If you were liberal you would have GOTTEN LAID BY NOW and not be a miserable fascist scumbag. It's very simple.
If you were liberal you would have GOTTEN LAID BY NOW and not be a miserable fascist scumbag. It's very simple
Why are leftists so obsessed with sex and hedonism?
I'm not a virgin tho'
You are
Also, becareful what you post brother, the bobbies might arrest you for opinions
>had to bin that knife
>refused to
>now brainwashed by his own government into thinking 10000 kcal/day is acceptable
They've been hanging out with niggers so long, that they've absorbed "muh dick" through osmosis.
But I've already been laid
Perhaps you are projecting OP?
>married with kids
Switch tactics
Promoting this trashy tranny libshit who got violent as some sort of bizarre meme is damage control by shills.Not to mention the bizarre surge of random topic subjects. This thing would be given the gas chamber. Don't forget the last school shooting and that hog faggot. Hurt the liberals and talk about censorship leading to consequences like this and how we need more mental health screenings for trannies.This could be our Charlottesville
I had a problem with being a social outcast and putting on a facade for a mating ritual was always something I despised.
I think you do have to be a little bit bluepilled to get laid in a big way. A lot of people who get laid a lot seem to not really think about shit beyond the surface level, which I guess, is your typical lib.
But I shag plenty OP, and I'm as right and racist as they come.
Basically every culture since forever considers sex to be the entry to manhood. It's sad that people aren't becoming men anymore.
Old-Wizard-Man shill posters
Don't listen to shill posters
Have a good day.
Wouldnt leftists not want this since it perpetuates the misogynist patriarchy?
I get laid plenty and I'm a very miserable fascist
I would kms if I was fat desu
>If you were liberal you would have GOTTEN AIDS BY NOW
>muh dick
thanks for this insightful commentary.
I already got laid, wasn't worth it women are crazy and manipulative
but I have gotten laid
chicks usually like the far right thing 2bh
its pretty funny how leftist want to sell out their own country with sex. Is treasonous, pathetic, embarrassing and shows misogyny in the group pretending to care about feminism.
You treat women as reward, incentive and payment for treason. You are more nazi then the people you accuse of being nazi.
And you are to dumb to realize this and thats why people like you are so easily used by the bourgeois now for borderline decades.
What a ridiculous statement. The 60s mk ultra determined sex to be a symbol of adulthood. Before it was career/military service, marriage, children. Money and sex have been propagated as a gateway to adulthood by jewish liberalism since the 60s that about as far back as your example stands the test of time
I've gotten laid before. They like it when you spank their ass and ask for a sandwich after.
>every culture
Only african tribes and some arabs
>be me
>be a degenerate and sleep around
>realize the women are vane and empty
>become redpilled and embrace the 3rd position
>won’t settle for anything less then a healthy marriage
Also condoms and latex in general coupled with vagina juice is probably the most putrid smell possible. My one night stand days are over, bareback and babies
More false post-1960s jewish propaganda.
Actually I've been raking in pussy ever since Trump. No one (in America at least) feels like they have to hide their political opinions anymore. The fun part is that every woman I've dated in the last two years has been liberal (the one I was dating during the election even ended up voting for Trump).
White male liberals, on the other hand, well. Is there anything more pathetic? Why would women want to fuck a "man" who thinks he deserves to be genocided by wild niggers? How could such a man care for and protect a woman?
How sexist of you, you objectify women as just a piece of meat meant to be used just by men just for their own pleasure.
Pretty much this. They use money and wealth as a tool to weaken your resolve and mostly through the power of media ie fantasy land because if anyone acted like that in public they embarrass themselves
>women liking right wing men
What sort of chicks are you fucking? Your cousins who live three trailers over?
I've heard from many very reputable parties that Lia AKA SSSniperWolf (the SS before her name either stands for StaatsSicherheit or Sexy Sexy), is an unscrupulous con artist.
Some of her transgressions include:
>marrying that fat fuck for citizenship even though she curses him behind his back every time she gets
>fakes all of her gameplay, which is why she stopped gaming
>lies constantly to her fanbase and makes up stories for youtube views
>started a failed business selling knockoff designer products
>is a convicted felon who went to prison though lied about it when asked
>got a jump on youtube only for promoting her "sexiness" though she completely denies it now
>has had extensive plastic surgery/work done though of course also denies it now
>in general is just a huge hypocrite about everything she does
>1 post by this ID
>united caliphate flag
>the inbred nation attacking anyone as inbred
It's a genuine question, most women I've fucked have recoiled in horror when I've told them I'm against open borders, fuck knows how they'd react to anything properly right wing
If you were nationalist you would have GOTTEN MARRIED BY NOW and not be a familyless, childless, drain on society, miserable liberal scumbag. It's very simple
Did you know you can prevent a thread from bumping to the top by typing sage in the options? Not saying you should or anything, just that you can.
Dude even the most shrek looking rednecks are pumping out kids.
Is this directed towards hopeless suburban kids ?
>Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
>Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
BTFO by motherloving JESUS himself.
I just shut up dude
But I'm married.
Pic is true story for OP, for OP was man enough and progressive enough to shove his cock in a tailpipe.
You're a fucking retard
You're mistaking surprise for horror, they're just shocked because it's a dissenting opinion. They don't actually know whether open borders is good or bad, they just repeat what they've been told. Even if they do know the justifications for it, it's usually only a couple of key phrases that they memorized. Don't bother talking to women about politics unless you plan on using catch phrases and purely emotional arguments.
I'm asexual. Sex serves no purpose in the modern add. Both women and men should be chemically lobotomized. A woman's egg and man's sperm can both be retrieved used needles, and then can be grown in a vat.
Uhhh .. if I make it to 40 I become a fucking wizard.
Yeasty gash, not even once.
I’ve been a conservative all of my life and I’ve had sex with 11 women. Anyone who would sell out their beliefs to get some pussy is a pathetic piece of shit.
I'd rather be dead than look like that fat fuck.
>huff huff
>are you feeling good baby?
>huff huff
>wipes forehead
>sweats shit out of his massive hairy buttcrack
>did that feel good baby?
Intelligent guys are liberal socially but they vote for right wing and super conservative internally
russian chicks despise libshits so no chance for (You) here
Dis bread is nao broberdy of unided sdades of Fugland XDD
Bost sburdo sbade :DDD
>fuck it, it's gonna keep getting bumped anyway
Political ideology doesn't prevent anyone from getting laid.
Staying in the house all day and night without any human interaction prevents you from getting laid.
OP, you could just hate fuck a liberal
True, people are really biting the bait today.
dude you've been posting spurdos all day. Isn't it tiersome?
>That's true, especially with all the tranny threads
typically beta brit not even considering that what women espouse to be attracted to is not what they're actually attracted to if you get them 1 on 1. Then again you'll never know, so just believe as you do. You'll feel happier for it. Ignorance is bliss.
I'll stop when the thread is dead.
Besides, I only do it slide threads which keep getting bumped. I always sage each one anyway. Seems to work every time
It's a bait marathon
eh, we'll survive, just like we always do
>implying I want to get laid
I don't want to ever have to interact with filthy, smelly, dumb 3DPD whores.
2D is the ultimate redpill~!
Got 11 sluts. 4 PAID so call me a loser pls. Am barely 5'9. Am skinnier than this dude. Well he got more hair and money than I do obviously but whatever the fuck not everyone's rich in USA either.
Not political irl I just shitpost here as a hobby. Dgaf of gays and give even less of a fuck if religion.
>muh politikz
Probably radical centrist.
I'm an ancap and I've dicked a once-liberal girl all the way to my ideology. Your numbers are dwindling
well, nice strategy. I'll try it now in different /thread
Lol spotted the virgin cuck. Go get yourself a whore I had 4 of them before I was able to get a gf.
>implying I don't get laid
>implying you are not an rear-ravaged roasty
duty is the essence of manhood
sex and hedonism is what the jew sells and controls you with
stay sated, stay dull
you gluttonous gentile monkey
So that’s what fuel injected means. I’m not a car person so this helped clear things up for me.
Beating another man with your fists or your head in the entry in manhood, pleb.
You entertaining vadge doesnt mean shit if I could take them all from you with 1 single blow without a nanny state.
It's true.
The state of mind is not the same before and after you take a shit
The state of mind is not the same before and after you can dominate other people with ease.
The same thing applies here. And until then you're basically a lesbiones
is the entry*
>this post
>but still remember to sage
I fucked a hooker raw too. 5 months long, she was 24 anf wanted to leave industry then I ditched her because she got nuts and she aborted my kid later of which I never expected to have with her since she said she was on the pill. Lol at you using rubber at all especially with a sub20 laycount random grill. HIV's a gay disease ffs go look it up fucker. 70% of new cases are homosex that's anal, rest are neddle sharing and mexican criminals who cut their hands to shake it to make a blood oath or some gang related shit like that.
It's magnitudes more likely you will have a car accident while getting to the girl than it is that you'll get AIDS from her.
Only had candida on my dick from sex lol.
>Premarital sex with 11 women
lol. you never had any beliefs to begin with you filthy degenerate.
I'm the most racist person on Earth and I fuck my wife on a weekly basis, try again
>pussy is most important goyim!
>to get pussy you must abandon your values
>slave away for pussy goyim
>get diamond ring of overpriced bullshit for your pussy goyim
>remember to give all your assets to pussy goyim!
MGTOW have it right
AIDS isn't even that bad these days
Im a miserable fascist scumbag, ive gotten laid plenty.
Can confirm.
im good thanks
if I was liberal. I would have made pussies dry.
>bost sburdo and sage
All i want is a cute bf, but all fags are leftists.
We need more cute far-right straight fags.
>We need more cute far-right straight fags.
>cute far-right straight fags
>straight fags
what did sweden mean by this?
> far-right straight fags
there are lots of OPs, some of them must be cute
Surely you have a source for your nonsense? Because the exact opposite is true for me.
i dont understand casual sex at all. seems completely pointless to me. detrimental even. why bother trying to convince a woman to let you fuck her when you can just spank the monkey whenever you want? cant get an STD from your hand either. unless youre trying to procreate sex is pointless.