would I get arrested in London for hate speech if I mentioned "packie" but meant a liquor store? in my state (Massachusetts) it's common to call liquor stores a "packie" (short for "package store") but I know Paki is a slur over there and I don't wanna get arrested because the State Department won't help me get out of jail
>Teenage girl shot dead in Tottenham, north London how? aren't guns banned in the UK?
Am I degenerate for getting off on fucking birds who have boyfriends or who are married?
When I was 18, I fucked a girl who had a bf at a party, and the way it went down changed my life I was a bit pissed and like I said I was 18 so I was full of confidence and spunk, anyway, some bird was flirting with me all night and her friends fancied me too, but her boyfriend was literally sat next to as she did it. He knew what she was doing. I knew what she was doing. Her friends knew what she was doing. My friends knew what she was doing So anyway the night goes on and its pretty packed by now, i'm absolutely hammered. Next thing she's sat on my lap and her boyfriend is literally sat opposite me looking at me but he doesn't/can't do shit (I'm not even that Jow Forums, just tall) but at the time I thought it was fucking hilarious and I was just making it obvious because fuck it.. feeling her up etc. My mates who I was at the party with pretty much cracking up by this point as well
So I go upstairs for a piss and she follows, had to walk past her bf on the way and he just looked fucking distraught but I didn't give a fuck in all honesty, lmao She follows me up stairs, we ended up fucking came back down like 30 minutes later and start speaking to my mates bantering, etc, some time passes and I look over and she's literally sat holding his hand kissing him as if I didn't just slap my dick on her forehead about an hour earlier
Ever since then I've hated all women in a profound way but simultaneously love fucking women who are married or have boyfriends. Its happened a few times after that as well but in less of an obvious way and not so blatant if you know what I mean. Like I've fucked birds who I knew had boyfriends and I just pretended I didn't know, even occasionally them "I've got a boyfriend" and me being like "So what? lol" and then during the course of me talking to her its just fucking hot watching her 'flip' and decide shes gonna let me fuck her
Is this degenerate?
Camden Wilson
>/brit/pol >arrested for hate speech oi mates do you have a loicence for dat hate speech? no? you're all arrested
no... everyone in Britain calls the local paki shop the pakis.
Eli Hall
Also another thing. When I was like 16 I managed to sneak into a student party and fucked a 25 year old who had a boyfriend as well.. but I didnt know that until way after
I think maybe being so young it had an effect on my brain desu like rewired my shit or something
Not when their posts are tainted with passive aggressiveness they aren't.
Camden Anderson
Every time I go north of London I punch a Northern cunt. They're all disgusting pink-faced bastards up there, even the Cambridge lot.
Lucas Fisher
paki is a derogaroty term in uk for pakistan or any asian( u.k asian not the korean/china type)
as for guns? mostly converted guns or very old sawn off shotgun type (century old), still I agree with banning guns so imo this has nothing to do with gun control
It's true. It was hard to admit at first, being a Northener and all, but Southerners are unequivocally superior by every metric: they're smarter, taller, richer, better-looking, healthier, more cultured, easier to comprehend and so on. We Northeners can't compete.
Adrian Diaz
>Paki is a deragotary term
So Brit is too them lol
Adam Flores
I am taking requests for primary school ethnicity statistics, just name the area.
the left could be a cockney and the right could be from Cheshire
but mostly probably true lol
the northerners call the southerners poncy and metrosexual
Julian Kelly
some guns ( i even had one but sold it) could be converted into firing real bullets. Even bullets are homemade( shells+ gunpowder). Thing is where I live, the only people who are killed by guns are those involved in underworld/gangsters so people don't usually give that much of a shit. If you're walking down the street there is little chance somebody would gun you down (unless it was mistaken identity)
Bentley Anderson
Alot of the guns criminals have here are pistols smuggled over from ex Yugoslavia and Albania after the civil wars their
Levi Morgan
As an intelligent Northener, I am smart enough to comprehend my inferioity but too stupid to contribute to this country. Why are we Northeners so stupid lads?
John Miller
>Le 35,7% face
Asher Morales
I shagged your bird last night. She was begging for my BSC (big Southern cock) in her thick Lancashire accent. Hope you don't mind raising my 1/4 pig muttlet, Phil.
Aiden Phillips
A part of me wishes it didn't happen because like I said if there was ever one moment in my life that i can look back to and say "what made me just dislike women?" its that one
I dont have mummy issues or anything like that... that taking place made me despise every women on the planet desu. well, not so much all of them, but over time i realised they were ALL like this, or capable of being like this.
Really fucked my shit up because its not healthy
Brody Diaz
Both are English. That's all I know.
Nathaniel Hernandez
yeah dont ask me, just tellin it lol. Apparently in the 70s it was normal, but now it is considered racist. I know them, they use it like black people use nigga, pakis will call each other pakis.
The music in this one is actually ok. I laughed when the guys face appeared, but he's singing well.
Christian Thompson
>tfw you will never have Steph talk dirty to you as she sits on your face jacking you off with a MacGyver'd fleshlight made out of the previous night's leftover kebab meat
Also another thing it made me insecure in a way I suppose because now I know that this shit happens, and that really its only a matter of someone being 'better' than you and in the right situation at the right time. So it makes me not want to have a long term partner because even though I was doing the 'cucking' (i didnt know what it was then) and still occasionally do now, I know that at its core its only a matter of logistics and that ANY women will do this by her very nature. So in theory it could potentially happen to me just the same... and that my friends is a difficult pill to swallow
And there will always be someone who is 'better' than you, no matter how good looking, funny, tall, confident, rich, etc, you are
It's actually an acronym for Punjab, Afgan, Kashmir, Iran
Ryan Edwards
rape should be legal
Angel Gutierrez
I really want to try this out. I wonder how 3 drunk Northern birds would respond to a sausage roll being thrown on the ground in front of them.
Aiden Perry
Like pottery.
Daniel Gray
are you defending having guns, while being in the u.k ? do you feel you need a gun user?
Andrew Miller
northern irish, moved to england recently
Xavier Bennett
Scotts are Northeners. Scottish women must submit to the BSC (Big Southern Cock) for the betterment of this nation. As a Northern cuckold, I know my place very well.
Christian Bailey
t. Ugly virgin
Caleb Howard
anyone brown actually
Carson Hughes
Juan Rodriguez
t beta cuckold
Jacob Jackson
They don't need to be drunk, mate. Sober Northen girls are known to kill each other over pasties.
Matthew Williams
Aren't most of the northern Irish English/Scottish settlers?
South England > Northern Ireland > Wales > Scotland > South England, so you'll be fine. Call them half-pigs and they'll bend over in response to your accent. It's in their Saxonoid blood.
Jonathan Foster
* Scotland > North England
Eli Brown
got one for the UK as a whole?
Gabriel Brooks
and converted blanks (before 2007??), they were easy to convert I sold a few, 500% markup
Carter Gonzalez
the present's female and it's fucking shite enough already thanks
Tyler Carter
Just fucking ignore every pie chart I've posted. I've been doing it fucking wrong. Fuck. White includes white british and other whites, it skews it.
I'll do a big dump of correct pie charts tomorrow.
Nathan Sullivan
>South England > Northern Ireland > Wales > Scotland > South England You fucked up.