Land of the free

>land of the free
>homosexual cops run around the streets executing white christian fathers

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Other urls found in this thread:

RIP to our Aryan brother Daniel Shaver, executed by ZOG
Always reminds me of this.

guy on the left was a medicated intoxicated moron who procreated because of height

the guy on the left was short and has to suffer in life because of the guy on the left

good riddance

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sorry meant guy on the right for the 2nd part

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oh fuck off, he was brandishing a rifle in the window of a hotel. He thought it would be funny to terrorize other people by waving a rifle around, and thus "family man" was doing it primarily to impress some bar slut he was trying to fuck.

gene pool cleansed, darwin was right again, cry me a river

one of you faggots answer this: How SHOULD the police respond to a report of a drunk man with a rifle who is pointing it out the window of a hotel? Should they casually stroll up and knock on the door, then politely ask him, if it's not too much trouble, to please come out and speak to them? FUCK OFF he was just an albino nigger but you retards are so sheltered you don't want to admit that such a thing is possible.


If this board wasn't overrun with edgy children you'd realize that every time you cry for this retard you are legitimizing BLM "muh police state" bullshit.

>inb4 bootlicker
this is just the modern white equivalent of "house nigger", a term that field niggers used out of jealousy towards the one guy who was able to follow instructions and act like a fucking human and was rewarded with light work in the house with actual humans, an education, a nicer bed, etc and all he had to do was follow the most basic fucking rules. Insulting people because they are able to behave like they are civilized and follow the law to the best of their ability is one of the most nigger-tier things you can do. Calling someone a bootlicker is no different than a nigger picking on a black person for "talking white" because he doesn't mup da doo.

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>How SHOULD the police respond to a report of a drunk man
Not like a scared shitless pussy

Do you think that faggot is going to have to protect his family 24/7 once the whites start getting fed up with the police state?

>don't be afraid of the drunk guy with the rifle
ok big guy. If only they had a warrior like you there to lead the charge. If only!

Yes, he clearly had a rifle while on his knees crawling towards cops.

It's the polices job to execute people and perform eugenics? The guy was murdered. It was fucked up, maybe the guy was an asshole but it is not the polices job to execute assholes.

This guy gets it. Drunk men brandashing air rifles are a menace to society, If anything we should be hiring more heroic gay men to shoot them.


Did you watch the video?

I didn't say SIMON SAYS PUNK

warning. This is some police faggot. He's done an AMA on here and posts anonymously any time there's a thread talking shit on police. If you suck his dick he'll post his gun in his holster and do other gay shit for u.

He's a narcissist in search of sycophants.

Can literally smell the bacon. God you are dumb as fuck.

>there is no way to conceal a gun in your shorts
>it is impossible to conceive that a criminal who is intent on avoiding jail at all costs would cry like a bitch in an attempt to cause the cops to lower their guard, then ambush them
>no criminal has ever employed deception in an attempt to kill police or civilians
come back when you sprout some hair on your nuggets. If you've never had a gun pointed at you with malicious intent you should not be allowed to post in this thread.

No, it's the police's job to neutralize any threat to public safety with deadly force if necessary. If you brandish a rifle out a hotel window (this IS why the police were called in the first place, truly nigger behavior) then you have established that you are a potential threat to the safety of everyone else.

If this guy's name had been Tyrone then we'd all be laughing at it. I'm pretty sure the only people who cry for this retard are BLM idiots in disguise.

Yes. Did you read the police report? Did you hear the panicked 911 calls? Suddenly the police have x-ray vision and telepathy? If they get a report that someone is armed then they treat them appropriately.

>he's a cop!
This is the BLM/Antifa equivalent of "He's a JIDF shil".

There are a few good ones but few and far between, You wanna see some funny shit? shoot with them. Most of them aren't worth a damn and have the courage of a 12yr girl. When my neighborhood was under lock down for four hours I provided cover for local SWAT
>get a load of this shit

Domestic across the street, guy with gun wont leave, Florida summer so I let SWAT take position in my house so I could get the info and shit, a few hours pass and i need to leave, I tell SWAT its time to go and fuck off, as I walk in the open , stand around and laugh at the shit show to get in my truck these pussys cower along side of my truck as I pull away to cross the street,

Fucking useless pieces of shit

criminal scum detected, show us your hammer and sickle tattoo hipster faggot. I truly wish you would get shot by a gentle giant while he's out spreading the word of jesus and applying for colleges.

cops are just people, and 80-95% of all people are garbage so cops are going to be 80-95% garbage as well. When pic related is tasering you for jaywalking on a street with no cars you're going to wistfully reminisce about the good ol' days of human police and all their flaws. Also it's easy to call someone a coward when you don't have a target on your back, which they do when dealing with a criminal who is either desperate to avoid jail or determined to suicide by cop.

oops forgot pic, say hello to your new police force

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>defending literal murder
>calling others criminal
Fuck off retard

There's being careful around a real threat and then there's 'Omg he COULD have a pistol hidden and he MOVED WRONG! KILL IT KILL IT!'

>defending a drunk guy brandishing a rifle to impress some whore and terrorizing innocent people for giggles

>when you build a dept

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He's defending EVERYONE'S right to not be shot for losing a game of Simon Says to a cop, not just the drunk guy's

Cops should just called his room from the front desk and rsolved the problem without ZOG murder.
He didnt brandish a rifle the upper windows dont open. Americans have the right to have any rifle in their own room, home or apartment.
When you leave your room be prepared, be armed and if Zog tries to kill you try the mogadishu drill.

and then there's "I told him specifically NOT to do this thing several times now that constitutes a potential threat (reaching for his waist) but he keeps doing it"

To anyone defending this: Please tell me your thoughts on the Stephon Clark shooting as well. Let's hear it. Were the police just being meanies when they shot him? He was just breaking into cars, disobeying lawful orders, and holding a black object in his hands while doing so. I want to hear nu/pol/ cry for a dead nigger criminal so I can be certain that you're leftist starbucks-sipping bitches. You BLM "muh police state" faggots are so transparent.


>it's impossible to brandish out of a closed window
I'm not sure you know what the word "brandish" means

>when you leave your room kill the cops

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>If this guy's name had been Tyrone then we'd all be laughing at it. I'm pretty sure the only people who cry for this retard are BLM idiots in disguise.

No I wouldn't be laughing because then BLM would have an actual case. Everything they are complaining about is when a nigger is resisting arrest. This drunk asshole was on the ground begging for his life. He should have sobered up and not acted like a nigger, and he probably knew that when he was getting arrested. He wasn't resisting though. And another thing to note is that the cop was one of those green guys who really wants to get a kill. He had a "You're fucked" decal on his rifle. Pretty sure he was mentally screwed, like a sadist.

>I'm not sure you know what the word "brandish" means
Brandish means being in public and flailing a gun around like a drunk.
A hotel room is NOT public.

This is why 4-Eyes in his tacticool OPERATOR glasses is going to get anal cancer.

How does defending your self from a decked out gay midget with a gun make you antifa?

This. You point your gun if you intend to shoot. Fuckers like him are why people get itchy around guns nowadays and don't mind losing the 2nd amendment. The cop asked if he was drunk when he came out the door, he said no. The girl came forward in the way the cop intended. The guy didn't follow suit, fell forward and reached behind him. Got shot. Menace on the world removed.

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Damn, America has changed since the Columbo days.

Are you implying that you're allowed to stand in your living room and point a rifle at people walking past your house? You should test this theory and report back with your results. Be sure to buy some quick-clot on hand.

>a hotel is not a public place
A hotel IS a public place, and if you have the curtains pulled back so everybody can see you then you have no expectation of privacy. I'll elaborate so you can understand:

There is nothing illegal about shoving a horse dildo up your ass and dancing around your hotel room with the curtains closed. However, once you draw those curtains back and give everyone in the pool area your favorite hobby you are violating the law. See the difference?

Curtains closed = privacy, not brandishing, nobody cares

Curtains open = no expectation of privacy, brandishing, people get scared and call the police

see the difference?

He wasn't brandishing a rifle. He was sobbing on the floor when he was shot dead by a paranoid piggy.

Fuck off back to your Mall Cop job bootlicker.

>Menace on the world removed.
Yes. YES. Tell us how some random guy minding his business is a menace while Oakley's #1 guy with his tacticool faggot dildo gun did the right thing.
How fucking high on cop foot funk are you? Really?

You know what's funny? Wasting a criminal piece of shit means nothing. But when a cop gets wasted, it means some little fuck(often a couple or more) will grow up without a father. Mommy will go fuck a nigger. Little shit loses a daddy FOREVER. DEAD, by the hands of some low-life waste of oxygen. Ha. HA HA. HA. And you BITE IT.
How does it feel to be on death row, warden?

And I'm gonna go jerk off now. Cops dying is a tingle in my balls.

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>menace on the world.
this is the face of a menace Jow Forums

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It would be difficult for you to find someone as supportive of the police in most situations like these.

In this instance, the guy is crying, crawling on the floor towards them and dealing with police yelling conflicting orders at him.

There are police shootings that are unjustified. This was probably one of them.

i know right! it's like, impossible that people would actually side with police LOLOLUOULUOULOULUO
you're retarded

>minding his business
Pointing a gun out a hotel window isn't "minding your own business". Holding a knife to someone's throat in a dark alley isn't "minding your own business". It's not like he's defending his property.

Yes the cop is obviously a trigger-happy nu-male faggot but when you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Don't be a nigger and say he dindu nuffin.

And look at this trash this wigger is wearing. Trayvon took some happy family photos too.

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damn he went down like yamcha.

This coward cop physically and mentally exhausted this kid for 3 minutes before demanding he crawl toward him. Straight up murder and desu with so many incidents like this happening more often i gotta say we should stop supporting cops. They don't support us anyways.

No, the Stephon Clark shooting wasn't the same and was understandable and probably justified.

This isn't the same and you'll alienate people who think like you do with the "muh police eugenics" argument.

>it's like, impossible that people would actually side with police LOLOLUOULUOULOULUO
you're retarded

Yes the disdain for The Police who murdered this guy is totally blanket hatred for police. You know a police officer fucked up when Jow Forums is mad at him.

but yeah, the police are always justified.

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Compare it there with fucknut and his bargain bin OPERATOR glasses.
Dude was a fuck, and every actual good cop has to take on his obvious bullshit fantasy profile.
I don't even hate cops, despite my juvenile stupid shit here I understand having to deal with assholes all day long.

But when you defend BAD EGGS you become responsible for their bullshit.
It's like if the democratic party takes on commietard faggots and tolerates them and their commie faggotry. THEY DON'T GET A PASS for allowing this. The whole party goes down. If you don't support the fucks, drop out and switch teams.
>I need teh monies!
Not that bad you don't. Manage a McDonald's.
If you were good enough to be a cop, managing a bunch of fuckwits in a fast food restaurant should be a cakewalk.

Enough of this shit. Tired of seeing state-sanctioned murder and the termites defending it.

>pointing a gun out a hotel window
wasnt this guy merely holding a bb gun near the window?

>Pointing a gun out a hotel window isn't "minding your own business".
Yes it is. Fuck off, cock sucker. You gonna call the 5-0 because you walked by a farm and a farmer pointed a gun at you because you look like a fucking nigger?

We all have our crosses to bear.

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How the fuck is anyone outside supposed to know that? If you walk by a hotel and you see a gun pointed out a window that could align with some little old lady across the street do you just laugh it off?

>You gonna call the 5-0 because you walked by a farm and a farmer pointed a gun at you

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If the fucking cops were not pussies they would have moved forward and cuffed him right away instead of screaming incoherantly and then executing an unarmed father begging for his life....degenerates...cop is a cod playing cunt who deserves the rope

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>Tyrone dindu nuffin
>he didn't even have the gun anymore he dropped it when he was hopping that fence
>they didn't have to shoot Dequarius so many times
That's what you sound like.

>mall cop
Suburban teenager detected

>this is the face of a guy who fucks bar sluts while travelling for work
what a fine example of an upstanding family man. Someone shoop a graduation cap on his head, future astronaut here

I'll give you credit for at least sounding rational, but remember that we have the luxury of viewing it from the safety of our fap chambers and he was right there dealing with a potential threat. When the police perceive you as a potential threat then the odds of you being shot by them go up by about 100000%. Were the cops incompetent? Probably! They're fallable humans who were at least a little bit scared for sure. They don't want their mother/wife/children to be presented with one of those crisply folded flags.

Feeling sorry for someone who instigates an aggressive encounter from the police and gets shot is like sympathising with a terrorist bomb maker who accidentally blows himself up. If you fuck around with fire sometimes you get burnt. It's totally not fair but that's life.

>BB gun
Wasn't that niglet who got shot by the cops in a park holding a BB gun too? If you rob a convenience store with a replica gun you still get charged with armed robbery. It could be a solid piece of rubber, it doesn't matter. There have been a good number of blacks shot by police who only had BB guns because they look like real guns. We always laugh at them for being retarded Suddenly there are people here who sympathize with this particular case. I wonder why....

well yeah I probably would if I'm not on his property. He is obviously unhinged and dangerous if he can't tolerate people using the road near his farm. Why should he be allowed to try to intimidate me away from using a public road?

How not to shoot everyone when your a cop....1 don't be a coward...2 practice reasoning with people instead of yelling at them..3 stop playing call of duty

>this is the face of a guy who fucks bar sluts while travelling for work

Im not denying the fact he is a loser, im just saying he isn't some serial killer like the comment made him out to be. Also, him being a loser doesn't make it okay the cops fucking murdered him.

>Suburban Teenager detected
The Cops who murdered this guy are bigger pussies then every suburban teenager I have ever met. Keep suckin cop dick.

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If Dequarius is literally prostrated on the ground doing his best to obey the police, then yes, they most certainly did not have to shoot him at all

HGo suck off a weedeater you cunt.

>Why should he be allowed to try to intimidate me away from using a public road?
Cuz you're a cunt. Farmers know these things.

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>it's an active shooter when shots aren't fired
fuck off pussy

RE: feeling bad for someone who's done something stupid

I've done stupid things while drunk, probably to include holding a gun in my home within view of neighbors. If the police had shown up, I would have done my drunken best to cooperate with them. That's what it looks like he did.

The point here is, these guys are trained to deal with this kind of stuff. I completely sympathize with police officers being worried about injury or death on the job. I don't think the officers handled the situation properly, and I think that the threat that the crawling, crying, drunk fucker on the ground presented was not properly assessed. Whether this had to do with the psychological state of the officer or some deficiency of training or whatever, I don't know. It should have been handled better.

I'll say that my dad is a very conservative guy, a defense attorney (although worked JAG prosecution for four years), and he was pretty disgusted with the video. He's very much supportive of the police in general.

>Potential threat
>Scared cops with families
Being a little scared and having family doesn't excuse opening fire at the slightest twitch on the part of someone lieing on the floor being as cooperative as they can. I'm sorry but the way that guy was acting kills all of your 'cant be too careful' shit.

Yes he did shit to get them there but at that particular time he was totally surrendering and making it obvious he was doing his best to comply. The killing is not justified or understandable, and nothing like a terrorist dieing whilst preparing to commit mass murder.



I feel like this picture sums up the state of America as a whole pretty nicely.

The hotel was not completely rented out or owned by him. The hotel allowed the cops inside. Clearly they have a policy where they don't want weapons on their property and that infringing on that agreement would mean police entering the conversation. If the hotel DID allow it, the cops had probable cause to enter on the fact that he pointed it at people not in or on his property ("the room").

>he was pretty disgusted with the video. He's very much supportive of the police in general.

Anyone who isn't a fucking sociopath or a total police larper is disgusted by this video. I would bet my right arm the guy defending these cops works some low end security job and open carries while he does it. what a badass.

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>The hotel was not completely rented out or owned by him.
Did they have a clause in his agreement stipulating no rifle shadows in the window?

Yeah, GET FUCKED asshole.

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You are focusing on pointless details. "Wow you're right, he didn't actually rent the hotel room. I guess that makes it okay he got fuckin murdered."

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Which is why this man deserved to be executed.

>Anyone who isn't a fucking sociopath or a total police larper is disgusted by this video
Yes it's disgusting. A white man is being shot and the cop is being tricky and demanding. HOWEVER, that does not exonerate him.

>Did they have a clause in his agreement stipulating no rifle shadows in the window?
Yes, pic related.

Doesn't matter what he deserved, when you put police in the situation where you are a threat to them, not cooperating, lying, or moving suspiciously allows them to act.

the bait is too fucking strong.

forgot the pic

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Anybody ever notice that every time some mudslime sandnigger goes on a rampage someone starts a "SIMON SAYS" thread?

What if he's prostrated on the ground and keeps reaching for his waist while the police are shouting "STOP REACHING KEEP YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM"?

someone dump the dozens of "fun with blacks" clips of niggers pulling guns out of nowhere and shooting cops who relaxed for just a moment

>Ahmed hasn't hurt anyone yet, he's just walking around outside the nightclub with a rifle, don't jump to conclusions

At least you're admitting that doing that was very stupid. That's all I'm really saying is that the guy was a dumb shit and got rekt for it. It's a terrible thing but he DID bring it on himself to some extent. I'm not arguing that he deserved to die, just that he made a series of mistakes which lead to police making a series of mistakes and he ended up dead. The main reason these threads piss me off is because they are so obviously run by antifa faglords pushing an anti-law pro-anarchy marxist bullshit agenda. They always pop up when a mudslime or leftist does some wacky shit. Watch, when this thread dies another will take it's place, same as this one. That gear queer's pic with "SIMON SAYS" will be on this board for the next few days at all times, guaranteed. It's the perfect slide thread: look guys they shot a white man police are evil ammirite?

I'm a taxi driver. I once had a customer pretend to rob me at gunpoint, then put the gun away laughing at me because I nearly shit my pants from the .45 he was pressing against my ribs. Later I had his white bitch in the car and she claimed it was a fake gun. Boy did I feel silly, the gun wasn't even real! I guess I should have given Jamal the benefit of doubt that he would never want to harm me just for kicks. I was very racist that night! I just feel terrible

What do you have against the working class? You sound very bourgeoisie right now.

Daily Reminder: Only a dickless coward armed with an Assault Rifle (actual select-fire rifle) would still be terrified enough of a WHITE guy on his knees crying as to execute him at the slightest twitch.

Further, anyone who defends this cop is an even bigger dickless coward than the cop. Literal inside out dick Tranny fag.

>Doesn't matter what he deserved, when you put police in the situation where you are a threat to them, not cooperating, lying, or moving suspiciously allows them to act

Alright fellas, next time you get pulled over make sure not to choke up or even blink the wrong way or the police get to kill you.

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

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So, please post the agreement this man signed.
What they say means nothing. When you sign the paperwork to get your room? Yeah, that's where the rules are located.

>when you put police in the situation where you are a threat to them, not cooperating, lying, or moving suspiciously allows them to act.

No I think in this case the officer put the victim in a situation where it would be impossible to cooperate, giving a cause for execution that the officer would be able to get away with.

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>next time you get pulled over make sure not to choke up or even blink the wrong way or the police get to kill you
If you walk up to ANYONE and make a move that can be argued in court as threatening they have the right to self defense. Blinking no.

If you walk up to a cop and say "hello" they can't shoot you. If you walk up to a cop, pull your hand out of your pocket and point it at them aggressively they CAN shoot you.

If you are being arrested over violence, you lie, and you make a move towards your pocket, they CAN shoot you.

>So, please post the agreement this man signed.
He made that agreement by renting the room. Just because he didn't physically sign an agreement doesn't mean he didn't make that agreement by doing business with them. No I can't find physical evidence of a policy but that is even beyond the point. He showed physical assertions of violence towards people on public property from the private property he stood on and the cops already had probable cause.

That hallway crawl was pure bullshit, senpai.

>next time you get pulled over because you were brandishing a gun at other cars

REMINDER: only niggers point guns at things they don't intend to shoot, like the passers by of a hotel. Respectable people follow basic rules of gun safety even when the gun uses air as a propellant

>all these sheltered faggots acting like BB guns are any different
When I got my first BB gun the whole point was to teach me basic gun safety. Ask a firearms safety instructor if the rules change significantly between handling firearms and air guns. They don't.





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Just take one moment and wonder if youre wrong.

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why were you being a retard waving a gun outside your car window, then acting surprised you got pulled over?

>impossible to cooperate
The guy could have just looked at how the girl moved forward and copied her. If he didn't know or knew he couldn't do it in his condition he should have said so. He had already told the cop he wasn't drunk (even though if you were calm you could tell he was). It's unfortunate yes and the cop was an asshole who probably enjoyed paid leave but again, play stupid games win stupid prizes.

>If you walk up to a cop, pull your hand out of your pocket and point it at them aggressively they CAN shoot you.

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If someone did that to you and you couldn't see if they had a weapon, you could shoot them yourself. Would you think it's a good idea sending you to jail even if you explained that to court?

Wrong faggot.
having a rifle in your domicile is never brandishing, there was no threat just a swatting.
Always be alert if you leave your domicile be prepared for anything. Cops, Antifa, Mossad- it doesnt matter if theyre there to kill you shoot first.
Guys like you die on their knees in a puddle of piss and tears.

I think the cop wanted to kill someone because he was such a green faggot that he just had to have a notch on his belt.

>all these sheltered faggots acting like BB guns are any different
>When I got my first BB gun the whole point was to teach me basic gun safety
"Gun Safety" for a BB gun, shit, talk about sheltered.

failed cause she's a woman.

only if the Bump Stock ban isn't finalized in June or is struck down by the courts. 2018 is toast because of shit like this. If he thinks he'll get even 1 ounce of credit from leftists or the media, he's dreaming. I heard them say today on MSNBC that after parkland "He did nothing." So he literally threw Bump Stocks under the bus for literally nothing.

>inb4 "hurr durr, ban bump stocks cause only retards need them, my IQ is 22 and I have no foresight!"

Try this: walk up to pic related and quickly yank a squirtgun out of your pocket while saying "BREAK YO SELF". Watch how they react.

>omg they can't shoot me I'm not even armed I'm no threat at all
yeah, be sure to tell them that while you're life drains out onto that scraggly ghetto lawn

>I don't understand why they would be so cowardly
Because self-preservation is a motherfucker

If you saw a new neighbor who you haven't met pointing a rifle out of his window would you just shrug and say "eh, it's his house" then let your kids go play outside? It is, after all, his domicile!

There's probably some truth to this, but when you get a report of a gun wielding intoxicated man you don't send the most polite woman on the force to deal with it, you send gear queer tac-man who is willing and eager to fight.

>mocking using a BB gun to teach safety to children
no-guns city faggot? I thought everyone did this. Maybe I'm just old.

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The dude shouldn't have even moved desu, fuck that simons says faggot cop.
Y'all nigs are gonna have to carry my dead ass weight to the squad car.

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>limp wristed nigger gang signs

>If you saw a new neighbor who you haven't met pointing a rifle out of his window would you just shrug and say "eh, it's his house" then let your kids go play outside? It is, after all, his domicile!
Yes. I've done it. Only some sheltered city faggot would think "gun = threat" all the time.

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>The manlet uprising is upon us

The window didnt even open retard, suicide glass too.
Unless your neighbor is flashing his dick at your kids, who cares what he does in his own own, its his right to privacy. A rented room for a day, week, month or lease is your own private space. Stop spying on your neighbor and peeping in his fucking windows.
Just seeing someone in his domicile is not credible threat.
No shots fired, he never pointed it at anyone. Cops shouldnt have even responded and when they did they should have called his room from the front desk.
Unfortunately retards like you get a 6 week POST certification and become cops.

>meme flag
>trusts a stranger to point a gun at his children for no fucking reason and assumes he has no bad intent
I don't believe you. No actual parent could be this stupid.

you: relax woman, it's his domicile. Don't jump to conclusions
you: yeah but has he even fired it? stop flipping out over nothing!
you: If you do that I'll be forced to kill them for approaching my domicile without cause, liberty or death!

that's how fucking retarded you sound

>Watch how they react.
they would do nothing because i am a white guy.

>inb4 this guy was white!!!!!1111

This guy wasn't pointing guns at police officers yelling break yo self.