Children love sex

Children love sex.

Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: You literally can't.

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That’s a Toronto newspaper for anyone who’s wondering.

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The slippery slope is fucking real

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The difference between a sexual orientation and a mental illness is how damaging it is to yourself and others. Gays wanting to dick each other isn't inherently causing problems, that comes from the issues society creates. Adults wanting to diddle kids is obviously a problem and is a threat to children and mentally painful for the individual if they have a conscious.


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Ironically most of the damage caused to children is caused by the stigma against child sexuality so it quite literally is the exact same thing.

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March For Our Lives works for human traffickers.
Meet Jeffrey Kasky.

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Nobodys going to read your pedo novel faggot

sex implies sexual reproduction
children cannot carry through this process, in either gender capacity
therefore no it is not

Little girls do like sex. There is nothing wrong with sex with little girls in a proper relationship. A girl belongs to her father, he can do her if he wants and it's up to him when and to whom to have her married.
>Adults wanting to diddle kids is obviously a problem and is a threat to children
No, it isn't. What's the problem with healthy sexual relationships?

well then continue being the reason children are traumatized from sex, you pedophobic bigot. but obviously you don't really care about any of that, you're just insecure about having a girlfriend who's been sucking dick since she was 4, which is to be expected from a virgin who spends his days pretending to be a nazi.

The star is fucking off the rails with their agenda

You should just be hanged by the neck until dead

so you forfeit the argument instead of either disproving the scientific data in the post you linked



or formulating your own argument*

>sex implies sexual reproduction
Should we make it illegal for married couples to have sex if it doesn't directly result in pregnancy? We'd have to arrest almost fucking everyone for the crime of daring to have fun with one another.

>sex implies sexual reproduction
No, it doesn't. Sex is also for fun, a good activity for a couple to do together.

>scientific data
>defending pedophilia
reaching real hard there faggot

Show flag and maybe you should just stop molesting kids
Your scientific data is just some pedo kike shitting an opinion

Not an argument. Also I bet I could beat you to a bloody pulp you pussy little bitch.

Keep trying to justify sexually abusing children you will only inspire more people to become natsoc. You are sick and I hope one day a “nazi” helps you get through that mental illness.

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Not an argument.

I am completely against sexually abusing children. What I am not against is having consensual sex with children. Learn the difference, bigot.

>confederate flag
>sex is for fun

someone is a degenerate who needs jesus

And how would you know that without reading it, you dumb sack of shit?

>preys sexually on young children
>talks tough
The level of retardation is maxed out

>Sex is also for fun, a good activity for a couple to do together.
youre thinking of fucking
sex, in its purely idiomatic sense, means to reproduce within a double gender species

>Children love sex.
so what even If true?that's not an argument for children love sugar.Is it good for them?Hell no.

Depends on the amount

A child doesn’t have the capacity to consent you subhuman. If I ever caught some fuck like you around any kid I’d make sure you were never seen again, and I’d get away with it to. Why don’t you fox yourself big man so we can see how far you are willing to go for your belief?

Fuck off pedo. No need to disprove. It is immoral and I cant wait for Trump to put a bullet in your brain

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>I can't argue against it
>I'll just pretend it isn't true, that means I win
Whay mkre cpjlf be expected from antis?
>all sex is rape
Fuck off with this feminist lie. Little girls like sucking dick and they like having their kitties tickled.

They are one in the same and always will be. Not even prison niggers respect your kind.

Apparently I prey on children. Dude. What. Is sex a predatory activity in your mind?

Eh, if you haven't actually harmed a child or consumed child pornography then I don't think you should be vilified.

But don't expect people to think like this. You're a degenerate so expect to be treated like one. And don't expect to find a job or friends if you're open about being a pedophile.

Show flag. You would unironically be beat to death if you touted those opinions around here.

Pedos like you are the reason schools keep getting shot up.

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Children literally do not understand sex.
You can't hand wave that to be that they should be more accepting of it. They do not have the mental facilities developed to understand what is going on.
It will never "feel good" for a child.
Literally never.

Is Big Gay responsible for this whole "Sexual Orientation" concept? Its like shitlibs think sexuality is just a blank part of the character sheet that you can write anything in and its all equally legitimate. I dont care if kids are your "orientation," we don't have to accept that as a sanctified excuse, you're a cancer on society worthy of removal

Children are impressionable, and have a great chance of mental harm if you fuck them. So you can't. It's really that simple.

What the fuck are you spewing? Gays dicking each other causes real physical harm.
>Why do fags have a high rate of colon cancer?
>Why do fags have a higher rate of anal prolapses?
>Why do fags have a higher rate of sexual diseases?
Surely societal problems.

Allowing pre-pubescent children to take life altering hormones is immoral, yet it's accepted
Fucking your way through high school is immoral, yet it's what happens to 99% of mongrel sluts over there

>A child doesn’t have the capacity to consent you subhuman.
They can indicate if they don't like something, so they definitely can consent. They can't give informed consent, that's why it has to be with an adult or in the presence of one.
>If I ever caught some fuck like you around any kid I’d make sure you were never seen again, and I’d get away with it to.
I doubt that. I think you're a pussy little bitch that likes to talk tough on the internet but would get beaten to death by anyone who isn't a limp wristed faggot.

If molesting kids is ok than why did you end up so fucked up? Checkmate

kek memefags at it again.jidf or shariablue?

>A child doesn’t have the capacity to consent
Oh, right, because cunts suddenly become able to make good decisions at an arbitrary age you choose because reasons. Except that's retarded, cunts are never able to make decisions, they aren't fully people, that's why they have a man yo make decisions for them.

Kids like eating bugs too you faggot

I think the big issue here is prolonged relationship. The object of your affection is 100% certain to stop being attractive to you over time. Yes, it could be argued that old age does the same to everyone, but while a man or woman may age, they will not stop being a man or woman. Children will stop being children. Promiscuity breeds degeneracy, and putting aside any other concerns, this "sexual orientation" will, by necessity, lead to more promiscuity then even male homosexuals.

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Bandwagon fallacy. Stooping that low, seriously? Have some dignity.

>Children can literally never feel sexual pleasure
>Children cannot understand their own pleasure

Why do you assume I was molested? All my sexual encounters were always voluntary.

>Is sex a predatory activity in your mind?
Of course it is he's a feminist, the "all sex is rape" kind.

They can also love drugs. Does that mean we should start putting meth in their stockings?

Kids will stick small objects in their ears and nose. Kids are fucking retarded. Kids will eat dirt.

>Children literally do not understand sex.
>They do not have the mental facilities developed to understand what is going on.
Omg how dumb are you.
>It will never "feel good" for a child.
Actually it does in most cases, you're just a bigot.

>s-slippery s-slope i-isn't real you fucking n-nazis

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>Children love sex.
>Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: You literally can't
I love coke and heroin, doesn't mean it's good for my health, mental or otherwise you dumb fuck. SAGE

I remember it felt very good to touch myself when I was younger and I did it as often as I could. So you're WRONG. SAD!

Holy shit go back to /sci/ and fucking cry about how you think infinity is a number. GEHT WEG

If you're around Charleston we could meet and see how much of an internet tough guy you are.
>Children literally do not understand sex
Nobody understands anything until they're taught. And, he'll, she can easy understand it feels good when daddy licks her kitty.
>It will never "feel good" for a child
Well, that's just willingly ignorant

Die. Slowly.

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Lol your daddy never loved you. You were just a toy kys

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>slippery slope is real

>have a great chance of mental harm if you fuck them
Thats complete bullshit. A healthy sexual relationship will not "cause mebtsl harm"(whstever tgat is supposed to mean).

It's true though, just accepting something isn't the same as embracing and enforcing it. Look, we accepted gay marriage, and nothing changed, it's not like we are being forced to accept gay culture or behavior.

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>great chance of mental harm if you fuck them
Most of which is caused by bigots like you traumatizing them by shaming them for being "damaged goods." If anyone is hurting children it's pedophobes like you.

Lmao, keep digging

Not an argument

1, you're not a woman
2, you werent touching your asshole
3, you didn't know what you were doing
4, you are an idiot

Not an argument nigger

>Pedophilia is a sexual orientation
That’s code for mental disorder, one punishable by death.

Pedophiles are not human nor are they to be reasoned with as humans. They are subhuman abominations.

Pedos get the oven.

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Why are you faggots even humoring this thread?

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>Calls other anons pedos
>Has literally admitted to being a person itt
You cant make this shit up.

So I was one of the crazies back then that called fags and gay rights a gateway for pedophiles.
> that's a slippery slope goy.
>it would never happen.
I really can't stand (((them))) anymore

>by shooting up my schoolmates Im delivering a message of sexual morality and personal virtue


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>ameritard in charge of reading comprehension

Try and scroll to the top and start again

What exactly is wrong with promiscuity though, like seriously?

hard mode: without using the fall of rome fallacy (it was "degenerate" from the beginning)

I think you misunderstand how it works, you can research how they make these degeneracies acceptable, I had an image lying around about how the slope works, but basically they slowly make it less and less of a taboo until it's widely accepted just like gay marrige and faggots in general

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parent-child relationship is one of few that has love without sexual affection.
most people don't find their chlldren/parents or even other adults they grew up with sex. attractive in any way, unless your mind is fucked up with jewporn and you lack self-esteem + sex. frustrated.
sexual abuse of children correlates to being unemployed alcoholic widower..think how much fucked is that.

Satanic piece of shit. I hope someone will cut your throat

>men all just drop bitches wgeb they gey old and ugly
>marriage and responsibility don't exist
You're stuck in thinking that girls being sluts must be normal.
this "sexual orientation" will, by necessity, lead to more promiscuity then even male homosexuals.
>girls being married young=more promiscuity
How, nigger? How does the opposite of promiscuity, the reversal of everything that has allowed girls to be sluts mean they will be sluts more? This is so stupid.

>gays aren't pedos!!! you bigot!!!!!
>pedos are just like gays!!!
I'm going to start shooting soon.
hello CIA

Pedo flag

Kill everything.

Nope. Fuck you for telling me what I was and wasn't doing. If I had known what it was I was doing and it wasn't shamed maybe it wouldn't be "traumatizing" (it wasn't and you assume that it would be). The fruit of the tree of knowledge is tainted and rotten because of your kind.

>when I see a tranny I wanna kill people

In that case, is the tranny still the degenerate in that situation? There was a WW2 joke among anti-nazis who recalled Goering saying;
"Whenever I hear the word culture, I grab my pistol!" - the point of the joke being that the word "culture" triggers him so hard that he becomes a uncivilized violent barbarian.

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Actually pedophiles have higher levels of compassion than the average person. You're probably just projecting you satanic inclinations, creep.

>What exactly is wrong with promiscuity though, like seriously?
Cunts are meant to be property. Someone besides her owning sexing her is basically theft.
>parent-child relationship is one of few that has love without sexual affection.
You've clearly never had a daughter.

Nothing healthy about taking advantage of young children for your twisted sense of pleasure. All paedophiles will hang with their bowels seeping from open wounds.

Hang yourself pedo scum

They should hang you with a piano wire,
I would gladly do so and so would most of mankind. Vile demon spawn

You clearly never had a family ever.

>Nothing healthy about taking advantage of young children for your twisted sense of pleasure.
Agreed, but you seem to be conflating consensual loving relationships with coercion and exploitation.

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You can just tell he has that pinched pedo face.

>awe the poor persecuted pedophile
Just know that in this world there are hundreds of millions of people who won’t hesitate to shoot a pedo in the knee caps and watch it beg for mercy before collapsing it’s throat with a dull shovel

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