Where do you find like-minded Jow Forums-acks in real life?

Where do you find like-minded Jow Forums-acks in real life?

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Shooting range, or at a Trump rally

Anime convention



Californian Trad cells.

this is real life :)

>Trad cells.
check it

Lmao this

Work. Turns out a good number of people were Jow Forumsacks all along. Not meme faggots either.

Don't meet anyone from here!! I've been burned so many times. Every time I meet someone who seems redpilled they always turn out to be some kind of faggot and try to suck my dick. This has already happened to me half dozen times, be very careful on here.

What is this thing you call "real life"?

I found a cute, smart blonde rightwing girl at college
Gonna get her started on the Hitchens, work up to Bowden
They're out there

Look at this nigger, he doesn't even like getting his dick sucked.

You don't. A place this magical can't exist outside the internet. Closest thing you can get IRL is reading the walls of bathroom stalls in dive bars and porn shops.

Listen for anyone who uses the word "degenerate" in everyday conversation, it's a dead giveaway

Skilled trade jobs


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Haha it's not gay if you're the one getting sucked shoulda just made the most of it buddy

local mosque

>tfw they say "my turn"

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>implying Jow Forumstards leave their room and are sociable


A fucking leaf and the eternal anglo
Nothing to see here

oh fugg:DD take it like a man

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Pretty much this

ITT shook LEOs and alphabets realize that these people are everywhere.

Soccer moms running them over when?

My whole country is Jow Forums-tier racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic.

I started my friends on the redpill years ago, more most of them are worse than me by now.

You just gotta know de way of the intj.

Hahaha Holy shit Jow Forums is a faggot chamber

You don’t really. There is a reason this place gets the traffic it does. No where is else is safe to express unapproved ideas. Welcome to the current year
This I knew guys who would sing “alabama nigger” as they worked. My trade is 98% male. And in my area 98% white too

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which city swissbro?

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You don't.
Which is why we're here for life.

my little pony conventions

Well seeing as you are (OP), the local gay bar?

I just found out today that my sister and the family friends i live with right now are all very redpilled and have been hiding there power levels just like me

Just like any other shithole country.

Gas station bathroom.

>alabama nigger
Johnny rebel's best song.

speak for yourself


The army

>Where do you find like-minded Jow Forums-acks in real life?

in prisons for hate crimes

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Some leftist shithole near Winterthur. :^)

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Go away, black, muslim, transgender woman.

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sounds like zürich, i live in k5


When I argue with my dad and he gets frustrated at me he says ''C'mon we are not some kind of niggers or gypsies, we are white pople, we should behave like that''

Thats from age 1 till now( 24),same with my mom.

All of my friends hate gypsies and a really smal portion of them like 1/100 have no opinion on them. Nobody likes gypsies and probably 1/500 likes niggnogz

most of you are a joke, less of you are hilarious, 1% actually are worth listening to

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Digits confirm

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You don't. You never reveal your power level moron. Fucking newfags just can't adapt.


> Kreis 5
How can one endure this madness?

don't be retard, keep it to yourself. every pol meetup i've see on youtube was a neckbeard cringefest

Exactly. Creaked open the door with six co-workers over the past six months or so. Two were facebook-left normies; four are Trumptards like me, though not necessarily poltards. Point is, don't be afraid to test the waters; just don't fuck up.

grew up here, can't live anywhere else although i was thinking about moving to the country side lately. my neighbourhood is 99% white, too expensive for niggers and yugos. lefties suck but some redpilled guys, not too bad actually.


>projecting this hard
T. Phoneposter at work

Facebook, oddly enough. Went to CVille with a few I met on FB, good times.

Come Home Anime Race

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Stay strong, you may be relaticely save for now at least. Innerschweiz is getting stormed by Chinese and dont even get me started on the Romandie. There is no escape from the wogs. Well, at least Jow Forums thinks Switzerland is based.

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Why would I want to? Most anons here are dumb as fuck nigger-tier trash who can't even argue correctly.

Jow Forums irl is a blackpill masquerading as a redpill. Most of the people here are the degenerates they claim to be against. It's a clear case of the lady[boy] doth protest too much.

i de PNOS du Schwuchtle

not too worried honestly. i have a 100% redpilled job and professionally only deal with redpilled people. sometimes i'm surprised how many there are and it feels as if there are more every day.

Chic Fil A

Pimmel Nager Ost-Schweiz?

Partei National Orientierter Schweizer, falls mi bi 'r rasse wosch nänne

Because people who want to go on discord or meet up in real life are attention whoring tripfags who will do literally anything for attention, and being gay is the best way to get attention in their minds since its all they see on (((social media))).

Det gits meh Verfassigsschuetzer als Aktiviste min Sohn.

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scho guet, brotato. d' pnoser sind aber ziemlichi penner und degenerierti möchtegärn skinheads. schad git's nöd ä seriöseri organisation.

und dä rescht sind logistiker wo'd lap nöd gschafft händ....

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Convert right leaning normies

the only people going out of their way to meet other people in real life, are generally people trying to get laid. so this shouldn't surprise you. everyone not thinking with their dicks knows its a better idea not to meet alone with a random stranger from the internet.

[spoiler]Anyone here go to those Stormer book clubs? What are they like?[/spoiler]

why arent you joining and skinhead group
nazi germany started with small groups of youth going against a oppressive government

Middle school playground.

i'm too old to hang out with 20something failures like skinheads my friend. skinheads are fucking degenerates.

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>too old
>but is LARPing on the internet as le noble arian

>grandfather wehrmacht officer
>has ariernachweis

Ja komm is jut :^)

hiding in plain sight like me

Lots of people pretty redpilled in my area, mind you there are plenty who aren't of course because LEAF. Meeting good people is just kind a normal part of life in my provinces at least. It's much worse in places like say ontario or b.c.

In the end I pretty much redpill everyone I get to know so it doesn't matter about finding them, it's my duty to help as many people as I meet think in a rational manner that's realistic to the problems of today.

The real question for me is always" what are you doing to redpill people in real life". Because you don't just meet redpilled, you make them.

nöd jedä isch en larper und än keyboard-commando min fründ, deal with it.

Older Online Vidya that had a strong community/fanbase.

You don't

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du jedefalls scho :^)

ja genau

Local oven salesman

You're right dude, I once decided to join a gnatzie discord for the top keks but I realized they were trying to get me to become a furry and when I brought up how fags aren't really good friends because all they really wanna do is suck cock they got really discouraged. It was a life lesson for me, Nazi's are gay furries who aren't at all interested in the reich but more interested in fucking piles of fur guilded in swastikas.

at youtube campus shootings

I found that during the student association elections in my university the winning "party" was mostly right-wingers who hated leftists, was quite a shock.

Other than that I converted a close friend of mine from communism to national socialism over a few years.

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>going to Jow Forums meetups
Jow Forumsing the legendary cum brownies image
one of you guys has it

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Work for a company that supports Federal customers.