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you Chileans are all right

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Google it

Here is Nigel farage standing up for America in the EU parliament.

Yes. One of these mottos was created by the Founding Fathers of the United States. The other was adopted by a bunch of McCarthyist twats in 1956 and not vetoed by a cowed Eisenhower. Which do you think is more legitimate?


Americans are the kindest most inclusive people on the planet. All other nations postulate at charity in an attempt to compare. Ironically American dignity and The American's braveness in the face of defending their personal beliefs gives them a false impression of a single minded bad ass when met by soft cowards without strong morals of their own.

The 2nd Amendment is a beautiful idea for any civilized country

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the government fears the general population

Shall not be infringed

wuts teh white stuff?

There was a special forces group that got sent home for mortaring ISIS positions with, then making Crispy Critter T-shirts.

No Ragrats.

White phosphorus or charred flesh from a thermobaric bomb.
Photo is from Operation Desert Storm

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So beautiful...
my first thought was ash, guess I was half right.

I don't know where that photo is from,
sounds confidant, would go with his answer.

sigh so sad that I'll never own a gun like that.

I know that feel user
My gunsafe has a Mosin & SKS wanting more Commie love. SVT-40 next if I can get a deal

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the chaps behind the bill of rights had the right idea and knew that if they didn't get that shit written down the government would have infringed on everything.

It was once a great nation.

American Gen Z is Marxist. That's one good thing.

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War is such hell, that gun has been so terribly mistreated. If only I could give it a good home.

Whichever was most recently signed into law

neck yourself pussy

It's not Canada.

you wish, blumpkin

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get that amerimutt cock out of your mouthes anglo cucks

as a francophone im emberassed to share a border with stupid americans

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fucking idiot amerimutts

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americans have no culture and the men are all pussies often american woman come to montreal to get fucked by the big french cock

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America is the backbone of Jow Forums
there, I said it

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>America is the backbone of Jow Forums
>there, I said it
stupid boer francophone are the best

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my hamster is originally from syria, he is a syrian nationalist. However some gunny pigs from south america, tried to impeach him over bullshit. they didn't win through with their jewish bullshit. He still runs around in his wheel, they couldn't take that away from him

I’ve been to Montreal, a bunch of faggots. Great city though.

this is exactly what guinea pig would say, my hamster warned me against the like of you

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Despite its flaws I still believe in the United States and will never lose hope or abandon this Union. To my last breath I will fight to make sure our Founders vision and the Constitution can be saved and shine as bright as the sun for centuries to come.

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I've been sneezing all day, and I can't stop the jews have put something in my nose when I was sleeping

America is a great country founded on great principles but it will be even greater without Kikes tricks and kike usury

No need to be salty, friend. You just haven't seen the best of what this country can offer.

They are mixed like us, hues

I live here.

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youre delusional, also fuck the habs go B's you frog faggot

>the men are all pussies
meme flag is a peace symbol.

the only actual free nation on earth nowhere else matters and i wake up and breathe liberty every single day

White Americans are fine people

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tfw you will never visit America because you are too poor

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well it used to not be full of mexicans

The answer to 1984 is 1776

american woman love my french accent and big francophone cock

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Thats a nice multitasker youve got there.


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Are you married to 2 women?

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i tear up every time i hear the national anthem

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>be a poor person

that's literally a suicide here

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You’re not the most murderous place in the world anymore, congratulations.
London now has more killings then New York.
Gun bans sure is helping.

There was actually one day in New York City history where there were no calls to the police. Just one though.

Oh please Mr. Leaf show us some of your superior canadian culture

i'm really looking forward to the rut this autumn. i have a good few places planned that have been visited with apples.

my favorite part of the year is when i can just sit in a tree and listen to absolutely nothing while i wait.

Actually this is dangerous because constant vibration and gas.

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I liked that movie a lot.

>true american thread
>puts the picture of a brit
why are rednecks so fucking stupid?

ugh there are a lot of important quotes phrases etc, we dont have a "motto"

It's the best place to be as a black man. Sure it's has a bad history with my people, but it beats Africa.

I like Chile, I think that you cockblocking half of south america from having a west coast is fucking hilarious

damn typos

american media crafty enough to come up with entertaining click bait that no one actually believes is true, but produces international clicks, which increases ad revenue, bolstering american businesses and keeps dumb foreigners believing we're no threat.

Civilization is crumbling

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>American character
Christ you are stupid

Ain't a true american actor playing an american character? a bong is all you can get? pathetic

thats mr fleur de lis to you mutt ever heard of poutine dummy

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You better feel us trendy!!

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I like how it bred people , not all obviously, to resist being told what to do in a reasonable manner. As long as there is one person to say no all is not lost.

hahaa its always the faggot leaf with the meme flag

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im francophone not leaf mutt

its almost like he is using terms the average shart can comprehend

kek pretty good pretty pretty good