Mexico DMZ Dual border wall

Remember me?
As Always, I Am The Source.
I told you Trump was going to build two walls, and the area in between would become a Militarized DMZ.
user delivers again.
The Military is on the way to The Border.
I posted pic related as the pic related in the thread notifying you of this future event.
Next time you see >inb4source
As always, I Am The Source, wait a couple of weeks before

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Militarized De-Militarized Zone
I see


The most militarized place on earth is a demilitarized zone

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The De Militarized Zone will be the No Mans Land in between the walls where anything is shot that moves. I saw OP's thred a couple of weeks ago and looked in to it. It checks out. Military is on their way to the border. > inb4source user delivered. Holee Phuck. Who is this Person?

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Yeah I saw that one, too. Curious possible outcome, although the border is so long it doesn't seem reasonable to man the entire distance to that level.

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the US military will be used to guard the US-Mexico border.
“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters gathered at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing up for court.”
The President’s comments appear to take aim at current US policy which requires border agents to catch then release family units who arrive at the border from noncontiguous countries.
He also said he had spoken with Secretary of Defense James Mattis about the use of the military to guard the border.
In recent days, Trump has repeatedly tweeted about a caravan of illegal immigrants making their way from Honduras to the US border via Mexico. The President had threatened to end the NAFTA agreement if the Mexican government did not stop the caravan and to end U.S. aid to Honduras.

Interestingly enough, The Soros funded "Caravan is suddenly BTFO.
Mexico’s National Institute of Immigration (INM) said late Monday that it plans by Wednesday to disband a caravan of hundreds of Central American migrants that has been traveling through Mexico for nine days.
Caravan organizers said, however, they expect at least some of the migrants to continue north to the US border. They estimate that most of them will seek asylum or some type of protection in Mexico or the US.
"At the end of the day these people have the right to ask for asylum,” said Gina Garibo, one of the organizers for Pueblos Sin Fronteras, the volunteer group that organized the caravan.
She denied the caravan was over. "We have to follow through with our promise" to help people gain asylum in the United States or Mexico, she said. Migrants would continue moving but in smaller groups than the caravan.
Another organizer, Alex Mensing, called the Mexican action a victory for the caravan, saying organizers had successfully persuaded the Mexican government to allow caravan members to apply for asylum in the United States and Mexico.
“Don’t be fooled, the government isn’t ‘disbanding’ it, it’s conceding its participants’ right to apply for asylum without traveling in the shadows,” he said.
Still, hundreds of the migrants are expected to accept Mexico's offer to allow the most vulnerable among them to stay. A federal delegate with INM who gave only his last name, Rodríguez, told BuzzFeed News that humanitarian visas would go to vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, people with disabilities, or people with chronic illnesses like HIV.
Everyone else will have to petition the Mexican government to stay in the country or they will be ordered to leave, he said.

Larp? Again? Really?

So, inb4sourceanon, who are Alex Mensing, Gina Garivo, et al?

Damn got in before me. Mind blown

I have given you all the info you all need. Follow the money. Do what you do. Jow Forums is one of the best Intel communities around. I have been watching (you) for years. Follow the money.

Q predicted this.

" Your mission, should you choose to accept it......"
For (you)

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I posted here a week and a half before that article. They are always licking my dregs. E for effort, F for Fail.

Can confirm.

Asylum? From what? No gibs?
Treaty is clear on this. They can ask for asylum in Mexico, but not the US as we are not an adjacent country.
Stupid Mexican lawyers are ignorant.

The March Organizers now know Mattis will meet these insurgents at the border. Most of them are MS 13, and yes, Mattis views them as "Insurgents". You know what will happen. The Organizers now know what will happen. they are purposefully marching these people to their deaths. they mixed just enough women and children in to make it look like a massacre. they have learned well from HAMAS. They will tell these people that if they rush the military troops and make it across the line, it is Law that they be given asylum. They will not.
Pic related is the chosen Interior Wall design.

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Are you military or civilian?

So the March organizers are knowingly marching these people to their deaths? This is huge if true.

I am Classified as a Civilian.

Agreed, post before article. Interesting

I am putting this out there because someone has to stop these Murderous "Caravan" Organizers.
A few thousand dead MS 13 is a good days work, but even one innocent woman or child among them is unacceptable.

God's Work, user. I'll be your Huckleberry. On it.

1: Trace and identify caravan organizers
2: find the money (who’s providing)
3: make public (give to tucker, hannity, rush, etc whoever can get it on air)
4: profit

Correct. I am at my Legal Limit with the Public Information and action (or lack thereof) I have taken so far. The rest is up to you.

Sounds like a challenge
>is a good thing

The hills are purple? that's fuckin dank

checked, good song lol

Checked. Honorary thread theme.

Bump for more eyes

Rechecked. Meanwhile youtube is shot up by a Liberal Democrat Vegan Trans Jewish Person Of Color. This Timeline is the best.

B-b-b-but user, the news said she was white?!?!?
>democrat affiliation, claims Jewish religion

Yes, He, I mean Xhe was upset that Xer gay? Male? Lover was seeing another Man?. Not sure how these things work with gender benders.
You should have seen the Soros funded Intel Channels explode when this hit the wire. As usual, they did not shut it down fast enough. you guys have it all archived. Nice work. Now, back to stopping this slaughter that this poor Trans was triggered to obscure.

Anyone could predict the military moving onto the border when they are constructing the wall. You need protection while doing so.

Yes, he was an Iranian Lad caught in the Intel Web. He went in in drag.

Ya. That was it. You got it user. I mean, that was the first thing that anyone else would go to to protect the US border. I mean they deploy constantly to the border right? Specifically for this purpose all the time. Right?

This is the youtube shooter.

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Mehhhh. I dunno. Don’t get me wrong, it would explain a lot. Also means that the kevlar ceiling has not been burst yet.

Post op?

The Military will now be permanent on the Southern Border. Mexico will donate clay for the DMZ and the Second Wall.
If Trudeau does not mend his ways, the same will happen on the Northern Border. There will be a regular draft, and Citizenship will require Wall Duty.

Pre op. Notice the bulge.

I would unironically be ok with this. But I really don’t see it happening.

>Militarized DMZ
c'mon man. wtf. this is so fucking bad. man i cant even read any more. im fucking going to bed now.

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The Kevlar Ceiling is intact.

Lel, I purposefully didn’t look for a bulge.
But then I did. It’s not as noticeable as Michael Obamas

>There will be a regular draft, and Citizenship will require Wall Duty
That won't fly. It could be a make-work program for folks out of a job or something, but nothing about draft or citizenship is asking for anything other than backfire.

Yes, it will be modified as a W.P.A. type service.

>my desire to know more intensifies

But that's not a draft; nor is it useful to condition citizenship on guarding against illegals.

Worked on bugs.

More jobs ( repair / patrol jobs )


It can happen if there's a severe demographic change + increased population from immigration.

Numbers confirm OP is full of shit


This is divide and conquer, as long as white and Mexicans don't team up on political issues then the alt right is a total non threat. Look how phony this story is, it's like a scripted collision course in a movie and you can bet Soros is on the other end of it. We lost guys,get ready to hand your women over to the Somalies to run a train. The gop will never go against their corporate owners.

>he doesn't know about the continuous job postings for CBP on USAJOBS
They've been ramping up efforts for hiring thousands of workers, but it takes time to go through the federal hiring process, especially with extra training involved for LEOs and the gigantic backlog for security clearances.

>use of TWO walls in area
>use of military to defend border
>creation of DMZ
This shit isn't secret knowledge like OP is implying. These LARPers need to fuck off.

Sounds like someone is a big fan of Game of Thrones

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No one was mentioning that or thinking it. I did hear about 2 walls though. More like a high secured fence and then a wall with space in the middle

So this march is all planned for what? Whats the endgame? Royally piss off Mexico? Piss off beaners on this side of the wall? Whats the goal here?

It's (((NGOs))) wanting to spice things up during election years in America and Mexico. If you read the manufactured letter they released to the press, it shows that there's something going on behind the scenes away from the caravan.

as a mexican this is actually good for us. It ensures USA won't annex baja california and the northern states and you know the USA would do it to prop up the real estate bubble.