
>Trump's supporters want to kick out educated Dreamers
>Trump supporters are uneducated slobs
Why does the cartoonist do this, Jow Forums? Most of the illegal DACA people I meet are college age kids working minimum wage jobs, not Ph.D.'s.

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They can go home and dream about the job they could have had if only their family had not been criminals.

Think of all they good they would do with all that education in their homelands.

that's the thing though, they're not actually educated and yet the left paints them as intelligent.

Would be amazing to see how many of those "PhD's" were fueled by affirmative action. All that education should have gone to actual Americans - what a waste and shame.

I know, and they don't actually pick our produce either. 75% are welfare leeches, getting free rides to shit tier community colleges

Because their audience lives in an echo chamber. They can't be assed to take 2 seconds to look up the daca criteria.

>they even made him white
lmao god this guy is fucking brain dead

Was that cartoon actually published somewhere? Like in some noteworthy publication?

Good, they can Make Mexico Great Again.

The cartoonist is a communist
He is lying

>haha dude fuck your own countrymen lmao

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Yes. the guy is a professional cartoonist, but that's not saying much. I prefer Branco, desu.

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Boomers Belong in camps

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they wuz kangz n sheet

>implying the college grad shouldn't go back home and improve the country of his birth
>implying the low iq slob shouldn't be working in the fields

I fail to see what's wrong here unless you hate Mexico

Yeah, the average dreamer holds a doctorate. Right.

This is a perfect picture of how the left undermines their own causes by building on completely made up premises. I could not stop laughing when I saw this, I love it.

Why is it acceptable to be prejudiced towards rural whites?


Not mentioned is that Bubba there is a certified crane operator and literally builds America while pulling down $145,000 a year and putting down racks of Bud Light.

God bless him.

Isn't this racist?

because FUCK whyt peepo bix nood mufugga

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>only PhD niggers should pick our cotton, fuck you, you labor supply limiting racist.

Fuck legal citizens, they are the worst, and I hear they vote republican.

Illegal immigrants are law abiding, PHD holding, hard working, totally cool people who are more American then Americans.

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I hate Mexico.

Of course it is. If ever in doubt put a black person in place of the white person they are hating on.

Lefty dreams. Here's reality.

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"educated" people tend to look down on poor rural people in general. they still believe we're living in 1950's Chicago and "Amerikkka is out to murder innocent, downtrodden victims".

GET IN HERE FAGGOTS hjogh;orwgh;ogfrih;ogrh;ogriho

More like FreeHD.

nigger im college educated can program a computer and shoot a wedding professionally. my garden is strewn with locally collected samples of various geologic samples.

id rather more people like me and less like whatever the fuck crawled in under the fence.

Why is that "dreamer" depicted as a white middle aged guy?

>they have the time and money to get a Ph.D
>dont have the time and money to get a green card.
This is the definition of delusion.

As Tucker Carlson often points out, the subtext is that all immigrants are rocket surgeons with 6 gorillion phd's while citizens are meth addled losers who don't deserve to be American

It's demoralizing bullshit with a side of shaming.

Diversity sure is fun kids

I know you're just memeing but it pisses me off when I hear idiots defending illegal aliens as being "Americans". Even more so when they say, "What does being 'American' even mean?" to dismiss criticism of their failure to assimilate.

That bullshit goes back to the civil war. What I find so fucking hilarious is listening to "Modern Intelligent Progressives" mouthing out 150 year old prejudicial bullshit.

Kek this, nearly all southern stereotypes are reconstruction era propaganda. The whole cousin fucking thing is literally the plot to a 30s movie about a southern family or something that's just become a cultural meme that no one remembers the origins of

Jesus you fucking heartless patriot.


They could give a fuck.
It's the only group they can trick voting in their communist ideals.
Americans are onto their BS.

Bye bye communist reenforcement

God I hate boomerposting.

heh, they're redpilled boomers, that shirt is saying "around blacks, never relax"

So we are helping other countries by sending them their own people back, but educated?
Why is anyone against this?

Yes, this is infuriating.

t. 2 STEM degrees from a T-20 university, competitive GPA, and rejected from literally every grad program I applied to

Ah yes, all those "dreamers" have PhD's and are just waiting to "enrich" America.
And of course all trump supporters must be overweight, middle aged white people.

gr8 b8 m8 8/8
How long until ICE deports you?

Weak willed bleeding heart detected. Sell more of your countrymens sovreignty down the Rio Grande why dont you?

nice reading comprehension, friend. you're a real credit to your species.

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That's right dipshit, no native-born American has ever earned a PhD and every DREAMer has.

>shitty and unfunny "meme" image
>quotes Marx the kike

KYS niggerfaggot

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Ahh, I see you've completely ignored what I wrote, and instead have fixed your attention on the nazi flag that I selected.
btw that image is proof that leftists still can't meme.

>Its another "Hes a fascist!" Episode
Wow took you all but 3 seconds!

The guy on the right is a plumber. He can fix my leaky sink. He is useful.

The guy on the left has a PhD in feminism. He can explain to me about my white male privilege. He is useless.

One minute /pol. is like "MUH LEFT CAN'T MEME" and then another they're a bunch of triggered autist faggots over a cartoon.
Grow up.

>hurr durr I was only pretending to be retarded
sure you were.

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We should protect our underclass from foreign competition because it's the morally right thing to do.

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I agree with this. The left is all for defending the underclass illegals but couldn't give two fucks about actual American citizens.

>illegals getting PhDs on the taxpayers’ dime where as citizens can’t afford to

That’s the message I get out of this.

if they are so smart why can't they go back and fix the place they came from

The guy on the right isn't a plumber. He's an unemployed opioid addict whose DAD was a plumber and convinced him that it's okay to be fat and stupid. His diabetes medicine is paid for by Medicaid. He WANTED to be a plumber, but his Baby-boomer dad voted for Republican politicians that eradicated the union he was in that paid for his house, vacations, medical and pension. Nothing for you son - bootstraps!

The Guy on the left will make $1,000,000 more over his lifetime, statistically, even it is vacationing with his gay lover in the Cayman's. He won't pay off the loans until he's 40 though...

Because these people don’t care about the abstract notion of prejudice, they care about destroying a culture they dislike.

>hurr durr I was only pretending to be retarded

What? By selecting a nazi flag on an anonymous internet message board?

Is this what has triggered you?

Fuck them, we were too nice to everyone for too long.

>Ph.D in minority studies

Leaving : vatos
Staying : honest hard working Americans.

Not true tho is it

People in Kentucky were literally fucking their cousins till they were blue in the face though

Boomers voted solid Dem you fuck.


He made the squatter white.

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Remember when equality before the law was a value? I.e. it not mattering who you are, what background, status, wealth etc., a crime is a crime. Whatever happened to that?

drumpfkins btfo

you mean the children of illegal alien mexicans arent hwhite?

>a fucking white male

Yeah, the author of this comic clearly has a worldview concurrent with reality.


who paid for this? his fruit picking parents?

They are double satans.


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Ethnic background is now legally being used to affect prison terms (to reduce them) for non white people in canada.

Thank goodness we are progressing to the point where we can finally by openly, and systematically racists against white people.

Fucking white people.

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The left can't meme because they lie.

Source on that?
I expected this to be happening, but not openly and directly.

For that matter, how many are in fields that are actually useful to society rather than useless vanity degrees.

Phds are overrated agreements with the establishment, nothing really great to brag about other than being a bigger slave.

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You out of touch boomers don't realize that the left is winning with the newer generations. Vidya and communism 4ever. FUCK WORK!!!

Mexican PhD using another kind visas, never illegal inmigration.

Literally Mexico but on US soil.




last one is actual legal shit, quote

"The Criminal Law Quarterly Volume 47, Number 3 Editorial May 2003 Race and Sentencing The Ontario Court of Appeal has faced a barrage of hostile media commentary for its recent decision in R. v. Borde (decided February 10,2(03) that trial judges can in appropriate cases take into account systemic and background factors when sentencing African Canadian offenders. This criticism is unfortunate because it is based on a misunderstanding of Canadian law with regard to equality and sentencing. First, it is important to understand what the Ontario Court of Appeal said. The court indicated that the principles in s. 718.2(e) of the Criminal Code and the Supreme Court's decision in R. v. Gladue, [1999] I S.C.R. 688, could be applied to black offenders. These principles speak of the need for restraint in the use of imprisonment for all offenders, with particular attention to be paid to Aboriginal offenders.
They are designed to remedy Canada's high rate of incarceration and the dramatic over-representation of Aboriginal people in Canada's prisons"

Pic related is gospel, majority of people I know virtue signal with white privilege and so on rants.

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hi shareblue/enoughisenough

TLDR: dont imprison non whites because too many of them commit crimes so they are over represented, just let em back on the streets and arrest white people instead.

>us citizens want no illegal immigration
>this is somehow "bad"

At least if you believe the mental retardation coming up from uneducated left wing retards that need them for votes cause us citizens dont vote for left wing retards anymore.

Which basically makes left wing retards open border policy and attempt to steal away the political decision making from the citicens in their own homes... and left wing retards think they are subtle about it.
Basically when left wing retards think they are smarter than anyone else...everyone else just face palms at their idiocy.
Same with the demand to let illegales vote gee not even gonna try to hide your treason anymore.

Less then 0.8% of the dreamers even have or worked towards a BA degree.

I disagree with message this image is giving off but I'm just saying is that a lot of the fucking retards here only know half of the spectrum. I'm not saying all but most of the people spewing shit out of their thinking they know everything should just shut the fuck up and go back to sucking your dad's dick.

have you looked at your communist your schools shit out?
A collegtion of retarads, perverts, beta males and filled with self hatred because they have to basically larp as puppys to women because thats what is expected of far leftwing "men" of course the women actually wants men and not a puppy.
This all is a reason why over time more and more men will leave your "revolution" they dont get as much or basically any pussy but thats mostley the reason why they demean themselves in the first place.

Thanks, I saved this, might come in handy. Interesting times.

That was 15 years ago... its only gotten worse, they wont even report on it now.

We all need to take our countries back.

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There are no educated dreamers, just affirmative action awardees.

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