Videos Show Asheville, N.C., Police Beating And Choking A Man Stopped For Jaywalking

In a rare move, the city of Asheville, N.C., has released body camera footage of a police officer choking a man and punching him in the head multiple times — allegedly after the man was jaywalking.

North Carolina state law does not normally allow the release of police videos without a court order; however, the city petitioned and was granted permission to release all footage relating to the event last August by the Buncombe County Superior Court. Nine videos have been released.

The video footage goes something like this: Former officer Christopher Hickman and officer in training Verino Ruggiero are working on a late summer night. Both officers are white. They claim to see Johnnie Rush, who is black, walk across the street without using a crosswalk four times.

The officers stop Rush near McCormick Field, which, according to The Citizen Times, is where "hundreds of pedestrians cross Biltmore Avenue without using a crosswalk before and after baseball games."

Ruggiero confronts Rush, who says he is going home after work. The officer offers two options: arrest or a ticket. "All I'm trying to do is go home, man," Rush says.

Hickman begins to yell, telling Rush to put his hands behind his back. He grabs for Rush, and Rush begins to run. The officers pursue him, Hickman saying in the video "You're gonna get f***** up hardcore."

Backup arrives. Officers catch Rush, hold him down and proceed to punch him in the head and place him in a chokehold. "I can't breathe," Rush says between gasps — an eerie parallel to Eric Garner. Garner died in 2011 when a New York police officer held him in a chokehold, sparking national outcry.

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what do you know, it turns out he did a lot more than just jaywalking
why am i not surprised?

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Do you believe the officer was justified in beating the fuck out of the man in the video? To me it looks like he escalated the situation.

How are they so dumb, what is wrong with them?
Just take the fucking ticket and go home.

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The man in the video also never said "fuck you" "can't wait till you catch me" as the officer states in the video.

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Once you start resisting arrest hell yes the officer should escalate.
These dumbasses crying about police brutality are crazy. He was talking back and being an asshole, the cops literally handled him with kids gloves.
Anywhere else he would be getting his ass kicked for real.

The black man certainly escalated the situation, but the cops 100% did not do the right thing.

to actually answer your question, it was fine up until the point he started randomly punching the nogs head. cops very frequently hear the excuse "I CANT BREATHE" while muttering the same words with air coming in and out. there is justification in this video in my opinion but to the extent to which i stated earlier

Why did the officer tell him to put his hands behind his back to begin with? The cop had no right to detain him in the first place.

Disorderly conduct.

Cop lost his cool

>touching a nigger without gloves


definitely would agree with this, dont know if you're foreign because of your meme fagging but this
is usually how its done. if they waited 10 minutes arguing semantics about how they dindu nuffin, 10 minutes later they would be in the same situation and the cop probably wouldve been more extreme


I'm in the US. Just have democratic points of view. Although I feel I'm still learning and can't quite pick a side if you know what I'm saying.

i presume youre a senior in hs or freshman uni? come here to Jow Forums to see intricacies behind the autistic Jow Forumslacks brain huh. i know what you're saying about what .. im.. saying i guess. what have you been up to at this point?

Uni freshman age

You better stop jay walking. All these driverless cars. Youre lucky one of them didnt hit you.

Not quite in college yet, but I'm in that age range. The lack of political knowledge people at my age have is astounding. Many talk like they know it all, but when pressed for more, they get lost. I'm older than freshman age now that I actually realize. I'm 22. I know I need to go to school but still can't figure out what to pursue or whether I even should go to college. I'm 100% lost.

>who is black
Why should I care?
They’re not even huma

1st step is to not follow their failures as well. do you have hobbies my dude??

well, he wasn't shot in the back 20x ... he did resist arrest. what did he expect? a pat on the back for unlawfully disobeying a lawful instruction?
>Whatchu talmbout, "was this justified"?
The nigger resisted arrest in a super nice community after being warned by a cool officer. He could have just said, ok, I'm wrong and will go right home. But no, he had to nigger-splain and be an ass and then resist arrest/detainment and then ran from the cops. Of course he deserved it. It's not like he was forced to run away, they gave him ample opportunity to adjust his behavior but the guy did not listen. This is how things escalate. Don't run from the cops if you truly have nothing to hide... and certainly not when you've pissed them off to the point where they are going to write you a ticket for a total non-crime citation thing. Give me a break. These niggers get as good as they give.

>get stopped
>cooperate with officer, at worse get a earched and get a ticket for breaking the law
or you can do with he did
>immediately resist and and try to run away then get tackled to the ground and restrained with force

it seems like the nog is the one who escalated the situation

Yeah man. I've been learning to play piano a bit although I'm kinda stuck right now. Learning to record as well. Aside from that, I don't do much else besides work as a waiter and go see live bands.

Look it’s a low IQ nigger who can’t follow orders
Imagine my shock

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Give it a few days and this video may be about to blow up

Why would it? The dindu resisted arrest and got what he deserved

>Give it a few days and this video may be about to blow up
I believe it for sure... they'll want to riot in Asheville.... only problem is, Ashville is a super nice white community for the most part in east NC and those cops won't play that shit. They will put a stop to any of that shit quickly...

keep playing those tunes mate. the fact that you're stuck means you are willing to put in effort towards it. im a neet and have wanted to learn an instrument like piano but also a poor fag so lol. whats the genre of your local shows usually? my scene was wannabe hardcore kids that sometimes were decent but majority were ass. if you would take your piano seriously then you should take into account of your friends or the bands mistakes when they preform

Stop breaking the law, nigger

I started off learning blues which I think was a good place to start, but I've been getting into hardcore punk. Which I'm sure sounds like it would sound very strange on a keyboard, but you'd be surprised. We haven't played any shows although I'd love to we don't create a whole lot of songs we just jam more than anything.

Nah. Asheville is more cucked than Charlotte and you saw how Charlotte pussed out on the BLM protests. Asheville will burn and they'll blame Trump somehow.

if you're talking about synth then yea i know about all of that. not how to play, but. you should keep your band (i think you said you have) and practice the blues stuff at home as well.

If you don't use the pedestrian crossing you should expect to be beaten tazed, shot and arrested. Probably choked and punched a bit for not looking at the pig punching and yelling at you.

Sure will. Nice talking to you user.

He apologized and the first cop was just going to write him a ticket, and then the meathead cop with the bodycam decided to escalate it and detain him for no reason.

I side with the cops 99% of the time when these videos come out, but the second cop should get fired.

Asheville is close to being full-on cucked. Its being overrun by Hollywood creeps that want to 'live in the country'. Slowly its turning into Portland south.

Video related. Candidate for upcoming Sheriff's race

Ironically, as one comment points out, the cops themselves didn't use the crosswalk when they dragged the nog across the street.

>cops should be fired for doing their job

of course cops are fucking stupid!

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ZOG enforcers

cops arent supposed to escalate dummy

He resigned. He was likely to be fired. His name is Christopher HICKman.

He is also likely to be acquitted

Nigs aren’t suppose to run from police doing a lawful detainment either but here we are

>Rush, who is black, walk across the street without using a crosswalk four times.
So he was walking between one place and another loitering his ass off, why the back and fourth?

>Garner was 7 years ago

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I assume he walked across various streets without using the crosswalk. From what it looks like, it didn't look like there was a whole lot of traffic.

It wasn't a man though it was a crazy fucking ape

Apes shouldn't be left to wander the streets

Though I think animal control officers should have been brought instead if cops

No car → threatens Big Oil.
Expect plenty more jaywalking arrests.

of all the psyops running on Jow Forums, the one fixing the damage of dorner is the most annoying
reinvigoration of racial divides, setting precedents of police brutality being admissible due to the fact that its a nigger, then if its a white guy getting fucked, he is a wigger
braindead statism

>Pass user since 2018
>Democrat flag
>Thinks Jow Forums are bootlickers


Lol I'm not a shill

>Jaywalking when the street isn't busy
Literally who gives a fuck. These retards were on a power trip and if they had done this to a huwhite guy Jow Forums would fag out.

You step outside of boundaries. You deserve it. Based police.

Absolutely this.

I'm only :45 in and that nigger deserves to get hit


Why is he resisting arrest? Does he have something to hide?

My first post was sarcastic but now I genuinely support the cops.

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That's where the guy was wrong. He should've complied and then sued the police department or whatever he wanted to do. See:

those pussyass punches

>braindead statism
It's a real problem here now. You can hear the two cops in the car whining that he didn't listen before they stop him. They're annoyed and they wanted to fuck with him because he didn't care about their bullshit. These are the types of police that are going to have to worry when the lights go out. The limp wristed punches tell you everything you need to know about that fruitcake.

>tfw getiing old and its just getting faster
fml ill be ded in like no time

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Ashville is western NC. Glorious Eastern NC is a good conservative part of the state, we dindu nuffin.

>dispatch, black male, thinks it's funny!

kek'd heartily

Great me too wanna hang out in hell?

J-walk and get hit with white cock

Niggers rek’t on sight

Yes I think the one cop in particular escalated the situation.

>You know whats funny, you gonna get fucked up.

Out of order.

Holy shit guys

Should we all become cops?

Retarded comments.

He was warned 3 times then ran from the police then resisted arrest. Boo hoo

Clearly not since after all the effort we’ll get shot or fired

I’d feel that way if he didnt try and run, and it wasnt after 3 warnings.

Pffft these guys just go on vacation

If we employed every police station with Jow Forumstards it would be a full take over

It’d be full blown nigger patrol

And its a black guy!

>> I jus got off work!
Stop lying you lazy fuck. You don't work, you take gibs.

>guy jaywalks 3 times
>already sounds like he's be told not to fucking do it before.
>black dude is belligerent.
>resisting arrest
>being a nigger


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It may seem a bit over the top just for jaywalking, HOWEVER
>get asked by officer to stop doing it beforehand
>decide to be a nigger about it and do it anyway 4 times in a row in front of his face
Even though it's a really petty thing, you were asked nicely, you could at least have the common sense to just not fucking do it when you're watched
>get stopped another time
>get a nice and long explanation about what you did wrong
>decide to be a nigger, again, and just fucking run instead of accepting the punishment for being a dumb nigger
>end up getting being hit in the head
Now I don't know Murrican police protocol but depending on what their rules are they may have been very well within their rights to do so.

In conclusion, I have to say: why is it so fucking hard for niggers to comply with the police? I had one or two run-ins with them in my life. You know how those got resolved? I was nice and polite with them and we were done within minutes, without anyone getting harmed. I am sure if I'd decided to nigger it up, it would have ended up pretty badly even with non-Murrican cops.

I can accept that he ran and that was stupid, but the fact that cops enforce shit like this is ridiculous. Again, these two faggots were power tripping.

>the law is only the law when I feel like it

cop is fired and is the only one facing criminal charges

>pass user since 2018

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This thread is filled with bootlicking faggots. You oughta be ashamed of yourselves.

Yes. What is the issue?

Looks like TNB, however the pigs were stupid to escalate. They knew the cameras were running. They knew how they would be portrayed by the media. They wanted to knock a nig for contempt of cop. Fuck em, these are the same types of assholes who would be happy to take our guns. May a based negro in Asheville be filled with the spirit of Dorner.

if only niggers would stop behaving like niggers, if only..

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fuckin coal burning pussy, don't run from the cops.

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thats boomers and conservacucks for ya

Always dindu nuffin. They should've shot him, one less nigger on the streets.

Jig walking willy nilly through through the street block after block like they do. Cops say use the crosswalk. Jig keeps doing whatever he feels like. Cop pulls over tries to talk reason. Jig starts talking shit, says dindu nuffin. Cop decides to arrest him after he starts swearing and escalating his shit. Jig resists arrest and takes off running. Cops catch him and do what we pay them to do.

10,000 Fags & dindus cry, "Poor black man beaten just for crossing the street while black."

Wake up morons, the world is full of worthless shitstain drug addict halfwits pumping out billions of bastard retards.

And fuck you.

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>Jow Forums is unironically defending someone getting tazed and beat for jaywalking(the most jew law in existence)

Nig was a dickhead, deserved it

Get a trade

Why the fuck should someone be arrested for jaywalking anyway?

This is the best bodycam video I have seen in weeks
>Think it's funny? What's funny is we're going to fuck you up

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Only in America is crossing the fucking street considered a crime

Fuck you. I didn't need to see that