In this webm you can see a 17 year old palestinian man was taking his mother to hospital, when he got a flat tyre. He was walking back from another village with a new tyre, when the IsraHELL zionists shot him dead, also his sick mother in the car died too. So I ask you, do you stand with Palestine against the enemy??

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stop the ZioNAZI NOW! Ring your senator and tell him no more money for IsraHELL!!!

I didnt see anyone get shot. I saw a klutz fall. Who cares? Arabs are filthy fucking pigs. Jews aint great, they have Hot women and they shower. Can't say the same for the arabs.

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You seem to be under the impression that Jow Forums cares even one atom about you filthy muslim pieces of shit. It's clever to try and use our dislike of the kikes as a tool to gain support for you - not gonna work you shitsking subhuman, we want both of you dead.

All muslims MUST die, even children. No fucking exceptions.

Attached: sharia law.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

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he is a kike

This is fake. It's from the annual Swedish tire running competition. It has audience participation.

Die you pedo worshipping scum

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All of your kind will be killed, do you understand you taqiyya spouting sand nigger vermin?

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you seem normal

Probably not, that's what 500 years of muslim slavery would do to you.

stfu already sandnigger.

Attached: sandnigger.png (870x953, 171K)

Jews killing muslims and especially liars like the palestinians is a blessing from god. More Whites everyday turn against Israel this way

you are fake, JIDF

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Why are muslims so transparent in their shilling? No one likes you here, we want you to die, no amount of calling people JIDF will change that.

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>shitskins murdering each other in the desert

sticky this thread wtf i love shitskins now


Death to Mecca
Death to Jerusalem
May the Middle East be turned to dust in our lifetime

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Killing sandniggers is the only thing the kikes are good for. Aside from lampshades.

You are too fucking transparent muzzie, no one here buys your shit

This a hundred times. Shitskin infiltrators BTFO.

top kek, quoted for truth

dead shitskins are always a good thing

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The only thing that lets people sleep at night is not knowing the decisions that are made to keep them safe

>was taking his mother to hospital,

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Yea Arabs. So much better than the jews.

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>look mom, I downloaded some anti-jew pics and gonna spam an atlantean dragon breeding forum with them, am I a good muslim yet?

>but son, they hate both us and the jews, what you are doing makes no sense



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ITT retarded goyim posting anti-semitic propaganda lol

thats a gif not a webm just thought id mention it

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Bulgarians are deranged. They blame it on the Turks but other balkanoids are not nearly as bad, hell serbs act like angels compared to bulgarians.

We had it the worst since we share a border with the roaches a.k.a. we are closest to their armies, supply centers, etc. The most terrible brutality (coming to you soon via rapefugees taking over by breeding) was here.

Looks like a fuckton of stupid arabs. Give them all guns and watch them ape out and shoot each other. That would be awesome.

Attached: 1516886185665.png (1500x500, 112K)

I see they left some monkey genes in your local population. You really should not be considered white.

Attached: ASD.jpg (1920x1157, 589K)

These kikes are about to experience a real holocaust at this rate.

I'm going to laugh when their temples are burning with them and their children inside.

You shouldn't have killed Jesus.

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White than you Mohammed, pic related.

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Show the flag, Ahmed.

A very shitty world

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Yes. Israel is fucking occupants and cowards, hamas can use force becouse its partisan war now for freedom

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From the river to the sea......

literally nobody says that
I am not Ashkenazi and most of Israelis are not

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>In this webm you can see a 17 year old palestinian
stopped reading right there. no one cares about sand niggers. stop getting involved in semitic issues when your own race is fighting against its extinction, retard

>All muslims MUST die, even children. No fucking exceptions.
hear hear

Kek, you're a fucking retard and this is shit bait
By the way, that kid the yids killed was 15

>JIDF "humor"

I laugh at Muslims who think that after everything they have done still brlieve they aren’t gonna follow jews inti the gas chamber.

Palestine and Israel can both die

A semite is a semite regardless of what god hey pray to. The post.

wow it's almost as if both deserve to burn in a nuclear holocaust

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who cares??

That story is 100% concentrated bullshit but even the real story behind that webm still proves kikes are evil.

No fucks are given.
An arab die ? One less immigrant.
An israeli die ? One less to blackmail us with his muh shoah gibs me dat.
The sympathy capital has been exhausted long ago. I just wish all these desert dwellers disappear from my lands. They can kill each other in their dunes, i do not care.

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PIDF pls

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fuck off kikes

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>muzzie with a nazi meme flag

top fucking kek, you are fooling no one, Ahmed

I think the americans qualify before the jews

Pallywood ads are getting smarter

Why did they shoot him?

Muhammad, turn off the proxy.
As much as I want to wipe all of Gaza of the map, we don’t do that, because we are too humane.
I really want to just VX all of Gaza, after all it was developed as an insecticide.

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Fuck off mohammed all the Palestinians are worthless dogs and so are you

Firstly, it’s fake no one shot him.
Secondly, being a Palestinian is a good enough reason.
You do realize by definition, terrorism is committed by non state actors?

How do you know it's fake?

Go back to Nazareth mohammed

Sandnigger was a good boy. He DINDU NUFFINS. He was studying at mosque to be a suicide bomber.

This user is correct

No article linked

Also story is really bad

Muslims are worse than Jews. Anyone who wants Muslims to win are stupido

Correct. They both suck, but muslims are by far the worse threat.

lol youre probably a cigan. your country has nothing but hookers and corruption. kill yourself faggot.

I heard they make good soap too

Whiter than you, Osama

Every time I see this webm posted the story of what the men are doing gets more and more exaggerated in how good people they are.

i doubt that faggot. i doubt that. you know you can set your icon to show anything? right?

This is what the next great conflict will be. France knows all too well the effects of the immigrant. Look at Paris. Once a beacon of culture, now a literal slum. Who did that? Why? Why don't normies ask these questions?

I couldn't agree more.

it doesnt work like that my son.
you invaded them first.
you slaughtered them first.
this is just karma, and karma is a bitch.

all over africa your flag is known for murderous thievery.

Jews enable Muslims and bring them here. Jews are the bigger threat.