What are Jow Forums's thoughts on declared Libertarian Presidential Candidate Adam Kokesh...

What are Jow Forums's thoughts on declared Libertarian Presidential Candidate Adam Kokesh? Is he based for wanting to dissolve the federal government?

Attached: adam-kokesh-260-4.jpg (281x235, 11K)

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This guy is a legitimate pedo.

Literal faggot.


Dat nose doh.

Jewish as fuck.


>ad hominem

Not an argument

Inb4 wasted


Attached: Kokesh.png (300x298, 78K)

Bit of a nut job, but he typically puts his money where his mouth is.

He's a filthy kike.

Kokesh for prez

bas e d

fug two off

>muh ad hominem

No, he actually did time for having cheese pizza


Based kikesh

oh look, it's another jew

he's a kike
figurative and/or literal
We HAVE to do better!

he another ideologue living in a fantasy world. in fact gtfo of here kokesh. any vote for third party is a vote for the commies you dimwit. burn off.

He will be the LP nominee in 2020 and there is nothing you can do about it

You know what, yes. Even though I find almost everything Anarchists believe to be absurd, his proposal is still entirely preferable to the current state of affairs. I would absolutely prefer anarchy to whatever this ZOG globalist oligarchy with a democracy mask is supposed to be. If there were legitimate anarchists running in my country I'd absolutely vote for them. A new government will inevitably replace it anyway, so let the current one burn so something new can replace it.

Does this picture outrage you?

Attached: Trump at the Western Wall.jpg (898x628, 51K)


I would vote him in within a jiffy.

>ever expecting anything else of a current year world leader that isnt arab, nigger, or mongoloid

With Kokesh you wouldn't have to worry about this anymore

Watched him on moly. He's a clown at the same level as a leppo man. Libs will forever be a meme controlled op party.



Gonna need some proofs

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I think he's delusional to believe that dissolving the federal government without open revolt.

Running for office while advocating that goal indicates that he believes it's possible to do that peacefully, which is delusional.

I forgot this guy even existed years ago.

I literally dont care either way. Unless Trump is legitimately playing 4 chess and is secretly preparing to gas 20,000 ZOG puppets, the US government and all their departments deserve to die. Kikesh all the way.

Natsoc/fascism/monarchy > anarchy > everything else



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hes a kike

ad hominem for the 6 gorillionth time ITT. Rothbard was ethnically Jewish too but other NY Jews hated him and accused him of being anti-semitic

This. I met the guy at the Ron Paul Rally for the Republic in 2008 and again last summer ... the only way he is not legit is if the shilling goes that deep, which seem implausible.

And voluntaryism, anarchism, etc. won't ever work. But just trying anarchism would be way better than the fast-accelerating dystopia we have now.

>be anti-white lolbertarian
>also be Jewish

>Rothbard was ethnically Jewish too
Yes, and it showed through his Jewish ideology.

The guy was always banging some pretty cute adult women as far as I could tell.

>implying that a polycentric technological punk utopia is a bad thing

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>He thinks the LP is relevant after a fat man paraded his naked ass on stage

The LP won the most amount of votes in the party's history in 2016

He will put his mouth on it for money

>the only way he is not legit is if the shilling goes that deep, which seem implausible.

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Wow! Yet their still a dumpster fire.

That ain't none of my concern. As long as he keeps adhering to the NAP.

Attached: b2c.png (680x544, 365K)

Child actor turned govt agent to subvert late 2000' s libertarian movement

Attached: adam-kokesh-jonathan-brandis4.jpg (580x252, 133K)


learn to spell correctly before you criticize a political org dumbass

fake news

No army can stop an idea who's time has come, but it's not the right time. We were too early for Ron Paul, no way is the country ready for the full-on anarchist/voluntarist system Kokesh believes. He's got balls, I'll give him that, but more work needs to be done.

My best guess is if Trump can get a lot done of what he's trying to do, it might prepare the way for Cruz in 2024, then maybe Rand Paul after that. Trump is the bulldozer to clear a lot of the bs out of the way, and it might take some non-libertarian moves to do it, which I think will make people want a more libertarian direction going forward, so it works out.