Does she pass for Southern European?

Does she pass for Southern European?

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She's original Aryan, Europeans should want to be her.


Lol she's full Indian, so Indians are white, yes?

Bhag yaha se bc

hahahahahahahahahahhhaaaaaaaaaahhaahahha lol yea dude she looks huwhite af

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We told you NO get out of here you are not white pajeet

She passes like a poo

No, she passes as american though


she could pass as your abo australoid mother in a european brothel, but thats about it brahmin poojeet

But they (, ) said yes.

Oval shaped faces are never european.

Why are getting so heated bro? I'm just trying to get an answer here. Your Jow Forums friends say yes, some say no. I just want to know which is it.

Yes, Southern Europeans aren't white.

>brown eyes
>brown hair (probably dyed; originally black)
>brown skin
>"original Aryan"

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dude get memed , that girls doesnt look white for shit this is a mexican girl for comparison

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we'll take your pretty girls, i mean our girls back

ITT: Infiltrator pajeet parasites under US/Canadian/British flags desperately sticking up for their poo in loo brothers

heres more

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Name pls
If she's white I'm white too. I'm a pretty European boy. In her cousin.
So is she southern european passing or no? I just need a straight answer. Some say yes some say no. JEEZ.

lol hell no, but its nice


look, i run a zoophilia brothel in germany. your mother and these mutant poojetas can come. so send your mother and these disgusting abo bitches to my rapefugee brothel in germany.

But she's beautiful and southern European is she not? Why do you hate us? Are you a low caste Indian?

you and all poojeets are welcome to come to europe as organ donors or dismembered into organ containers. we'll notify ukrainian organ hunters to greet you warmly when you arrive.

Maite Perroni

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cant forget about dulce aswell

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Wow they're full.mexican or half?

this is now poo in loo meme thread

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fuck off hinjew subhuman. hinjews deserve death.

half???? lol theyre mexican. you realize Mexican isnt a race. its in the name MIXican . half european ,half meso american. some mexicans are whiter than others . my skin color is just like these wiafus

No, she passes for a quickie tho. dump a tittle Huwhite on her

She once appeared naked with body paint

If you're talking about mestizos or mexindian, they're quite abviously mestizos.
Although one would say they're more european than indian.


poojeet, your gypsy charm isnt for Europe. its rather pathetic and annoying and nothing more than a lame australoid abo attempt at trolling

but you and the billions of poojeets would still be a great contribution to Europe's organ harvesting industry... so theres always that

Yes, she looks more white than most spanish or portuguese. Pic related, its a portuguese girl, and what most portuguese look like, brown skin, dark eyes and hair, slender body and face.

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She's not the original Aryan. She's what happens when Aryans are invaded, and breed with Darker Races for thousands of years.

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chill with the sages , pajeet is asking legit questions . leave him alone hes in his country not yours

>persians are the real aryans
stop with this meme

I would bleach her so hard

I didn't mean to imply Persians are the real Aryans, just that they're the result of the same forces that changed the Indians.

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Persians and Armenians are the whites of the middle east but not true aryans

Indians are like hispanics: a mix of aryan rape babies and local shitskins. El 19% face.

>let me into europe, australoid abos am white nao
nigger, this abo has been spamming and trolling for the past few months with this shit.

his intention is to condition whites by begging them to adopt him and his extended australoid clan into their white European homeland. this is how gypsy snakes work their way into white countries.

Gypsies m8

Iranians have virtually no aryan DNA (R1a and R1b hplg).

No goddamnit

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But how can you say we aren't part white when a south European guy himself says she looks south European enough?

Madar chode

and stop falling for this con-artist gypsy b8

>So if we are white, large parts of Europe including Russia belong to us?

>If we can pass as some sort of European that means we have European genes in us, and thus Europe belongs to us as well?

> I saw lots of people on here say that she could easily pass for white. So that means she has white genes and is European, right?

Millions of blacks speak english. WE WUZ NORSE WARRIORZ N SHEEEEIT.

No no and no if i find out you are in white lands i will find out what scam you are running and have you deported.

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dubbs confirms. hinjews are cow worshipping,piss drinking beta subhumans that deserve to be nuked

No he telecomutes here and you know it.

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I can understand why this would piss you man. I'm all for your cause. I watch and love channels like Black Pigeon Speaks , Paul Joseph Watson , Lauren Southern, Sargon if Akkad.

I know about the alt right movement. And I support it. All I'm saying is if we ARE white, why not let us come home to you (our brothers and sisters)?

Answer this please I'm not trying to run a scam or a scheme. I'm not trying to condition anyone to anything.

I'd believe it if she told me that's what she was.

looks like a Phoenician to me.

See double talk excuses lies.

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No desu gypsy at best

>All I'm saying is if we ARE white, why not let us come home to you (our brothers and sisters)?
you're not one of aus you Australoid mutt inbreed subhuman. all hinjews deserve to be exterminated.

we have too many brahmin poos and have been exposed to all your gypsy tricks, so you are fooling no one

your mere existence is the demise of the white race. the best you can do is stay in your homeland and genocide your shitty race- do it for the Aryans!

but your organs can be part of some European, as an organ donor, but not your entire australoid body. you can be dismembered by ukrainian organ hunters become european in part, but only in pieces

You are not white you are a scammer and a theif.

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Aryans are Iranians - shocking

>I am Xerxes, the great king, king of kings, king of countries containing many kinds of men, king in this great earth far and wide, son of king Darius, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, of Aryan stock.

Scroll about half way down

Do you even know what "Iranian" means?

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She looks 100% white just like you when you made this thread last time OP. Truly opened my eyes, Indians are not poos. They are the TRUE and HONEST Aryans and we must place them at the top of the caste system so we may learn their ways.

I will shit in the street in honor of OP, and roll my first born in holy cow shit.
Look at the contrast of dung and Aryan. Truly stunning.

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user it was right infront of us the whole time. The Victorian Age fallacies of the ancient peoples being blonde and blue eyed is untrue. The royalty seemed to be self-serving as to justify their rule by bloodlines.

Iranians are Aryans
Aryans are Iranians

No they are not

Bro it's not me who said she looks white. It's your friends here in Jow Forums.I'm just going off what has been observed.

>Aryans were known for mastering horse back
Iranians fought on horse back and btfo the Central Asian nomads
>Aryans were known for conquest
Iranians as the Persians formed an empire from India (even beyond perhaps) to the Middle East.

So you're dating your cousin? Wow, how enlightened.

They are bamboozling you, stupid.


Never trust any one from stinkdia

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stop making this thread 2x a day, every fucking day you retarded, insecure poo

our friends here in Jow Forums say kys you fuckin abo, but before you do, please genocide your entire race of filthy abo poos, pls

My fave tech support Indian was called Elvis.

No ugly Shitskins allowed in here, sorry. I know you're jealous you aren't high caste Aryan but it's not my fault, it's your parents'.
No I'm not dating her but I've seen her naked
IDK man they sounded genuine

Compelling evidence user, fucking hell.

Well said

No lmao couldn’t even pass for an Arab get real poo

You said you were dating her yesterday and posted embarrassing pictures of yourself with her at a nightclub, after you got mad people said neither of you are white. If you ever come to Europe, no one would mistake you for a white person.

it's pretty sad and pathetic that you make these threads daily. you aren't fooling anyone with these thinly disguised pleas for acceptance, on Jow Forums no less. it's just as weird as when Asians do this on Stormfront. grow some balls shit nigger and maybe people will respect you for once.

They wouldn’t even pass for Arabs he makes this thread like 3x a day


dont feel so low, my abo friend. being white isnt a right, and it sucks that you are a poo, but what can one poo do?

alas! you have a higher calling than being a pathetic larper trying to be white, poojeet.

you can actually achieve honorary Aryan status and be worshiped by real white Europeans.
how you ask?
learn the way of the ARYAN WARRIOR and


you are the chosen poo and have a duty to cull asia for the sake of the European race. do it for your beloved Europa! You will be worshiped higher than your jungle elephant god.

Southern European here

Not really, she looks Turkish

Go sacrifice children to demons.

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T. delusional hindpoo who's insecure about his shitskin lmao

I ran is a shit hole thats my evidence.

do you really want to continue being a pathetic abo larping as a white like all the rest?

or would you rather be that one god-tier poojeet who saved the white race by culling all the other pathetic poojeets in the SPIRIT of the ANCIENT ARYAN WARRIOR?

be the savior of the white race! not the enemy!

Bro that wasn't me. My account was hijacked by my friend and he posted some weird shit. I don't know about any pics in the nightclub.
I didn't read anything you typed porki.
Ok that's enough. Just tell me do you think the girl in the OP pic passes for white? Yes or no?

I want to wipe them all out so bad. If only I had a nuclear bomb.

Post pic

No she doesn't. She looks like she could pass for a Persian or Syrian, though.

you're one of them

Big Phat, NOPE !