Look I understand I shouldn't be asking to be 'redpilled' on something but I'm genuinely curious to see if anyone can actually articulate themselves well enough to convince me that muh Jews are the primary movers behind 90% of all conspiracy.
I know you're still super inspired by that first read through of Mein Kampf and you want to larp into the sunset imagining that its 1936 in Vienna and the Jews own all the levers of power, but how much of that do you think is relevant to today? Do you think there's a globalst Jesuit conspiracy?
If you're going to throw sources at me please make sure they aren't shit. I'm not stupid and I'm not horny to write a self-fulfilling prophecy about Jews running the world because I need to validate my existence.
I don't mind reading a book or watching a series to spend some time researching this, but please don't waste my time with some atlantis tier bullshit.