Why do black people commit suicide less than whites?

Why do black people commit suicide less than whites?

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Because they're too busy killing eachother.

Ignorance is bliss.

depressing has correlation with high iq

Because they're too busy killing each other.

They don't live long enough

High IQ and success are positively correlated to suicide

nigs dont care about stuff like "making it" and "success" and they are more happy to be poor,where as whites find it deep down dishonourable if they dont make it in life and off themselves.

TL DR nigs dont care about personal honour,shame or improving things for their family or parents acceptance

Harder drugs. Prescription medications. High grade heroin and cocaine. Zanex Bars etc etc

>Better to be dead than be called White trash by your own

>Black peoples fault

lol, "people" lol

even if an African-American fucks up his career or education with all the privileges of affirmative action, he still has basketball and white thots on tinder to fall back on. whites and semi-whites like Elliot Rodger don't have those safety nets

This is why the Japs are the kings of this.


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They have less stress. youtube.com/watch?v=xr1gJimF1no

>Why do gorillas commit suicide less than people?
i suspect the answer would be similar

Because of the inclusion that comes with being a part of the black community. In my experience, blacks have greater emotional intelligence than whites do. What I mean by that is that they are better able to gather and keep friends and are less likely to be socially isolated.

Because they are to busy being shot by each other.


Imagine being a black guy having shit flung from you by white people. Are you going to kill yourself and make them happy? No. You're going to live and let the whites be miserable cunts.

look up the suicide rates of impoverished countries, genuinely impoverished, like scrounging through shit poor, they don't kill themselves, they just don't; suicide is a sign of higher functioning, creatures that are surviving act on instinct, and it's instinctual to survive

because they dont live that long so they kill each other


Because they get killed by each other and the cops first.

Suicide results from an understanding of how things should be and your own internal struggle as you realize you are powerless to change the world around you.

Economically disadvantaged people commit suicide at lower rates than affluent people because they have less invested in the world. African Americans tend to be more economically disadvantaged as a group than whites are. There's a whole slew of confounding factors associated with that, from educational level to total financial assets. When you have a stake in the world being a fair and predictable place you are more likely to attempt suicide when you can't make that a reality.

The poor have fewer delusions that life should be fair and much less motivation to try to make the world fair, so they accept the cruelness of the world as it is. Some even go so far as to take advantage of it by exploiting others. Embracing the evil is their coping mechanism, trying to escape it is ours.

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Because they are fighting for their lives.
Suicide is largely a first world problem.
If your ife is in danger through exterior sources, people don't commit suicide.
The avst majority of jews in Ausschwitz didnt commit suicide.
The will to live is magnificent.

Yes, but why?

Blacks aren't smart enough to want to kill themselves, just other people.
the majority of blacks have sub 85 IQs. the vast majority of the reminder 85-100, very few blacks are in the 130 range.

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It's the "fuck whitey" ghetto mentality. They're also more religious. Why kill themselves when it pisses whitey off more if they're alive draining free gibs from the system?