Why are millennial women choosing to have a career over getting married and having children?
Why are millennial women choosing to have a career over getting married and having children?
Because frappachino males are more interested in being a manchild into their 40's so they're forced to be career women.
Because they believe if they can earn enough money, they could raise a child in a single-parent home.
Nothing can ever replace a father.
because they don't have planned ovulating schedules like japan workwomen do.
>Why are millennial women choosing to have a career over getting married and having children?
feminist brainwashing over the past few decades.
>Soe will never give birth to my children
they were told to.
>Not actual issues, just memes.
Its because everyone took out loans for college, cars, and credit cards and is now in too much debit to think beyond their selves.
The same flag
The same whore
The same topic
Get a fucking life.
What is the shills obsession with this overrated, ugly toastie whore?
She doesn't look half-bad for a dyke.
To be miserable and serve as an example to the next generations of what not to do.
It's the same europoor posting this ugly ironing board over and over again.
Why are you always sliding threads?
you're right. feminism played no part in women going from mainly be housewives to being pushed towards getting careers.
Why are people still astroturfing with bots?
It's a basic assumption when a person has little experience with the opposite sex, that characteristics that makes them attractive to you also make you attractive to them.
We see this is men with things like metrosexuals, beard grooming, excessive obsession with clothes, etc.
In women, this manifest as pursuing a career (this is how women misunderstand ambition), being "sassy", argumentative and bossy (this is how women often misunderstand attitude and leadership).
>choosing to have a career
>choosing an art degree
You can't have both
I know this will make you open even more threads in the future and make you feel special, but can you nigger stop posting the same fucking shit thread abot millenials every fucking day with the same girl from Dota2?
You fucking nigger.
Our ancestors bred them when they were 13. That's all there is to it.
lol op what did she do to you that made you so mad you wrote a bot to post this repeatedly?
or are you so mad you're actually posting this yourself every so often?
Because in only bring home $20k A year and need the income. Hopefully me and My wife can have kids in our next life.
They cannot afford kids because:
They have massive debt which have given them useless degrees.
They have useless degrees which provide them with shitty salaries.
They have priced themselves out of their own dating market and refuse to settle.
It will all come crashing down on them. I hope the men they all blew off are smart enough to walk right over them when it does. These people do not deserve to reproduce.
Millenial women are eating tide pids and snorting condoms.
It's the economy, stupid. Women can't worry about raising kids when they struggle to pay rent. This is why we need FULL MARXISM.
Because they are no longer shackled by the chains of the patriarchy
>it's mens fault women are X
go away buzzfeed