This thread is to discuss Fascism for American Gays. Gay men still hold a certain amount of oppression points, and by using them we can begin to shift the public opinion toward fascist ideals. All we need to do is begin to discuss collaborating and figuring out how to spread the seed of fascism among the American gay community.
/fag/- A new tactic in an every changing world
Other urls found in this thread:
In reality: This is really just an attempt to spread the /flag/ threads from Jow Forums into Jow Forums. We collect flags, mark down locations we have been and work to uncover rare flags. I called it /fag/ in the hopes that the mods wouldn't remove it and its pretty close to /flag/. I hope that Jow Forums might be willing to get in on this.
Extra Flags:
>How to install:
Android Firefox:
>Collecting Flags?
World template:
Regional templates:
About Jow Forums's flags:
extraflags is badass
hi jajajaja
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
check my usa counties map
Why are r*ligion fags so unbearably obnoxious
>What can I do with extra flags
Extra flags is an extension where states/provinces and such show up behind the users' national flag, showcasing towns, counties, etc. In a similar vain to collecting rare country flags, extra flags works to add on to this where we collect regions, states, counties, cities, and beyond, with hopes of also gaining access to rare regional/county flags
discord gg/TPP3r8
add a .
>discord gg/TPP3r8
>joining a literal kike's discord
lol, no
Not reading the second comment.
Do you skip the second verse in a chapter too?
Currently what I've amassed in about 6 weeks
i really need that murcia flag
Shame you missed the Pitcairn guys a few weeks ago.
Does extra flags only work with people who also have it installed or does it work on everyone?
I need to start doing this. Oh man its so cool.
Interesting you have Ceuta, I know Melilla posts all over Jow Forums but I've never seen or heard from anyone with Ceuta
I'm not seeing your state right now so I don't think so. I myself am new to this. We're just trying to branch out so we can have those connections easier.
For the flags to show up you need to download the extension and refresh Jow Forums
Instructions and tutorials should be on the same page
My current US progress
Wait if your question was if you can only see extraflags for people who also have it installed then yes, you can only see the extraflags for others who installed it. Otherwise it's just their regular flag. Sorry I misunderstood
i never miss...
Sorry boys I like the idea, but I'm autistically against having my location known. I'd only be using it to unmask the meme flags.
according from the image's properties i got it on october from last year
you chose what flags you show, so u could only show your country's flag while seeing everyone else's flags
however, it doesnt work when you have a meme flag on, if thats what u mean
At least keep the idea on the backburner for a little bit, if you're worried about your location being given away it limits it to what city/town you're in, plus the only other people who would see your flags are us autists
Might as well unmask myself now
was at the cultural exchange office of my uni today
they have some flags there :D
Nice! Is your uni leading in any studies?
And trans. We should support the trans community too.
That's pretty easy, most Nazis are already massive faggots.
read the second comment
Extra Flags:
Just look at the posts right below it you goober
Doesn't matter what you support but downloading extraflags will welcome you to another community on Jow Forums who share the same interests as you
slippery slope is why we're here in the first place, bundleofsticks
In actuality this has nothing to do with gays or politics, this is simply a masquerade so that the retarded jannies don't delete this thread. This is actually an extension of a thread from Jow Forums where we discuss flags, collect them, and create our own collections.
one day ill finish this
Hoping this thread don't die so soon
the weak should fear the strong
get extraflags faggot :^)
Imagine pinning girl after girl, them feeling your erection through the spandex suit. All the while being cheered as a hero.
its actually a girl that transitioned into a boy
get extraflags btw
discord gg/QbHzek6
add a .
Look to Not interested
You fucking scumbag, using oppression points to get what you want is degenerate. It's people that do that type of shit that we want rid of, you scumbag. How the fuck can you think it's OK to do that shit? Because you are a scumbag, that's how.
If it's not honest, if it's not right I wont have anything to do with it. I would rather fall on my sword than tarnish my family name and shame my warrior ancestors. You have no honor, kill yourself to save the last shred of dignity you may have. Fuck I hate people like you, fucking roach.
testing my gay flags
>let's support an ideology that literally wants to exterminate us
You're retarded
posting that shit level tranny and the qt kitkat rwds status
Thank you for joining us my friend. I was just about to sign off.
If you want to convert gays to fascism then you must compel others to attach them. Get Feminists, Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims to attack them and oppress them to benefit themselves.
For anyone who's interested in learning more about /flag/ here's the original thread
Homosexual males are no longer subject to oppression according to the current leftist narrative. We are 2 years ahead of that. It should come as no surprise that many have consequently drifted to our side following their ostracization by the left.
it makes sense when they're all being replaced by trans people
btw if you're interested in what this thread is really about extraflags is here:
hmm interesting
Nice maps lads
I heard this 1 gay guy named jessica exabier does door giveaways
report every post promoting kike discord for rule violation
report every post promoting kike discord for rule violation
Bumping this thread one last time. Goodnight /
Homosexuality is a jewish scheme to destroy western civilisation
The Frankfurt SchoolMulticulturalism
What is meant is, these reptilians prefer assuming the roles of gays and lesbians in the public. This serves several purposes. They are the masters of manipulation and gay men and women are the easiest of the genders to manipulate and control, due to cross-wiring of ovaries and other glands behind the ears. It also serves to destabilize the social fabric and causes cleaves in the aura, which they then exploit through possession of the sacral and solar plexus…Ojai was just filled with predators yesterday. In the park, on the streets, being about. Six years ago, the gay community set their sites on Pasadena - specifically, Old Town. Then took it over. It now sports 22 gay bars and various associated things. 14 sex shops, when there was only one in town, before. Things like that. Ojai has now the same problem. The same money is now sending flocks of openly gay men, in groups of four, six, and eight, cruising the little streets and boulevards. This is a tiny town of 8000 people, hidden away. Now, it looks like the West Side, on a Sunday afternoon. And that's how they do it. Burrow from underneath, move in satanic money, and then fill the locale scene with sex parties, hard drugs, and eager gay mkids willing to take the curious locals on a walk down the wild side. And it was very obvious yesterday, that this has is now happening to Ojai. Thanks, Rae
Time to smoking a fag
"Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, who has studied sexuality for 40 years, said it is a scientific fact that “there is no gay gene.” “Environment,” however, “is very important,” said Dr. McHugh, author of The Mind Has Mountains: Reflections on Society and Psychiatry. He also explained that the permissive sexual culture in the United States today has confused “desire” with “love,” and that homosexuality is a false or “erroneous desire.”
Also this is a Great article on degeneracy and study on mental illness which is homosexuality
And few articles in my pastebins:
How porn makes you a complete fucking degenerate faggot
Elevated dopamine and changes in sexual preference
Here's more evidence that sexual tastes can be profoundly re-conditioned: A male rat can be conditioned to prefer a same-sex partner by jacking up his dopamine. And it doesn't take very long. Researchers injected a male rat with a dopamine agonist (a drug that mimics dopamine), and then placed him in a cage with another male. The two rats just hung out together for a day. (The dopamine agonist is out of the system in about one day.) Researchers repeated this 2 more times, 4 days apart.
A few days later, the reconditioned male was put to the test. With no dopamine agonist in his system, he was placed into a cage with his male buddy and sexually receptive female (remember the dopamine was out of his system). Guess which rat turned him on the most? He showed much more response to the male: more erections, more genital investigation, and even female-like solicitations —as opposed to normal male mounting behavior.
Lesson? High levels of dopamine can powerfully rewire the brain and alter sexual tastes. The researchers emphasized that the male rat wasn't gay, as he didn't try to mount the other rat. Yet he had definitely changed. Similarly, continued porn use cannnot change your sexual orientation, but it can change what type of porn excites you.
Link to Enhaced D2-type receptor activity facilitates the development of conditioned same-sex partner preference
gnite bro
hoppity bumpity faggitz
Extraflags are fuckin based
>notadversting. Jpg
I'm good with fags staying on the left.
djibouti bump
chad bump