YAAAAASSSSS! It's finally time for enrichment and diversity across all faiths. Allah wills me to dress up in a cute dress, my brothers.

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i'd fuck her

Girl she is gonna get murdered... :/ why even be out as trans in countries like that? Just live as a woman and stfu about it

I will dress up cute for Western cock.

Absolutely haram, kosher faggots are behind this no doubt.


Coming soon to Germany to terrorize my penis.

Danke, Merkel.

Better looking than the average Paki woman desu.

Surprised that Pakistan is more progressive and free than your gunhole Drumphistan?

Estonia is best waifu.

I give her 48 hours before some ISIS fighter beheads her.

I think someone far more insidious was behind this

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It's like watching the 60's revolution all over again.

Top lel


Mind you this is Thailand you are speaking to.

hijras has a long history of hijras
a lot of them are employed as tax collectors

pakistan has*

Many “hijras” – a term given to transgender people, intersex people and eunuchs – have been attacked, murdered, and raped in the country, as well as other South Asian nations such as India and Bangladesh. Many are forced to work as sex workers, dancers, or beggars.

However, campaigners say there are signs of progress in the conservative South Asian nation, where homosexuality is a crime.

Ms Malik, 21, said she had received an “overwhelming” positive response after footage of her first appearance on the local TV channel went viral

The "conservative" country. Lol western terminology is being applied to your politics. Have fun, the deconstructionists are coming.

>in the conservative South Asian
> South Asian
That would be Malaysia and Indonesia, not Pakistan or India.

Transgenders in Pakistan are surprisingly common, though most are homeless and beg on the street. Give it a Google if you're interested.

well, we're all fucked i guess
It really warms my heart to see all the support s(he) is receiving. As Ted Kaczynski said, social change is proportional to technological change. The world is moving faster and faster and Islam can't keep up.

Give us another generation or two, let these old fucks die out. Islam will be eradicated from Pakistan. And then maybe we can sit down and buy some fresh ass tomatoes from the Indians again.

This is good news for us.

Unironically this. Islam is holding you back.

This only cheap politicians are stopping us to merge again. Imagine how powerful we would become if had a good relationship. The only way we can peacefully merge is by abolishing religion. I honestly want to be your friend paki bro

you will tell me within 2-3 decades my mohammedan friend

Yeah if muslims can get cucked it's hard not to be blackpilled

Imagine the social changes that occured between 1960s America and today. Now extrapolate that into the future for the rest of the world and take into account our accelerating technological progress. The changes will be immense. Islam will be totally liberalised and/or destroyed.

At first I thought this was another thread about Nasim Aghdam

what do you think of Benazir Bhutto? what is the popular public opinion of her today?

>Islam will be totally liberalised and/or destroyed.
In Pakistan or the whole world? You do realize there are like 1.5 billion muslims, most of which are poor countries (so they're uneducated and dumb), it is literally too big to fail now

A little known fact is that Iran and Pakistan are very open to transgenderism as the Muslim theocracies go. It has something to do with ban on homosex. If you are a transwoman, you are a woman from a PC point of view, and therefore weird and icky, but not off-the-rooftop-you-go-sinful-abomination. I even read somewhere that Iran is #1 in the world in transitions, way above thailand or brazil or wherever. I assume most of them keep the dick, and just mask their homolust under transveneer.

Pakis and Pajeets have a third gender for trannies since prehistory. Fucking subhuman South Asian shitskins.

I'm very confident that Islam in 30/40 years will be nowhere near as virulent. Capitalism should do most of the work for us by incentivising social change

Iran and Western Pakistan (the Pashtuns) are basically the same people. They should be united.

More like another couple hundreds of years unfortunately, judging from the example of christianity

Modern communications are almost instant these days. No way should it take that long. I have not seen any examples of Muslim countries that have modernised themselves economically that are not modernising socially, however slowly that may be.

Muslims are odd with trannyism. In theory they'd be the most against it but Iran has the highest rates of transition surgery next to Brazil and Thailand. The religious rationale seems to be:

"If you think you a woman and you need to change, it's halal"
"If you wanna fuck dudes and you're a dude so you change into a woman, it's haram"

At the same time this doesn't mean tolerance by and large, It would be the height of amusing if in the cycles of changes Muslims become liberal and cosmopolitan and we in the West double down on our reactionaryism.

I don't know if it'll be done in 30/40 years but then again the categorical failures of Secular Arab nationalism in the 50s-70s heralded the rise of Jihadism, and Jihadism hs done nothing but fucking fail fail fail.

I'm rooting for you guys. You have no idea. Liberalization and secularization of Islam are one of the major steps toward post-scarcity and eventual singularity. That and getting rid of (((them))).

Agreed. Islam is a cancer on our societies. Liberalisation is inevitable.

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I'm optimistic that significant changes will come through.

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Both trannies.

she'll be dead in a year screen cap this

Pakistan is a backwards shit hole of incest and Islam they'll either burn her alive or throw her from a rooftop If William Hill would take the bet I'd be in there now

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Yeah they keep saying that but I don't really see it. The Arab spring went nowhere, Saudi Arabia is still basically a medieval feudalist monarchy and Iran/Pakistan actually went backwards with their social progress.

No it's parents not wanting to murder their children

I'm betting the family didn't disown her because she is tranny they probably did it because she acted like a whore walking half naked on a catwalk in front of others.

Why not just become a part of India again ? I mean the whole "two-nation theory" was invented by ghandi, so might as well

Would you?

Why sandniggers make the best traps?

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Me too, me too

cute. CUTE!

That would be a good idea, but further down the line. Right now, many people in Pakistan don't 'hate' India but they prefer independence. This is mostly due to lack of understanding between Indians and Pakis. Also, thanks to a really intense regime of propoganda over the past 50 years most Pakis have been convinced into viewing the Indian government with suspicion and disdain. Unifying the two countries now would only lead to communal violence and more instability in the nation. Plus, Pak's economic condition is absolutely fucked right now and we're heavily reliant on China. Depending on how things go between China and India, unification might become impossible, at least not until Pak can support itself economically.

because they are barely human. Can you see the difference on a female and a male dog without checking the genitalia?

Blonde pig