I mean minus the whole cult thing. Montana looks pretty comfy...
Why can't we Far Cry 5?
Other urls found in this thread:
Montana is like 20% white
we need to get everyone who has this game in on the same arcade matches. let's get organized bros. PC of course.
Its 99.9 percent Huwhite
According to this map it's 12.7%
About 93%; we have more Indians than Mexicans and blacks combined here.
No, it's literally 12.7%
Walk the path
because you've never experienced any kind of discomfort beyond getting your textbook smashed on the floor of your middleschool hallway.
He specifically says not the parts where you fistfight bears, you 400lb larping nonce.
I've experienced pain you cannot comprehend, meme flag. Physical and emotional.
When you've vomited because something hurts so much, then come call me a pussy.
Is that Bozeman? I love Bozeman...
But this user is right - definitely not tough enough to punch bears. Fuuuuuck that.
Montana is super comfy. Come home white man
Fuck off we’re full
It's Bozeman. I've never been. What's it like?
We can.
It’s not even that hard. In Montana you can buy a property of land and if you make it hard enough to get taxes from you the government just leaves you alone. Granted, a particularly bad season of the flu could wipe out everyone since there’s no hospitals, but you can totally do it.
Grow some balls and buy some land fag
i'd punch the shit out of a bears
Jacob Seed Did Nothing Wrong
Because Yellowstone will fuck it up, big league.
>A random map with random number
This is why nobody likes you Leaf. Fucking hell.
We all die eventually. Killed by a massive supervolcano beats dead in a hospital with a colostomy bag.
Open space everywhere. Just go out of town a bit and there's mountains, rivers and all sorts of open space with few people around.
It's also a pretty short drive to yellowstone park.
Huckleberries are also a huge thing there for some reason. It's pretty chilly there until mid June or so and then it gets very nice in the summer. Winters are bitter cold.
People there are pretty nice and it's pretty white. There are some trashy people and meth heads around sometimes though -- I think in eastern Montana it is a bit worse with drug problems.
There's some good whiskey and distilleries there.
Also apparently Bozeman is becoming a bit of a hub for tech.
The drive up to Bozeman through Wyoming is gorgeous. So much empty space. Maybe I'll move there one day...
That's the percentage of whites on each state
Thanks user. I like you, and your kitty pictures. Have a comfy stove original...
(((Someone))) is trying to convince us all to move to Montana so that when Yellowstone blows up we'll all die. I'll wait until after Yellowstone blows up.
Dammit. Caught me.
Not that it matters. None will escape...