What is the best speech ever given and why is it Emma Gonzale's?
What is the best speech ever given and why is it Emma Gonzale's?
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Who is the biggest dick sucking faggot and why is it OP?
Ay, dies moo. La creatura
Stop saying that.
Why are you glorifying a bully who has more than a fair share of culpability in creating a mass murderer?
fuck off you underage little cunt
gtfo with your spam shit
Why is OP a faggot and why does he hate himself for it?
Fart fetishist are on the same level as feet and diaper niggers.
You won't be spared in the big gassening.
Ever heard of William Jennings Bryan?
It was mediocre. But she's young still. Maybe when she gets older and has had more practice.
Why are theese goblinos spammed on here 24/7 ? Its some weird jew psyops to make them famous
Marketing campaign, to prolong her rapidly fading fame.
>You won't be spared in the big gassening.
isnt that what they actually want?
freindly reminder that the "march for our lives" was planned before the school got ´Columbined
I don't know why people are giving her a free pass. Again... she helped to create a mass murderer, and she couldn't have done more if she had put the gun into his hands.
.. a socially awkward child is thrown into a school
... the so-called "popular" kids decide that he's a freak.
... he doesn't know why, they don't tell him. All he knows is that he is ostracized.
... no matter what he does or how he tries, nothing is going to change this.
... meanwhile, the "popular" kids are openly laughing at him and teasing him, and having a good time making fun of him.
... he's put on drugs to try to help him, but these drugs only make matters worse and twist his mind into violent urges.
... and the "popular" kids react by making fun of him again.
... finally he snaps, acts out, and murders a bunch of people.
... and these "popular" kids now ride the bodies of dead children to become political activists.
... and they continue to skate through life as though they are not responsible for creating this monster.
I agree with these activists that "enough is enough" but not the way they think. I think it's time that we call out those who turn schools into darwinistic hunger games, ruining the lives of strangers who don't measure up to their petty version of what is popular and what is not.
Yeah let’s scream and yell at the government for not controlling our rights. Real smart assholes. How about you get a real fucking job and shove your politics up your ass.
Requesting goblina drawing please
What if I'm both pro-gun control and pro-government funded school schootings?
ba dumm tsss