This board is >Pro-hitler >pro-nationale socialischtich deutche arbeit partei >Pro European >Pro white >Anti capitalist (American money worshipping) >Anti neo-nazi (nigger-tier whites who like what the Jews say Nazism is) >Not white supremacist
And >Hitler did do a few things wrong, but konzetrationslager is not one of them >He is not the cause of WW2. He should have let his generals fight the war. >The Holocaust was fabricated by the soviets. The Soviets' genocidal endeavors put the Holocaust to shame.
>Jews maintain they did and can do no wrong >The writers of history that inconvenient truths such as the "stab in the back" is a right wing lie. Hitler isn't even the first person to say this. Most Germans (who were alive during and after WW1 and know what they saw) knew this to be true. The entire German population didn't just fabricate a lie out of thin air. >Israel >Wannabe Nazi >Really just a country on welfare Keep bumping with your dead horse memes
Natsoc is a biiiiiiiiit of a Meme. White Nationalists look upon the German nazi State for a lot of its principles that of which SHOULD be carried over to a white nation but at the same time it’s LARP-y as fuck
Grayson Perez
My my my Jow Forums really has been flooded with le secret fringe club shitskins.
Are you kidding? Did you miss all the newfags complaining how "the honor of the board has been sullied" because of the april fools After the 2016 election this place is now overrun with newfags from Stromfront and other brainlet sites the religious extremism is further proof of their newfaggotry
The biggest golf tournament of the year is this weekend. The Masters in Augusta Georgia. Augusta National Golf Club use to have the strictest guide lines for members. No niggers, no women etc. Now they are having a women's tournament the week before the men's because of feminism. BULLSHIT. Thumbs down.
Jews hate beauty and strength, their main tactic is humor and mockery which they always rely on. They are like hyenas, ruled by their women, only strong in great numbers, laughing and cackling while the rest of the animals watch in amazement.
>let me quote a Jew book saying Jews are bad Why would you supposedly write holy scripture telling how fucking evil you are and having the blood of forever upon your "people"?
Why did you kill nearly all of Jesus's disciples and spent the last 2000 years trying to destroy Christianity?
Why do you constantly push anti Christian propaganda out of Hollywood?
Why do you jews constanly mock your supposed savior, Jesus?
>Only the jew should be saying that. You lying fucking kraut How many did the G*rmans kill for their precious lebensraum The Russians were too merciful
Noah Morales
good, then you know it says that everyone who doesn't believe in jesus is going straight to hell, and that rabbincal judaism is the synagogue of satan
I'm not "saying" anything, just providing certain pieces of historical record for people to enjoy, think of me as a curator. I will take a look thank you. But my friend, don't trust the Google ! Some of the things i research, they don't exist on Google.
>kekistani flag >calls me a jew because I disagree with him It sucks that you're such a fucking retard but hey, you live with what you're given I guess.
"Hell" is used in the Bible to desctibe the outskirts of Jerusalem, where in ancient times they used to burn trash. But a brainwashed cuck who is only familiar with anecdotal, broken phone pop culture of the Bible wouldn't know it in the world.
Go ahead, post some facebook quote or something. Lil brainlet.
Oh fuck off. The board is whatever people post on it. That's the entire point.
Adam Stewart
Christianity is a modern fashion, a shallow puddle next to an old ocean of knowledge. The pagans were smarter than is commonly realised, and they came in all colours.
why was the new testament called new? Testament? When the old testament was written by Jews? Don't you see how stupid you make yourself sound? You invented nothing. You just stole our meme and retouched in photoshop. pathetic, desu
youre an arrogant piece of shit like most other jews.
enjoy burning in hell forever you sack of shit
Luke Martin
You're lucky whites are naturally compassionate or youd be dead already you filthy kike.
Jackson Walker
>stole our meme Modern Jews =/= Ancient Israelites. Your people stole the Israelites racial identity and used it for your own purposes. Most "Jews" today can trace their lineage back to Southern Europe in Khazaria. Pic related.
You are not Israelites. You are kikes and God hates you. :)
Hitler was bought up to speed on many subtlt things by Mr Himmlers esoteric division. Hitlers view of religion and spirituality changed according to this, it was not static throughout his career, and by the end, the pious lessons he learned in childhood had been much challenged.
though one ideology ≠ the other; both can live in symbiosis. The difference in 2018 is due purely to Marxist indoctrination moving the the concept(s) of Christianity as codified by Constantinople from what it was to what it is today; Judeo-Christianity >Judeo-Christianity makes about as much common sense as Diet-Chicken Fat or Low Calorie Lard or Though subversion of Christianity spans millennia, the most recent was the presentation of interpretation beginning with 'The Scofield Bible' and 'The Balfour Declaration', both of which are intentionally bastardized to favor a single group "b-b-b-but user tho. What does this have to do with NatSoc tho?" >Well, glad you asked >Both are dogmas and are compatible as NatSoc is not a religious ideology, but a cultural/ethnic ideology based upon a symbiosis of elevating every individual to his/her level best >No Nationalist ideology = Globalist ideology. Those that do not understand this basic principle suffer from that indoctrination necessary for a hive mind mentality which prevents critical thought
Jacob Brown
Anyone else think Hitler could have lived until about 90 years old?
Colton Rodriguez
>Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Catholic Church will always be allied with Hitler in spirit. We helped usher many escaping Nazis out of Europe and to S. America. We will always pray for their precious souls. God rest the German Wehrmacht, last Crusaders for Europa. They will be remembered.
people on here are larpers, they wouldnt survive under real nazism. everyone on here loves their gay anime, junk food, hypersexual lifestyle. plus them being awkward, usually fat and autistic losers is frowned upon in nazism; a faggot on here wouldn't last in a labour camp either. only the normies they curse upon would be far more successful in nazism, since they're better at adapting to shit set for the masses to follow
people on here dont know what they're signing up for. nazism is just another extreme like communism, it will just fail catastrophically in the end. democracy is its self a perfect system because it caters to the fact that we're all imperfect unlike other systems, but its main flaw is how it can be hijacked and what we need to do is discriminate against what's right, which we've all lost. people that shill for hitler here are the same people you see in tech/soyboy workforces(usually autistic also) shilling for communism, both different sides of the same coin.
Nicholas Gonzalez
>nationale socialischtich deutche arbeit partei Actually learn the spelling or just do it in English, mutt.
Isaiah Lee
>nationale socialischtich deutche arbeit partei god damn why do you even try spelling it
Wow! It all makes sense now! Thank Jew! You really are my greatest friend and ally!
Dominic Lewis
>Haha you insulted me after I insulted you and provided no argument haha we are the same!! Cringe
John Murphy
Then maybe Israel should allow some migrants?
Jeremiah Flores
Once one looks deeper into historical abyss, Christ does not become irrelevant. He does have a connection to the larger picture so to an esoterically minded man he is not a figure of ridicule, just minor bastard son of a dead priest who held the legacy of a certain group. Christs "relevance" is vague and comes in very late in the tale when chaos reigned and knowledge was being lost and corrupted, the bible is a very NEW book and there are many things we have now, that even Mr Himmler could not collect and translate. Also, there is no such thing as Jews which muddies the waters somewhat when an aware person manipulates a political movement.