This JAV has been floating around recently with maybe one real screenshot. It's based on the popular VN tsukihime as well as the fighting game Under Night in Birth EXE: Late[st] or UNIST for short.
If anyone could find the jav code or any information, you'd be a hero to many. Thanks!
Isn't this just a joke from the norcal unist community. I'm pretty sure I've seen stuff on twitter than suggests that.
Aiden Watson
im not gonna say youre retarded if you dont realize this is a joke but you are gullible then again maybe something interesting will happen if you place top 8 at ncd
Leo Jackson
Even if it's fake, where's the image set the cosplayer was taken from
Carson Richardson
I can't find the original, but I'm pretty sure its just Tensei crossdressing.
Brody King
Camden Morgan
Oh shit this has spread to here. Bumping for interest ofc
Gavin Johnson
The video is just the rest of NorCal UNIST running a train on him in Eltnum Cosplay yes.
David Gutierrez
I am interested What's your price
Chase Allen
Christian Martinez
Brayden Gonzalez
bump bump bump, i heard it's tensei too but we need that full image